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  1. Just give it your best shot Jeanette, thats all you can do. We are all rooting for you, sorry I can't give you any advice on this, I'm totally green on anything to do with the legal system I'm afraid, hopefully someone can offer some advice though. Good luck girl, go get em!!!
  2. Hi I am just about to send my first letter to Yorkshire Bank on Monday with a spreadsheet detailing the claim. I could really do with a buddy as it seems that they are pretty tough cookies to crack, I shall be claiming a sum of £2200 or there abouts, mainly due to unathorised overdraft fees. I just need someone to hold my hand I think through the process. Anyone willing to help??
  3. Hi I posted a thread earlier, but as I can't find it, I thought I would do it again. I am just about to claim £2200 approximately in bank charges from Yorkshire Bank, most of this relates to unauthorised overdraft charges. Is this still OK to claim, also does anyone have experience of claiming from YB, any input would be really appreciated.
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