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  1. Thanks for the advice Goldlady...I already have an account with HSBC which I reclaimed on, and they've been sweet as ever since then...I'm going to call up Lloyds tonight and change all my DD's out of that account...the only concern is that my Lloyds Loan is paid out of there, so I'll have to check to make sure they allow me to do that. Of course, they'll definitely let the repayment go through even though I'm £100 over my OD limit, because it's their money! What I'd really like to know, is whether or not it's actually illegal to charge me fees for going over the limit, when it's their fees that put me over the limit in the first place....I'm sure I remember reading that a while ago. I'll do the SAR this week too and see what comes of it all....thanks again.
  2. Morning everyone and a Happy Good Friday to you all. I have a question or two about my Overdraft with the evil blighters at Lloyds TSB, that perhaps someone could clear up for me. I have gone through the preliminary letter writing and requesting statements etc, and received a letter a few months ago stating they were waiting for the court case etc...so obviously not able to proceed on that front immediately. First problem is that I've moved house since and lost my records of the request. Am I able to start from scratch again and put in a new request for my statements and outline of the charges etc? They have started whacking me with the big ol' daily fees for exceeding my overdraft limit again after a mistake on my part, so I would like to add these onto my original claim. Which brings me to my second question. Is it legal for them to charge me for exceeding my overdraft, when their charges have put me over my limit in the first place? If anyone can shed any light on these, I'd really appreciate it! Cheers all.
  3. That number is Eurodebt. They sort out Debt Management plans.
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