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  1. I bank with Lloyds TSB and looking at claiming back my bank charges. Only thing is i have a small loan and a credit card with them and i'm worried that they'll close my account and i'll have to pay back the loan and the credit card which i can't afford So will i? Oh and has anyone had success with Lloyds? Is it fairly easy or will i have a fighton my hands?
  2. Sorry..wasn't intential at all, i consider myself duly told off
  3. introduce myself that is. Hiya guys, been lurking on here for a couple of months and after today feeling very at the £35 they took from me i feel i need to get back what they have taken. I bank with Lloyds TSB and looking at changing
  4. Oh sorry...not used to this, just thought i'd get a general view rather than a 'lloyds tsb' view
  5. I'm just about to start a case against Lloyds TSB to get my bank charges back but want to move my current account. Do you think i should do this before i start 'proceedings' or wait And which one if there is one would you all recommend?
  6. Of course you may spiritgirl, i've never done anything like this before so at the moment it looks all a bit daunting:eek: Thanks for your support.
  7. Thanks for that George....now they probably wouldn't give two hoots anyhow but as and when i send my prelim letter do you think i should add that i am a single parent and that these kind of charges are just plain ridculous....do you think that'd help?
  8. Hello there, i've been lurking rather a lot on here, I'm wanting to put in a claim for my bank charges after i went to the cashpoint today and they'd taken out £35 of my money for ONE returned DD that was paid the next day. Anyway in very simple terms (cos i'm a simple girl;) ) Give me a quick run down of the bits i need to do and all the abbreviations you use too. I've got my drafted letter to ask for copies of my bank statements but thats as far as i've got right now. Any advice would be gratefully received. Oh and has anyone successfully reclaimed their money from these theives??!!!
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