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Everything posted by human.error

  1. Hi, I've just been searching google for information upon all of this, I too dizzwizz fell for all of the above and got charged some ludicrous sums in penalty charges. Can someone detail how I should proceed in getting these sums of money back? I differ slightly in that I had my bank account raided and the SLC left me in some debt which I had to use a 'managed loan' arranged quite swiftly by my bank and had to pay back over the course of some years. I would like to know how to get the information so that I maybe able to see for myself where all the problems began. Would anyone care to provide a few pointers? Thanks.
  2. Hi, I have read the FAQ's and searched the forums but don't know where to start on this. I am interested in challenging the charges made to me by the Student Loans Company but am having some problems trying to define whether they are a company I can challenge in this way as there doesn't seem to be anyone else persuing a claim against them. Whether this means I; a) Cannot or b) Nobody has thought of it. I don't know. Does anyone know whether they are a bank, building society or loans company? as their name sugests. Does the fact that they seem to be inpart a company owned by the Secretary of State have any bearing on whether I can challenge their charges or not? I would be interested in anyone elses opinion with the above. As I am in reciept of benefits and in debt to them as a direct result of their inability to update their systems and levy charges correctly to the tune of £700 (£500 already paid) this is in addition to my two loans totalling £3500.00. I would appreciate anyones opinion on this. Thank you.
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