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  1. Thankyou so far.. Cant really sell the flat, we would stand to loose £30000, with all the credit crunch and stuff, prices have fallen massively, I dont think she wants to sell, and Id rather we didnt, as I dont want the loss clearly. She has kind of agreed to take on the mortgage, but I want my name of the mortgage, lease, everything. She has made it quite clear she doesnt want to leave the flat, and as long as i get my share of the deposit, she can have it, since i moved out 3ish months ago, she has redecorated, so its clear she is staying. I really dont want to end up in court, so I guess I'll have to speak to her, and hopefully get the mortgage company to give her the mortgage. I really cant believe its come to this, 10 months ago, we were buying our dream home, planning our wedding and talking about starting a family...I just want it over. Jimmy
  2. Afternoon people, its been a while since I last used these forums, but I now need your help....Its concerning where I stand with my flat and my ex!! In december last year, myself and my then fiancee brought a lovely little two bedroom new build flat, we brought it though the goverments FTBI scheme( we raise a mortgage for half the of the price, the goverment lend us the money for the other half). All was good until she decided to tell me she was having doubts, it actually turns out, she had fallen in love with a married man!! Anyway I decided to leave the relationship and the flat...my ex decided that even though it was her fault, that I should still pay half towards the mortgage, even though I no longer and have no intention of ever living in that flat again, I did for a while and slowly she have agreed to reduce my share. But the fact is I just want out, I dont want the flat, as far as I am concerned, the flat is her little love nest, and I dont want to have to concern myself with it anymore. All I want from her is my half of the £3000 deposit we put down ie £1500, I could ask for more, considering Iv paid for flooring, paint, the mortgage, but Im not that bothered, I know she has a decent amount of savings, so this wont leave her broke or anything, and Im then happy to sign the flat over to her... What I really want to know, is how do i go about sorting this out, can I be removed from the mortgage, do I need to go though a solictor or can we do this ourselves, am i in the right to ask this?? I just want to move on with my life and put this whole sorry saga behind me.. If you need anymore details etc just ask, but i will say now, all help and advice will be most gratefully recieved. thanks Jimmy
  3. Try Leeds BS. I have a awful credit record, but my girlfriends is pretty dam perfect!! we got a mortgage from them for 110,000 at 7.54 i think, fixed for 3 yrs
  4. But we left the property in perfect condition, livermores acting on behalf the the landlord said so! They signed saying they were happy and we would recieve our deposit back, if the landlord then wants to make his own inspection, maybe he should do the final inspection himself! He has allowed to do the work ourselves, even thou we dont believe it needs to be done, but for the sake of a quick end to the matter, we will do it, if he isnt happy after that, court action will be taken, as i believe he has no right to get a company to work on his behalf, allow them to sign off the property only for him to decide he isnt happy! No where in the agreement we signed does it say there will be 2 final inspections!
  5. We did sign a inventory when we entered, i have just been to see livermores, they have agreed to cancel the workmen they were sending in, and will allow to go and sort out the problem ourselves, as long as the landlord agree's, but iv told them if he doesnt, i will do pay for any work, as i have offered to do this myself! I have also now got a copy of the exit inventory, which states every as before and state no problems whatsoever, but livermores say it is still the landlords right to do his own inspection before we recieve the deposit back. Well is that is so why doesnt the landlord just do the exit inspection himself!?!
  6. Ok Myself and my girlfriend had been renting a flat though livermores for 6 months, we had signed a 12 month lease, but due to the landlord allowing workmen to enter the property without notice to us, my girlfriend was unhappy living there, she didnt feel safe, so we decided to ask for the tenancy to be ended. This accepted my the landlord straight away, we even got a very nice letter from the landlord, saying sorry for what had happened. We had our finally inspection on Tuesday, handed back the keys, and the livermores representive sign the condition report saying everything was in order and that our deposit would beturned to us in 3 days. Well this morning, we got a letter from livermores, it states - 'After my initial final inspection, the land lord requested that he visit to make an inspection himself. He advised that although the property was generally left in a very good condition there are a couple of large stains on the lounge carpet, and this will need to be cleaned to remove these. Also, he advised that the garden hedge has not been maintained and this needs to be trimmed.' Surely the fact is livermores signed to say that the property was in order when we left, therefore surely it is now their problem? not ours? Who's to say that once we handed back the keys, a member of their staff entered and made the stains?? I believe that as livermores signed the condition report, saying that they were happy with the property it is now there problem and not ours, and that they should be paying the bill not us? The garden hedge was never maintained, it was a state when we moved in, and to be honest hasnt change much in the last 6 months,even in the report done before we moved in, it states the garden was over grown!! it also points out the stains on the carpet!! You advice would be most helpfully, as we need a quick ending to this problem, as we need the deposit money to pay solicitor fee's on a house we are buying! Cheers James and Kim
  7. First forgive me if this is in the wrong section of the forum, to be honest i doubt its the right subject for this place, but the advice i have recieved from here and been excellent, so i thought id pick your brains again!! Ok, this is the story. Myself and my girlfriend has been looking into a shared ownership scheme for a few months, we went to look at some flats on tuesday and fell in love with a 1 bedroom appartment. We paid a £250 holding fee and are just waiting for them to get in touch with us to start the application process. This is where the problems lies. While looking over the company's website the other night i noted that they would not accept anyone with bad credit history, well my history is not great to say the lease, i have 4 defaults on by file totaling nearly £5000, though one is for only £30!! bloodly old phone contract i knew nothing about. But my girlfriends history is excellent! What we where thinking was for her to apply for a loan to pay off my defaults and her personal loan, therefore meaning we would have only one payment a month, though it would only be in her name. The thing is we have already been accepted for a mortgage to pay the share of the house we want, and can easily pay the mortgage and rent that they would want, as we currently rent for pretty much the same total now. But i think we should be up front with the company, tell them the plan to pay of my defaults and hope that they see sense!! My girlfriend thinks we should just go though the process and see what happens?!?!
  8. So i have to accept that these defaults will be credit file for the next 6 yrs or so, there's no way of getting rid of them??
  9. Just a thought, as two of the DCA's have failed to produce the CCA, do you think i could make them an offer, say just 25% of the balance owed, on condition they record the debt as statisfied on my credit record, as both DCA's have now broken the law and would therefore have to take me to court to re-enforce the debt, this could be a win win for both of us???
  10. Ok people, just 2 more days to go and then the 30 days is up(unless its business working days!?!?!), what i need to know is where do i go from here? who do i report the companies that havent sent me my CCA's to, im sure the answer is simple Also myself and my girlfriend want to look into buying our first house and obviously having adverse credit wont help our accplication, would i be able to get these companies to record these debts as statisfied?? As they have now broke the law?
  11. Ok people the deadline for the 12 days is today, so far i have recieved the credit agreement from one of the dca's, another has sent me a copy of a letter they had alrady sent me me stating the debt has been passed onto them, but not a credit agreement and the third has sent me nothing! I know iv got to pay the people who sent me the credit agreement, but what with the the other two, do i sent them letters stating the debt is no longer enforceable or what, i know they have another 30 days till they break the law, but where do i go from here??
  12. This morning i have recieved phonecalls from two of the DCA's, iv checked the royalmail website and all my CCA's were recieved yesterday! Are these calls just tactics trying to get me to pay up?? Am i right in believing the accounts are now in disupte, and until they come up with my CCA's im within my rights to withhold payment??
  13. So what happens if i recieve the CCA on say the 14th day?? Does that mean the debt is uninforcable? and the tne company have defaulted on there right to reclaim the debt?
  14. Ok iv been reading though many of the threads, but i still have one question!?! This morning i am sending of three CCA request to DCAs, y question is simple really, i understand that is a 12 day deadline for the company to reply, and then the debt becomes uninforcable, correct? but what is it with the +30 days thing?? does that mean is i dont recieve the CCA in the first 12 days, but i do in the following 30 days they can still chase me for the debt or what? I sure the answer is around here somewhere, but iv been looking for it for the last few hours and im struggling. Cheers for all help offered. James
  15. I always do! And thankyou for your help
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