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Everything posted by clanger

  1. Hi New to this thread and would like to know if there is any way of getting back nearly £800 that i stumped up on the spot to a bailiff or he was going to take my vehicle? I missed one payment (the last payment that was due) because of a family bereavement. The amount was around £165. Unfortunatley i don't have any of the paperwork. What are the possibilities of me getting copies of the payment from the original loan provider?? To save me reading through all the postings on this thread is there anyone who has got their money back and what was the process? Thanks in advance for any returned comments
  2. Hi Could someone tell me if a person is a discharged bankrupt can they reclaim these PPI payments, and if so, would the bankruptcy affect the amounts that they would be able to keep? Thanks in advance for any answers
  3. I was paid out last December and told my account would be closed down. Today i received my 'Annual Travel Insurance Pack' that i got annually being a Premier Account holder...............has anyone else who has won their charges back received this and if so do you know if it's actually valid?? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi kitty Open a Natwest step account............my partner just declared herself bankrupt and they kept this account open!!!
  5. Hi Youngandfree Yes that is correct. I've been told by my IVA provider that any money i get back will automatically go to them and will be used to clear the part of the debt that i'm not paying back towards...............is this right or does anyone else on here know? Just got a counterclaim from A&L claiming that they don't owe me all that i'm claiming as i owe them £2000 but that is part of my IVA so not sure where i stand legally. I'd be happy with them taking what i owe them and keeping the remaining £3000 but at the moment not too sure what to do??? Can anyone else possibly help on this one???
  6. Hi Younganfree The IVA company i'm with have imformed me that any 'extra' money above overtime/bonus payments from work go towards paying off the 'rest' of the debt and don't affect the actual amount i'm paying back. So what their saying is any of the charges i get back (estimated at £10,000+ from all my creditcard companies/bank charges) will go towards the part of the debt that has been apparently wrote off by them. ie say i owed £40k and the IVA arrangement involved me paying back £22k over the 5 years this extra 'windfall' would go towards the remaining £18k that i thought had been wiped off!!!!! Whereas if i declare myself bankrupt my creditors get sod all and then any charges i get back after that are mine...............or not????? Confused
  7. Hi Does anyone know if you can claim back these charges if you've been declared bankrupt? I know if you're on an IVA it's pointless claiming because it just goes to the IVA company, if the charges are from a bank that are part of the IVA,so you don't see a penny of it, but wondered if a bankrupt would be entitled to a full refund? Thanks in advance for any answers
  8. Just updating .................My dealer have wiped their hands of my car and so has Landrover. Landrover claim that any vehicle over 6 years old wont get any goodwill payments, irrespective of how low the mileage is!!! Strange then that i know someone who has a freelander that is 3 MONTHS newer than mine, is over 6 years old,has over 60k on the clock and Landrover have confirmed they WILL foot the entire bill of £2000+!!!!!! I'd say that i'm being discriminated against................Landrover obviously make the rules up depending on what day you phone them!!!!! Legal action on the way!!!!
  9. just read the whole thread...............well done Bong!!!!!!!!!
  10. Well done Natasha!!! Out of interest does anyone know how long the bank has to file their defence once they send out the 'Acknowledgement of Service' letter? I understand it's within 14 days...............what happens if it's now past that period?
  11. Does anyone know if you are meant to send a copy of all the charges to the Court after the case has been filed? I sent all the details of my total claim in my LBA to the bank but haven't sent anything to the Court.............could that cause a problem? I've had a letter from A&L stating Acknowledgement of Service and stating that they intend to defend and intend to contest jurisdiction...............does anyone know what that means??? Thanks for any help
  12. It's A&L. It's strange because i applied on my girlfriend's behalve at the same time for £2087 of charges to be refunded from A&L aswell and she received a cheque this morning for FULL payment, only 10 days after i did the MOCL. What does it actually mean 'contest jurisdiction'???
  13. AMAZING!!!!!!!! I filed my claim for £5500 from A&L just before the New Year along with a cliam for my girlfriend for £2087. Received confirmation of the court proceedings from Northanpton Court on 4/1/07 with regards to my claim..........................girlfriend received nothing until today!!!! CHEQUE IN FINAL SETTLEMENT FOR ENTIRE CLAIM OF £2087!!!! Is that a record???? less than 2 weeks. Hope mine is as successful........will keep you posted!!!!
  14. Hi Have been trying to find on the 'FAQ' section what it means when my bank says that they 'intend to contest jurisdiction'? I've received the 'Acknowledgement Of Service' letter from the court with the details of my claim and, as i expected, they have put a cross in the box next to 'i intend to defend all of this claim' which i understand is the normal response, but they've also put a cross by No.3 which states 'i intend to contest jurisdiction'......................Is this the norm or have i fluffed my claim??? Thanks in advance for any reassuring comments
  15. I sent a camcorder by Special Delivery with enhanced compensation 2 years ago that was delivered the next day but with the camcorder missing. The box had obviously been tampered with and restuck down with brown tape and my signature forged over the joins. When i put in a claim for total loss Royal Mail said that all they're contracted to do is get a signature on delivery. They claimed the package should have been opened on delivery in front of the postman.........who does that??? When i asked them if that would have enabled me to get full compensation back (£500) they said NO as there was no proof the camcorder was originally in the box. In other words the service i paid for wasn't worth the paper it was wrote on as you are only covered for the TOTAL LOSS of the packet, not any contents. I appealed through Postwatch, the government regulated service that is meant to deal with incidents like this but still got nowhere. Does anyone know if i could claim through the Small Claims Court or is it too late now?
  16. CONGRATULATIONS SUZIE!!! I've sent my LBA on 6/12/06 for my claim at £4553 and my partners at £1625. When i show her your post of today she'll be reassured that they won't go to court and will settle in full. Well done again!!
  17. Hi Lynn Any news on your claim yet?? Clanger
  18. I've just been informed i need a new engine on my T/1999 Xi Freelander which has done 52k miles.................at a cost of £2660!!! The guy on the phone asked me if they should go ahead with fitting it as they had one in stock? Are they for real??? Went straight into the dealership and started screaming and shouting in their main showroom what a ****-poor service they were providing blah blah................surprise surprise the Manager is now trying to get me a 'goodwill payment' from LR as my vehicle is over 6 yrs old and LR will only consider any help if it is within this timespan..............JOKERS!! Once i mentioned the 'Sale Of Goods Act' which covers faulty goods up to 6 yrs from the date of purchase (i bought it in 2001) the Manager ushered me into his office, made me a coffee and said 'lets discuss this!!!' I am now waiting for a call on monday morning before taking legal action.
  19. cheers Will wait till Monday then................then the LBA will be in the post.
  20. Hi Bluedolphin Thanks for the info. Yes A&L did close the account but i managed to open a Natwest Account just in time so i've transferred DD'S etc to this account. Will contact my IVA supervisor to confirm your imfo.............thanks once again. Just received my standard reply from A&L letting me know they are correct and justified with charging me the fees they've charged etc etc. Should i wait till the 14 days are up (next Monday)before i send my LBA letter or shall i send that now? Thanks in advance for any info
  21. Hi Bluedolphin Thanks for your advise. Perhaps you may have an answer to the following? At the time of starting my IVA i owed A&L £1400 which is now part of my IVA. Will they automatically take that off my £5000 charges refund claim, leaving me with £3500 of which i understand i will have to pay 50% to my IVA company or will the debt to A&L still stand as part of my IVA, and therefore the 50% to my IVA will be from the £5000 claim, leaving me £2500 in my pocket? Thanks for any advise from anyone Confused!!!
  22. Well done..............persistence pays off in the long run. QUESTION FOR ANYONE!! I'm about to send off my claim for £4999. My charges come to £5120 but i understand i can only claim up to £5000 in a Small Claims Court. What happens when I claim for the 8% interest on top as that will take it over the £5000? Would it be better for me to put in two seperate claims, both with the 8% interest included or do i wait until the actual Court paperwork before i start adding on the interest claim? I'm a little confused!!! Thanks in advance for any advise given
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