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Everything posted by guyfarre

  1. thank you sorted that out at least we know now as its taken them 7 months to sort it and counting
  2. ok now she has been driving over two years since the offence hapenend in march this year and its taken so long are there any grounds off appeal or does it go from the date off the offence
  3. ok she had 3 points first caught on red light camera in oct 08, then march this year she got caught doing 59 on average speed camera she sent off her licence to the ticket issuer not sure weather police or council,they then sent the documents to the dvla who have lost everthing, no court summons from dvla,but as the offence was before the 2 year probation ended not quiet sure if she will have her licence revoked and made to do her tests again
  4. they have to give you a notice of intendend prosecution within two weeks i belive
  5. march of this year not sure on the date but within the 2 year peroid
  6. my girlfriend passed her driving test in 2nd august 2007 and got 3 points in october 2008 she then a letter for speeding in march 2009 today the dvla have wrote to her asking for details off her licence as it appears they have lost it. As she has been driving over 2 years now when the points go on and the licence is sorted will she have her licence revoked and is there any way of appeal if it is as its taken so long thanks for any help givin in advance:confused:
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