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  1. Hi, i have recently received a tax residency self ceft form from lloyds bank. I am wondering why, as i have always been resident in the uk and have never had a business or any financial dealings outsidethe uk. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. hi again, thanks forvyour comments, All I am trying to establish is for them to prove I owe them money and how much. As I explained I heard nothijg from them for 15 years to 2011 and then nothihg again since then ujtil now.theyvsay they havevsent me letters but I have not moved so where did the letters go to, certainly not to me.Surely they cannot start deductions from my employer without proof of the ammount which they do not seem to have.Also they have deprived me of the right to appeal by not contacting me.Why did they leave it for nearly 20 years in total. Where do I go from here if they dont send me proof of the debt.?.Any help would be gratefully recieved.
  3. Hi, Hope someone can help me. I have received a letter from dwp informing me that they have contacted my employers requesting that they deduct payments from my salary relating to a debt that I have no knowledge of ammounting to nearly £4000. I rang the dwp today and they say the debt relates to overpayments of benefits in 1996. I explained that I have no knowledge of such debt and that they need to provide proof of the debt or some sort of acknowledgement from me of owing this debt. they told me I had spoken to them in 2011 and had refused to recieve proof, which is ludicrous. why would I refuse ?. I told them that I emailed the relevent dept asking for proof and had recieved nothing. They said that they dont have an email system of which to appeal. Is there anything I can do to stop them taking money from my wages until they can prove I owe it? My employers say that they have to abide by their request and that the dwp do not need a judgement from a civil court to instigate the attachment. This has got to be wrong. PLEASE HELP!!
  4. Thanks,Obviously this could take some time,but the bailiffs are due to come back in 2 days.What if i havent recieved any info back by then?and they turn up?
  5. Thanks mellymoo74, They have posted 3 Rossendale notices through my door, the first says the liability order was granted oct 15th 2004, for £777.51 and they have charged me £24.50 first visit fee,second visit fee £18.00.Secont liability order was issued on the same date for £319.74 and they have not charged me any visit fees on that one. The third was issued on Sept 2005 (6 months after i had left the property) That one is for £264.80 and again they have charged for first and second visit fees of £24.50 and second visit £18.00. How many times can they charge visit fees when obviously they posted the orders on the same day.
  6. That was my argument, why have they not informed me of any money outstanding. I would not have missed paying council tax for what equates to 2 years in money terms and if you miss one payment there on your back within a matter of days. I asked them to prove i owe the money and all they sent was standard paperwork with the dates and amount filled in with pen saying a liability order was granted and the dates 2004/2005 I was not even living at the property when the oct 2005 liability order was granted. I would like to know what rights the bailiffs have after such a long time, surely they would not be able to get a warrant to enter my home without applying to the courts ,and from what ive read on the forum they only have 4 years after the issue of the liability orders to excecute a distress warrant. Also as you rightly point out i should have recieved the OFFICIAL liability orders from the court. This is the first ive heard of any money outstanding and theyve had no contact with me whatsoever in the last 9 years. Thanks again for your invaluable advice but i dont know what to do if they turn up on my doorstep in a couple of days. what do i say to them???? What will they need officially to enter my property? Can they do ANYTHING without a warrant.etc.
  7. Hello, hope you can help me!! (youve never let me down in the past). I will keep this as brief as possible. After living on my own for the past 5 years i asked for my single occupancy discount for council tax to be backdated as i had never claimed it. The liverpool council informed me they could not backdate more than a year, which they did. To reward me for my impertinance in asking they suddenly informed me by email that i owed them council tax for a previous property i lived in for 2 years completely unknown to me relating to 2004/2005. I asked them to prove i owed this money which they did not do apart from sending me 3 letters from their office of 3 liability orders so called (not court copies) again completely unknown to me, 1 of which was dated when i no longer lived there. Since then i have recieved 2 letters from rossendales informing me of 2 visits to my property i now live in (notices of bailiffs attendance quoting magistrates liability order/warrant of execution. On the other 3 letters they say that by virtue of authority given to them by liverpool magistrates court that unless i pay the outstanding sums within 5 days they will attend with the intention of seizing my goods. Again these were for liability orders dated over 9 years ago. They also state that even at this late date i can pay in installments and enclosed a number of payment slips. What is the law and what should i do next .Any information would be gratefully recieved. Also relating to any seizure of goods i have a lease car from my company. Can they seize it?
  8. Sorry to be a pain REBEL11 but dont really know what i,m looking for on these links you sent me.
  9. Hello All,Hope you can help me with my problem. I moved into my current property in april 2005, the council were informed i had moved because the new bill had my name on it at my new address. I did not think to claim my sole occupancy discount. Since then i contacted the council and they pointed out that i had not been getting my discount for the last 7 years and that i might get it back. They told me to put my request in writing and the reason for my late claim and they would consider a refund.That was 22/02/2012. I recieved a letter 16/03/20012 stating that "They are unable to grant backdated discount for council tax as i did not apply during my occupancy and that they only backdate the discount for a maximum of 12 months,( which they gave me on an adjusted bill for 2011/12). They went on to say that as each bill had information on how to claim a discount that they had taken reasonable steps to invite a request for a discount." I had never read any leaflets that came with my bill and paid in full each year. Is there anyone that has any experience of writing an appeal or am i wasting my time trying to get some of MY money back off them.Surely if i owed them any money they would chase me for years until they got it. Also as a closing paragraph they had informed me that i didn.t inform them i was leaving the previous address and that they had requested a new bill for the outstanding balance??????? What balance? Still waiting for them to prove i owe anything and for them to even confirm what address they are talking about.Surely any outstanding balance if there is one is now statute barred as far as them persuing it legally anyway. It appears to me they are saying "You try to get money off us and we,ll try to get money off you with some fictitious figures " What should i do next??? should i just forget it and move on ?? HELP PLEASE MUCH APPRECIATED!!!!!! Thay say i must appeal in writing or email but they don,t say how long i have,only that if my appeal is rejected or if i dont hear from them within 2 months i can make a further appeal to the valuation office.
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