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  1. Fair point but there are 4 machines in the car park, I could have been at any. I thought the car park would have text and pay as most local ones seeing as the technology for pay and display machines does not yet seem able to cope with giving change. I always presumed the parking nazis did rounds and if the car was there on the second round it was due a ticket. Ah well.
  2. So technically I could actually be issued a ticket whilst actually buying it?. To be honest I didn't think it worth buying a ticket as I could see the notice on my windscreen before I got to the machine after I got the change.....I just thought 5 minutes was pretty ridiculous.
  3. I didn't get the ticket as there was already a charge on the windscreen I could see when I came out of the building, but the guy must have seen me and moved like Linford Christie in his heyday.
  4. Just got an excess charge notice from a council pay and display. Took my daughter to a swimming pool party, parked ay 12.27 walked her 50 yards to drop her off and get change for the car park and locker, back out to the machine noticed the ticket on the window. sat in the car read ticket. said 12.32 issue as I was sat in the car the clock said 12.34. Enforcement officer nowhere to be seen in either car park (500 spaces), guessing hiding behind the hedge again. Is it worth appealing?. Thanks.
  5. Got my checkmyfile report and my equifax report says I have I have 2 arrangements to pay on my file, when I look at them though they are stamped up as 'arrangement to pay' up until November 2003 and then 'ok' until closed in Nov 2005. Is it correct that all CRA's are still showing these accounts as under an arrangement?
  6. Ok so I followed the instructions on a couple of sites to get the ccj set aside and sent everything off only to get a letter back from the court to say nothing could be looked at until I enclosed the correct fee of 75.00. Does this sound correct?, I just want to make sure I am following the correct procedure. Also a after a quick chat with the car leasing company I was told my credit file is only relevant for the previous 3 years as far as they are concerned, is this a common thing?
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