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  1. owdoo

    Here Goes

    ALso do i need to put the bit in aboout not agreeing any confidetiality clause? HAs anyone bee given more money this way?
  2. owdoo

    Here Goes

    CHeers freaky may be stupid question but do I enclose the signed part of the form with my acceptance letter?
  3. owdoo

    Here Goes

    Bugger it I am accepting!! It is no point haggling over £164
  4. owdoo

    Here Goes

    OK so I got an offer from the solicitor’s wasn’t exactly what I was after but it is still a large amount they say they cannot refund the overdraft interest that I have put with my claim as this is interest paid on borrowing money? Apparently my schedule has been checked and revealed some discrepancies, but they are still willing to offer me £1891.05 (Original claim is £2055.53) Apparently this includes court costs and the like; it is getting really complicated now. Shall I just accept or wait for the judge apparently they haven’t filed their AQ so he would give them 5 days to do so every time i ring he court they say they are behind with thing and it should arrive back from the judge soon who will give a court hearing or strike out their defense. Was I right to claim the interest on my overdraft? Shall I Wait? Don't know what to do?
  5. owdoo

    Here Goes

    Sorry Delilah, I dont understand?
  6. owdoo

    Here Goes

    OH DEAR LORD AM I THE ONLY ONE GETTING NOWHERE FAST!!! I started this in November and I am still awaiting for information on my claim from the courts. To elaborate. I filed my claim through MCOL, then HSBC Filed a defence (Pretty usual) then I got a letter from the court asking me to fill in my allocation questionnaire and a letter from DG Solicitors asking me to send them a breakdown of charges!! Both of which I did, the day after (Begingin of March) The letter stated that the defence had until 27th of March to complete their AQ, I ring the court at least twice a week and still they say they are awaiting it to be sent to the judge, but they have told me that no AQ has been sent by the defendant so the judge will either give them 5 days to submit one or throw it out, if it goes to court I will not get a date until AUGUST!!!!!! I have never spoke to DG solicitors as I fear it may damage my case, or at least prompt them to send in the AQ Questionnaire which they may have forgotten to do? Please help!! Has any one else had these problems?
  7. owdoo

    Here Goes

    cheers netty I have left the courts number at home but will call them first thingtomorrow, blimey this is taking forever!!
  8. owdoo

    Here Goes

    Ok back again, letters sent over a week ago now one to courts with cheque enclosed and one with breakdown of charges to DS Solcitors both recorded delivery...... nothing back as yet is there a time limit on them replyling?
  9. owdoo

    Here Goes

    Cheers people you are all stars! may be a stupid question and please forgive my lack of confidence but will I have to go to court?
  10. owdoo

    Here Goes

    Ok serious stuff now, got the pack through from the court and filled in the questionnaire along with another £100 in court fees!!!!! (Really need for this to work or I am going to be mega skint!) Also got a from DG solicitors requesting the breakdown of charges of which I have also just sent!! Does everyone get to this stage!?? I know I keep asking and sound impatient but any idea how long it takes from this point? Depending on if I win!!!!
  11. owdoo

    Here Goes

    aaaagh !! his was on my mcol form You are unable to take any further action online on this claim. The Defendant disputes the whole amount you have claimed. Your claim cannot proceed online and will be transferred to the appropriate court for continuation. You will receive confirmation to where the claim has been transferred to shortly. does this mean they have submitted defence? should I be worried?
  12. owdoo

    Here Goes

    I will try both cheers netty your a star!
  13. owdoo

    Here Goes

    AFter re looking at my sums it is now 30 days and nothing? After looking on my claim through MCOL it states that the HSBC intend to defend the full amount owed!! I am a bit at a loss do i just wait now? and for how long? ANy advice is greatly appreciated!
  14. owdoo

    Here Goes

    Ok by my calculations HSBC have untill Thursday to supply the defence through MCOL. They have akowledged the claim and are defending it but no sign of anything yet, what happens after thursday? Should I contact the solicitor? or just wait or enter judgment online?
  15. owdoo

    Here Goes

    Ok got a letter back from the courts acknowloging my claim all fine. Got one back yesterday "A NOTICE THAT ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERICE HAS BEEN FILED" A tick in the box stating that they intend to defend all of this claim!!! How can they defend? Is this normal? I am starting to worry!!!:o
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