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Everything posted by sng

  1. Hi kennyh, any update on your case yet? Thinking about going beyond 6 years myself, been with FD since 1994, have an extra 1200 - 1300 I want to claim !! Regards
  2. Hi all, hope you don't mine me posting on this thread ? Bit of advice please. Have been with FD since 1994. Have already received 6 years worth of statements from them with no probs, however I have read many threads where members are trying to claim beyond 6 years. With that mine i raided my loft and found a bundle dating from 1995 to 1997. I have roughly calculated the charges of those which come to an extra £1200 to £1300 and quite frankly I don't like the thought of FD keeping that !! My Q's are : Has anybody successfully obtained statements from FD beyond 6 years or is everybody using what you already have? Is it worth asking FD for them or just use what i have already got? How much of a fight will I have and will you all help me !!!! Many thanks. SNG
  3. Hi all, Started a claim against First Direct a couple of months ago and received copies of statements going back 6 years. However after reading a few threads I went in the loft to find statements going back to 1998 and it has prompted me to consider claiming back beyond 6 years. I have banked with FD since 1992. Any advice on the likelihood of FD providing statements back to 1992 or should i just use what i have found in my loft. ? Thanks
  4. Hi, sorry for the delay in posting. have now finally entered all info into the spreadsheet and will be claiming interest. However have just been reading the article on Martin's money making site and he had provided his own interest calculator. i have quickly added in a couple of amounts and it shows lots more interest than is calculated on the spreadsheets linked to this forum. Any ideas, help appreciated sng
  5. Just following re my query for claiming beyond 6 years. Having raided the loft I have just gone through another 3 years of statements and calculated over £1000.00 worth of charges dating from 1994 to 1997. Prior to adding it up i was content with sticking to the 6 year claim, however the though of allowing FD to keep over a grand of my money is too much !! Does anybody know of anyone that has successfully claimed back beyond 6 years, I am very tempted to have a go and see what happens. After all, if FD don't have the records how can they dispute what I am claiming, notwithstanding that i may have to provide them with copies if we got to court. Any thoughts/advice welcomed? sng
  6. Hi, I like others have been with FD for over 6 years, in fact about 11 !! I have kept some statements which are over 6 years, any ideas how practical it would be to claim beyond the 6? I don't wish to complicate matter but is galls me to think that I have another 3 years worth of statements which will have some reclaimable charges on them Thanks sng
  7. Hi everyone received my statements just before new year, didn't appreciate how many there would be, over 500 !! have finally got through them all and about to start entering the data onto the spreadsheet. Bit confused about working out the interest, contractual? as not to sure how to work out charging periods etc Any advice appreciated. sng
  8. Hi Icklem, sent my SAR on 12th Dec, just received an acknowledgment letter today and my cheque returned, it all helps !! Perhaps you will have got your today? Have you received a t/p call from them asking if you really need the Manual Intervention info? I have along with 'volcano' have a look at my thread.
  9. Hi, Just received the post and there is a acknowledgment letter from FD stating they will provide the statements etc and they have returned my cheque as they will provide them free of charge, every little helps !!
  10. Hi volcano, thanks for that, very interesting that they have called us both, perhaps the wheels at FD are slowing grinding to a halt, hopefully ! Perhaps I should have requested the MI info to be sent at the same time, no matter if it delays the statements? I am a bit worried that it may be a stalling tactic and if i request after i have received the statements do they get another 40 days to respond from that date or do we still work from the original SAR date? Any ideas
  11. Hi everybody. Received a t/p call from First Direct this morning, stating they had received my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request). However she went on to say they will be no problem in supplying the statements quickly but the Manual Intervention stats would take longer, possibly to mid-January. She also stated that in her experience I wouldn't need those figures anyway. She did offer to supply them if i later required them. What is the criteria for M.I ? e.g typing of letters, t/p calls where they have charged me etc? Will i need them only if i have been charged? Is this perhaps a stalling tactic, apologies if these queries have been raised before Any advice appreciated
  12. Hi everyone, finally sent the SAR, I have been waiting to set up a parachute account, just in case !! Hopefully it will all go swimmingly, I am a bit of a technophobe, so if nobody has any objections i will be asking for lots of advice along the way !!
  13. Will be posting my SAR shortly to First Direct, then will start my own thread as advised by you all. I know that mention has been made of only going back 6 years but i have been with First Direct for over 10, look where loyalty got me !!! Any thoughts on whether i should be looking to claim beyond 6 years or would I be better not complicating the process? Thanks sng
  14. Brief update, On 24/11 Mrs sng went to L o L to pick up the promised copy of the technicians report. She was met by the manager who couldn't have bent further backward to help if he had been a contortionist !!! He stated that he had been re-considering the matter and suggested he examine the suite which he duly did yesterday. He disagreed with the technicians report and has agreed to repair it and if that is not viable then apparently further discussions will take place re possible replacement/refund. Watch this space, i wait with bated breath !!, not sure what has changed his mind though, perhaps Open & Direct finance have applied some pressure? sng
  15. rosiecotton, Legal Bob Thanks re qualitas, i had actually t/p them today and they informed me as you have that L o L are not members. If i want to use an indepenant technician i will be looking at least £250.00 !! Watch this space re the response from Open & Direct !! I will pay the finance on Tuesday as expected by Open & Direct but perhaps as rosiecotton suggests make sure that I make mention that it is 'under protest' I am quite prepared for a fight but hopefully from all the advice from this forum will be well prepared for whatever L o L throw at me ! Thanks to all sng
  16. rosiecotton, thanks for that. I have been in touch with Open & Direct today who administer the finance for L o L. To be fair they were quite sympathetic and disturbed by L o L attitude yesterday. They have agreed to rush through a complaint and i have faxed them all the details today. They stated that they would hope to resolve or have an answer prior to Tuesday when my payment is due. However ... !!! if they don't then your suggestion of payment under protest is a good idea. I can see me in the small claims court though !! If that is the case then i presume as long as the claim is for under 5000.00 if i lose I won't be liable for their costs? any ideas ? Thanks sng
  17. Hi cheddar, thanks for that, I have read and re-read the FAQ's and it has become a little clearer, I have downloaded the SAR request and tailored it to fight against First Direct. Once I have hopefully received all the statements than I can calculate the costs I intend to win back. That is when I may need help as I don't think I will have a clue how to calculate them accurately !! Thanks again sng
  18. Hi legal Bob & seylectric, Legal Bob thanks for that, just a quickie reply as i am working tonight and do not have time to or will be allowed ! to call you or go to a private area. Do you think i should pay the finance to Open and Direct? it is due by 28/11/06? thanks again the advice is really useful sng
  19. Hi again, sorry for the delay in contributing but have been busy with other stuff over the past week or so. I have just been reading some info on spreadsheets re calculating the interest due as well as re claiming charges applied to the account. How does all that work ? surely if my account was o/d i wouldn't have been entitled to any interest any way? Where do i start !! sng
  20. Hi everyone, I joined CAG originally re the claiming back of bank charges and are currently reading all the info on this site. However I have just read all the posts re Land Of Leather. In August 2005 I bought a suite from LOL which shortly after wards developed a fault with the leather being to slack and causing folds. Eventually after 2 replacements the second being in November 2205 everything seemed ok, although we had to choose a completely different design. Approx 1 month ago we noticed that the surface was coming off the leather in a few places. I contacted LOL who duly sent out the appointed 'Technician'. I had heard nothing and phoned up on 22/11/06 for a result. I was contacted today by the manager of LOL who told me that the problem was caused by 'mis-use' by it apparently not being cleaned properly. Dare I say Mrs sng and I were a little aghast by this claim as we are quite meticulous in cleaning and with daughters of 18 & 21 there are no young kids soiling it !! I pointed this out to the manager who did let slip that in the report it actually stated that the rest of the house was extremely clean ! I challenged the manager asking what guidelines/instructions were available for me to adhere to re cleaning to which he became quite defensive stating that 'common sense' was all that was required !! Having never owned a leather suite previously Mrs sng & I are obviously lacking in 'common sense' !! The parting gesture from the manager was that there was nothing more to be done and he advised me to contact another technician and have my own report completed. If it contradicted their report then I was to re-contact them to discuss the matter. To rub salt into the wound, probably like most others I took advantage of the 1 years free credit which is due to be paid next week. I believe that normally the customers contract is with the finance company, but does that still work on interest free, given that I will have paid it next week? Any advice/thoughts greatly appreciated, apologies for the length of this post but I am fuming !! sng
  21. Hi everyone, It appears I am like everyone else and fed up of charges. I am with First Direct and look forward to trying to get something back from them following advice from this site and the forums.
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