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  1. Hi Clairec, Thanks for the advice. Checking over my last bank statement I noticed that the Woolwich has refunded four bank charges, so Iwill re-do my figures. Unfortunately I don't have an address in England, so I will need to go through the Scottish small claims court. I decided to send a further request for a refund of my charges but this time attached a schedule of the charges and my interest calculations. The Woolwich haven't responded so I will be sending them a L.B.A. on Monday. Good Luck! Let me know how you get on. cardrona1
  2. Hi, I am owed £5,500 excl. interest by the Woolwich. I am about to send them my LBA, and then will use the small claims court in Scotland, if neccesary, to recover my money. I would love to hear if any of you have been succesful in getting your money back from the Woolwich, and any advice you have to offer will be gratefully received. Steve. (cardrona1)
  3. Hi Vicki, Hope you and your new arrival are well and congratulations. I am just about to send my LBA to the Woolwich (they owe me £5,500 excl. interest!) and was wondering how you got on. Steve (cardrona1)
  4. Hi, I have just found this website and it's great! I phoned the Woolwich and asked them to send me a breakdown of my bank charges for the last 5 years after hearing a report on the radio that it might be possible to reclaim these. I was shocked to discover that they have charged me at least £5,500! They have just sent me a letter stating that while they accept no liability, they are offering me a £1000 "good-will" payment. I don't plan to accept this, so any help and advice on what to do next, would be gratefully received. Good luck to all of you with your claims. Steve (cardrona1)
  5. Hi Nathal, Thanks for the speedy response. Your links are really helpful. I will be sending a letter to my bank asking them to refund all my charges, (I haven't done this yet, I only requested by phone, that they send me a breakdown of the last 5 years charges). Before I do this, however, I want to use this site to check out if there are any differences in the way I go about this in Scotland, and also I will need to open another bank account in case they decide to close this one. Thanks again for your help. Steve, the cardrona1.
  6. Hi. I have just started out in my attempt to get my bank charges back from the Woolwich, (£5,500 charged in 5 years excluding interest). So far I have received a breakdown of the charges from them, followed quickly by a letter saying that while they accept no liability they would be willing to give my £1000 as a "good-will" gesture. I don't plan to accept this and will be reading carefully through this site to find out the best way forward in getting my money back. It's great to know that I'm not alone in this. Good luck to all of you. cardrona1.
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