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  1. Thanks for all the above advice. I will look out all the documentation I have regarding the loan. Regarding the PPI...I will get the PPI details together and get back in touch. With regards the pre-existing medical condtion...I saw my GP as I had a sore back. GP told me it was just muscular and that was that. It was only after we had the taken out the loan and PPI, that my back was really bad again, and after several months I was told I had had a disc prolapse. That resulted in surgery, followed by 2 further prolapse and subsequent surgeries. When I put in the PPI claim, they said that because I had seen my GP for a sore back - regardless of why - it was pre-existing. That's like saying, you saw your GP for a cold, and months later, after being fit, healthy and back at work, you developed Pneumonia. Because you saw your GP in the previous 24 months for a chest related condtion, then it is pre-existing!!! Nobody knew, least of all me, that my back was going t do this. It seems that they have a blanket ban on anything related to backs if you saw your GP etc within 24 months of taking out loan and putting in a claim. Totally unrealistic. I will phone our solicitors on Wed when the re-open regarding Scots law on repossession. If needs be, I will have to ask my parents for the money to pay off loan, but not sure how this will affect the legal action etc as mentioned above. I m just feel sick every time I think about this. Hasn't stopped from phoning me on Fri 23rd and Sat 24th Dec tho!!! Let me know exactly what info you need to kick start PPI claim, so I can scan it and email etc. Thanks for all the help so far.....
  2. Hi. My wife and I have a Secured Loan with Paragon Finance, that was taken out in January 2006. We fell in to arrears in April 2011 and this has now escalated. We have been unable to make the monthly payment nor been able to repay the arrears. We received a Calling-Up Notice on 20 September 2011. I spoke to Paragon on 29th September 2011 with a view to trying to sort out the arrears and prevent further action. Unfortunately, we were unable to make a satisfactory arrangement, and this has now resulted in a citation for repossession under the Conveyancing and Feudal Reform (Scotland) Act 1970. It states that we are ordained to answer within the the Sheriff Court on 25th January 2012 @10:00am. I am at my wits end, as I have been unable to work since 2006 due to 3 failed back surgeries, and although I was still in receipt of salary for1 year, I now only receive Incapacity Benefit. My employers dismissed me due to ill-health in July 2009. My wife works, but her income covers our mortgage and living costs. When we took out the loan, which was via Loanline (Brokers), they advised that we needed to take the PPI, in order to get the loan. I did submit a claim, but Paragon declined it on grounds of my back problems being pre-existing, and also within 24 months of taking out loan. (I'd only seen my GP once about a sore back, and everything sorted itself). So now, we are being faced with the prospect of losing our home. Can it be repossessed if they are only the second in line, after our mortgage providers? Also, If I was able to raise the money to clear the loan entirely, will this stop the action or not? I have looked through the paperwork received today, and there is no mention of stopping the court action, if loan repaid. If I was to submit a claim for PPI refund, would that have any affect on the court action? I am really at a lose to know what to do. Any help/advice would be gratefully received. I know that this is all of our own making, but things have just got out of control. We have struggled to make sure our mortgage payments have been paid, only for this to happen. Paragon, have really made our lives hell, and now are about to make it worse! Thanks.
  3. Hi. My wife is at exactly the same stage as this, with the offence date being 12th November (10th being a Saturday). Not yet had a card through door from postman, so feeling left out - lol. Will follow this thread to see what we need to do next. Good luck DBY against Clownells.
  4. Thanks for the info T4FF. I sent my letter to the bank asking for my money back yesterday. Iam now waiting for their response. Hope to get some good news within 14 days.
  5. Hi Have worked out the charges/penalties applied - £1591 plus £218.70 interest. As I am in Scotland, I understand that I can only claim up to £750 via Small Claims Court - is that correct? I can't break up the charges as they are all for Direct Debits. Can I split by date periods? If I break my claims in to smaller amounts, do I claim for £750 (inc interest) or £750 and tell them they are are also due 8% interest on top of that? Help!
  6. Hi. Just received my statements from the Royal Bank. No Compliment slip, no letter, nothing. Just an A4 envelope with my statements!!! Sent my Data Protection letter to Customer Relations Manager, Customer Central Support in Edinburgh, including the £10 fee, and the bank also charged me an additional £5 (apparently for producing duplicate statements). Have worked out the charges/penalties applied - £1485 plus interest. I am in Scotland, and understand that I can only claim up to £750 via Small Claims Court - is that correct? I can't break up the charges as they are all for Direct Debits. Can I split by date periods? As I did not get a name or an address, so not sure to whom i should send the next letter requesting my charges to be refunded??? Help!
  7. Hi. Just received my statements from the Royal Bank. No Compliment slip, no letter, nothing. Just an A4 envelope with my statements!!! Sent my preliminary letter to Customer Relations Manager, Customer Central Support in Edinburgh, including the £10 fee, and the bank also charged me an additional £5 (apparently for producing duplicate statements). Have worked out the charges/penalties applied - £1515 plus £164.14 interest. As I am in Scotland, I understand that I can only claim up to £750 via Small Claims Court - is that correct? I can't break up the charges as they are all for Direct Debits. Can I split by date periods? As I did not get a name or an address, to whom should I send the next letter requesting my charges to be refunded??? Help!
  8. Hi, thanks for the message and the advice. I have read the FAQs and other peoples threads. Thought I had better do something finally! Jazgv
  9. Cheers for the replies. Will wait and see how long they will take to send me my information! Keep up the good fight!!!!!!
  10. Hi all, Have today sent my request for my banking history. What would you say the average time is to get an acknowledgement or to actually get the information from RBOS? It feels really good taking on RBOS, so will keep you posted.
  11. Hi all, Have just sent off my request for my banking history etc. Have had a good read of the FAQs and posts etc on the RBOS forum and on some of the other too. Decided that I have nothing to loose and a lot to gain by requesting ALL my charges back over the past 6 years!!! I will be the first too admit that I am not the best person in the world when it comes to money, but enough is enough! I am now taking on the Bank and intend to get my money back. Sent my request today, so the countdown is on..... Will keep you posted with developments.
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