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  1. Well good luck with it anyway will be watching how you are getting on, it is amazing i think as this is a lottery sometimes they settle really quickly others like mine, Parkvales just drag on and on but i am in no rush and interest accruing as well at 8% can't get that anywhere else!
  2. I tried to speak to LB (Lysney Burgoyne) at Cobblers this afternoon but spoke to one of her assistants who was very helpful mind you, they must be making an absolute mint out of these bank cases as well. Which will be costing the banks even more. Anyway with ref to the defence they left mine to the last minute i think it might have been slightly late, but they don't return to work till next Tuesday so unless you get it this week it will be passed your deadline.
  3. Hi Fendy What are you exactly waiting for? Is it the court date? I have been given a "Stay" of 1 month on mine now and i cracked and phoned cobblers today and will phone back next week to see if they have heard anything back from "Crap West" ref my claim, so here is hoping!
  4. Parkvale, Hi how are you getting on? Well i spoke to Cobblers last week to see if they got a copy of "The Stay" from the courts and was told that it is currently being deciding on which way this is going with the bank, so fingers are crossed at the moment and will give them another ring tomorrow to see if they have an update. Good Luck!
  5. Parkvale Did you get a stay? That is what i have got the woman on the phone said that the judges are getting well annoyed with the banks and this is why they have ordered a stay. These just do not go all the way i was told. So hopefully not that long to go now! Good luck with yours though i am still watching. What has the courts said anything?
  6. Spoke again to the courts to see what was happening and was told that the judge has put a 1month stay on the proceedings so that the two parties can reach an agreement. I will wait for the paperwork which should be in the post tomorrow and then ring Lynsey Burgoyne at Cobblers. I was told that the judges are getting really annoyed with the amount of bank charges going through and they ALWAYS get settled before the actual court date. So here is hoping!!
  7. Parkvale Well i see you are still waiting, i too phoned the courts today to see what the score was and was told it has now been transferred to another court as the one i sent it too was snowed under so hoping it will get sorted soonest. It worried me at first why it got transfererred but then the lady explained that they are trying to speed up the process, and that none of the cases have ever gone all the way. Did you in your claim put something in reference claiming interest on a daily basis, i was reading Fendy's claim and she is also claiming £3 odd on a daily basis as well which is great! When i claimed i used all the templates on this board but i didn't see anything with reference to the additional % on a daily basis until the claim is settled? Good Luck and keep us posted we are nearly at the same level i think you are slightly in front!
  8. Hi Fendy Been looking through your recent posts, i too am dealing with Lynsey Burgoyne as well, AQ had to be in on the 5th had phoned up the court this morning to see what the next stage would be and was told that a court date would be set now but could be looking at JULY for this so a long wait now. One thing intrigued me with your claim is the daily interest on your claim of £3 something is this standard or should i have added this somewhere on my claim form, i used all the templates on this site, but intersted to see where you got that from? Especially if i have too wait til July for a court date? Regards and Good Luck and will be watching your progress.
  9. Matt I am a lot further down the road than you with regards to claiming, but send all the letters to the address you have above, you should get a reply back from Stuart Higley he is normally the guy that deals with this at your stage. On the reply there should be a date, either go from that one or send another copy of the letter with a date on it. Don't get too hung up about it yet? Are you going back the full six years? Good Luck with your claim its all in the papers today so they are all getting what they deserve!!
  10. Spoke to the court today to see what the next stage would be and whether i can expect anything through the door in the next couple of weeks, was told now that the judge will set a court hearing and could get a wait now of up to 8 weeks before having to go to court! Is this standard if so can i start preparing my court bundle once i get this date through the post?
  11. Cheers All Thats what i was hoping you would say, well here is hoping! 30 days and counting! then:p to Nat west!
  12. Hi Guys Just received a copy of the defendants AQ through the post, a bog standard reply saying about the claimant failing to particularise the claim, Case management directions cannot be proposed until the claimant fully particlarises his claim, in light of this , the defendaent may amend its defence or apply to strike out. My gripe is this is all it says when you get a charge on your statement "Charges" it doesn't tell you what it was for! Anyway is this the standard reply?
  13. Smirk Thats fantastic news pleased for you, well done! Did you deal with Cobbetts in Manchester as that is who i am dealing with? Oh well i am off to hand in my AQ on Friday before i go on a course next week so lets hope i get the same reply back as you? WELL DONE AGAIN! :D and one for Nat West !
  14. Michael Ok i have finished it all now printed three copies off will send one to courts one to cobblers and one for myself. Will get it in early and sit and wait for a reply. Whats the next event i can expect? Thanks for all your help thus far.
  15. Michael Thanks for that Q4 was the "Proposed Directions" which i have now ticked No. I think that is it now i will get theses back to the court and see what happens next. How many copies are required i am not sending any copies to Cobbetts they can squat, no doubt the court will do that if they want a copy as i wouldn't get a copy of Cobbetts AQ out of courtesy?
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