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Everything posted by ZEBRABING

  1. MBNA are chargng me PPI and I never asked for it. Historically they can see that in it was not wanted until they started charging me. Since there cannot be any evidence of me asking for it can I get it back. I have requested cancellation a few times but this has not happened, i shall send the next request recorded as I cannot prove that I have sent the letters. Egg are also cahrging this and I have never indicated that i wanted it. I did a balance transfer and they said that a letter was sent to me requiring me to say that I did NOT want PPI. Even though in my original application and history to that time, I had never paid PPI. I have cancelled this What is my BEST course of action please?
  2. Roen I have recieved a letter from the courts to say that Tesco will be defending. I am going to sit and wait for the 28 days and hopefully get my money. I guess the mainthing with Tesco that I have found is that they ignore you and so the onus is on you to keep momentum. But you must do it. I got £1200 off HFC this week and so I know it works. Just put your head down and keep moving forward.
  3. Hi I have had a letter from the court to say that they will defenf the claim. Has anybody else dealt with Tesco Credit Card and is this normal for them. I am thinking that I just need to wait for 28 days but I would welcome some advice.
  4. Thanks for that I phoned and spoke to them. They confirmed that the cheque was posted thursday and so it should be on the mat when I get home today. Imust say that James Ball and co do seem rather friendly. So credit to them ( no pun intended )
  5. I accepted the offer and sent it back but............. How long did it take since sending back the acceptance slip for the money to appear. I sent mine off 1st class ( not recorded this time ) over a week ago today. I am going to call James Bell up if I dont hear soon. Anybody able to let me know how long it took or is there another letter coming to tell me?
  6. I compounded at 8% The letter said that they were disappointed that I had not accepted the goodwill of £485. I bet they were as it ended up costing them £1200 I sent a COPY of the N1 direct to James Ball with a note to say that it would be sent to the Courts. I thought it may save time and did seem top get a fast response. I am well pleased and look forward to hearing from Halifax X2 and Tesco
  7. I have won £1200 off HFC Full amount plus interest all paid up should I accept. Fantastic Donation will be forthcoming once credit recieved Thanks to all and this site
  8. I am at the stage of sending the N1 off today. I have had no offer from Halifax yet, maybe due to Xmas break but 14 days is 14 days. I have found your history very usefull as was Wilkins on another thread. Thanks
  9. This has been a great help to me. I am at stage 1 with the first letter and wondered what on earth to do, It sounds so final.. Thanks I shall pursue.
  10. I have recieved a reply from HFC to say that they dont accept the findings and shant return my money. is this standard. I note that there does not appear to be any refunds from HFC on the summary of returned money
  11. Hi I am, rather uncertainly, startingout to recover my fees that I have been edit of. So I look forward to keeoing in touch, picking up any advice, and I WILL contribute towards the site when cashflow is improved ( get my drift )
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