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  1. Any Barclaycard T and Cs? Anyone?
  2. oops! sorry! thats what i was wondering too - whether it would mean that the whole thing would take longer if i had to transfer it....
  3. only if i had to attend court as it would involve a 3 hour train journey there! Just hope dg settle before then
  4. thanks! Hopefully once i get a court date it should spur them into action! I issued my claim on 6th March and they defended it on 11th April and then it was transferred on 11th April but that's the last i heard from the courts! Will definitely call them to see whats happening.
  5. doubt i'll have to pay an AQ fee as the claim is only for £500, I think I'll give Notts CC a call though about a date - thanks for the post! Any ideas about the address change?
  6. hey following the advice on this thread i've now sent 2 nudge letters to DG with no reply! I also haven't heard anything on a court date from Nottingham, although I did get a letter saying I wouldn't need an AQ. Have DG been responding to others nudge letters?
  7. hey Janeykate just subscribing to your thread as we are both at the same point! I've been sending the nudge letters too but with no reply from dg as yet - no court date either yet, even though both our claims were transferred at the same time! Strange...hopefully nothing to worry about - keep us updated!
  8. just thought i'd give an update and ask a few questions! I've had my notice of transfer of proceedings to nottingham, and an aq isn't needed. I sent a nudge letter to dg, no reply, then i got a letter from dg asking for a breakdown of charges (which i'd supplied to hsbc twice and one to dg in the nudge letter) so i sent dg the breakdown again including a second nudge letter. I've not heard anything about a court date yet though - how long does it usually take to get this through? Also i'm moving in a couple of weeks and wondered if i could transfer the case to my new local court down south? Any help gratefully received!
  9. Got a letter from the court today - just saying judgment was refused. We'll have to see what happens janeykate as it seems we are in much the same position! Keep me updated on whats happening with yours and I'll do the same!
  10. just a quick bump and an additional question! Egg have written with an offer for the full amount and court fees but not including interest. Could this be because the interest wasn't included in the 'amount claimed'? Should I accept the offer or go after the interest too? Also, any answers to my above post would be gratefully received!
  11. thank you to everyone who has posted! It's really been a great help. Just to clarify then - when this goes to court with HSBC, will i be entitled to the amount that I have put in the POC? For HSBC the particulars of claim is as follows 'The Claimant has an account XXX with the Defendant, opened. Since XXX the Defendant debited charges and interest in respect of purported breaches of contract. Defendant is aware of all details as a list of charges has already been supplied. Another copy will be sent. Defendant has declined justification of charges despite repeated requests. Claimant contends: (a) The charges exceed the Defendant's losses caused by the breaches; (b) The Term permitting the Defendant to levy such charges is unenforceable under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and at Common Law. Claimant claims: (a) return of the amounts debited of £360; (b) Interest per S.69 County Courts Act 1984 of 8% - £94.08 continuing at 8% until judgment or settlement at a daily rate of £0.08; Alternatively, if the charges are a fee for a service, then they must be reasonable under S.15 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. Costs allowed by the Court.' and the amount claimed was £360 (just the charges) Sorry to ask for clarification, its just that I am so new to all this and have been so worried about messing it up! Also, Michael, the interest plus charges for all three of my claims do not change the court fees bracket that it falls under. So what shall i do now? Just leave it and see what happens?
  12. Hello all I’ve realised that I have made a huge mistake and need some serious help! Although I included the 8% interest in my original particulars of claim and statement of charges, I did not include it in the ‘amount claimed’ section. I only put the charges and did not add the interest to this. I think I have to file a N244 to change the ‘amount claimed’ section but all the threads I have seen about this are because people did not put about interest in their POC, which I did. I just didn’t add it into the amount claimed. Am I right in thinking that the N244 is the right form? And if so, how do I fill it out? Also, is there a time limit on when you can hand in the N244? HSBC have entered a defence and RBS and Egg have acknowledged. Have I left it too late? I know I’m asking a lot of questions but it seems really complicated! Please help!
  13. Hello all I’ve realised that I have made a huge mistake and need some serious help! Although I included the 8% interest in my original particulars of claim and statement of charges, I did not include it in the ‘amount claimed’ section. I only put the charges and did not add the interest to this. I think I have to file a N244 to change the ‘amount claimed’ section but all the threads I have seen about this are because people did not put about interest in their POC, which I did. I just didn’t add it into the amount claimed. Am I right in thinking that the N244 is the right form? And if so, how do I fill it out? Also, is there a time limit on when you can hand in the N244? HSBC have entered a defence and RBS and Egg have acknowledged. Have I left it too late? I know I’m asking a lot of questions but it seems really complicated! Please help!
  14. Hello all I’ve realised that I have made a huge mistake and need some serious help! Although I included the 8% interest in my original particulars of claim and statement of charges, I did not include it in the ‘amount claimed’ section. I only put the charges and did not add the interest to this. I think I have to file a N244 to change the ‘amount claimed’ section but all the threads I have seen about this are because people did not put about interest in their POC, which I did. I just didn’t add it into the amount claimed. Am I right in thinking that the N244 is the right form? And if so, how do I fill it out? Also, is there a time limit on when you can hand in the N244? HSBC have entered a defence and RBS and Egg have acknowledged. Have I left it too late? I know I’m asking a lot of questions but it seems really complicated! Please help!
  15. Thanks! That's answered my question exactly! Now I just have to find out if I can change the amount claimed...I originally put just the charges, following advice from this site.
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