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  1. i am trying to contact these guys to settle some debt... does anyone have the contact number i cant find it anywhere on the net?
  2. Good Afternoon, Today I recieved an offer for the full amount from HSBC!!!!!! However ony to put toward a debt I have with them. This debt has been passed to a collection agency to chase, I am up to date with all of my payments and have a monthly direct debit set up with them. Obviously I would rather have a cheque than the money go to pay off the debt which is under control. Do I have any case in requesting that the money comes to me? I have not been asked to make any lump sum payments to clear this debt, I am not behind with payments, I have been paying intersest on my debt? Please advise me? I am at the last stages and have found your advice so sound!!! Also forgot to add that if I decline the offer to pay pff my debt, can I still take them to small claims court? They wrote in their letter that the £100 to take this further would not be claimable back?? is this correct? If they make an offer to pay off the debt does that mean that I cannot take this further as they have offered to pay me?
  3. Also forgot to add that if I decline the offer to pay pff my debt, can I still take them to small claims court? They wrote in their letter that the £100 to take this further would not be claimable back?? is this correct? If they make an offer to pay off the debt does that mean that I cannot take this further as they have offered to pay me?
  4. Good Afternoon, Today I recieved an offer for the full amount from HSBC!!!!!! However ony to put toward a debt I have with them. This debt has been passed to a collection agency to chase, I am up to date with all of my payments and have a monthly direct debit set up with them. Obviously I would rather have a cheque than the money go to pay off the debt which is under control. Do I have any case in requesting that the money comes to me? I have not been asked to make any lump sum payments to clear this debt, I am not behind with payments, I have been paying intersest on my debt? Please advise me? I am at the last stages and have found your advice so sound!!! Laura
  5. Hi Guys, all of what you have said has spuured me on to finish this off now, I will actioning today what you have advised and am very grateful for you help. I will keep you posted to let you know how I get on. So the contact details for the DG solicitors is above? I am trying to find it now. So a copy of the breakdown and reference number for the claim, should I include a covering letter?
  6. Can someone please confirm that a claim still stands even if the account as run really badly by the customer as I have heard a rumor that banks are defending any accounts that look abused? My argument being that the charges are still too high and often and cause an account to topple over into the red causing this snowball effect? Really not sure but don't want to go any further until I have a better idea?
  7. Thanks mate. that was very reassuring. What did you mean by DG though? I dont have any solicitors involved at this stage, I have only have the form and a print out of the summary of my charges and interest, and the cheque? If the last day to reply to the claim and submit my form and extra £100 is the 16th should I post on the 12th do you think as if I miss it they could throw the whole claim out?
  8. Good Afternoon, I am at the court stage with my dispute with hsbc, I filed a claim using hmcs on line on the 27th Nov, and had till the 2nd to win by default, but recieved a letter of dispute the day before. I am now paying an extra £100 to see them at my local court, but am worried I might not have a case or there might be some mitigating circumstances in my case? I ran my account very badly, and they eventually closed the account, I have over £1700 worth of charges and interest over the six years I was with them. Does anyone know of any mitigating circumtances? Do you still have to bank with them? Has anyone had any similar experiences with HSBC? Please help and advise, I feel rather confused and lost...:o
  9. Battleaxe, Thanks for replying to me, I do not know what the abrieviations stand for? I will try and post my own new thread but am feeling rather lost on the website?
  10. Hello, my name is Laura, having some problems too with HSBC, at court stage but they have filed a defence against me, now I have to pay a firther £100 to see this through in my local court, after having paid £120 to HMCS already. Does this seem right? Also my account was run badly, they closed the account are these reasons to give up?
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