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Everything posted by chinoky

  1. Thanks for the valued input peeps. Much appreciated. Theres no cameras in the shop just 1 or 2 fake camera casings. The bailiffs didnt actually take any equipment as she promised to pay them the following week. Shes been trying for a reduction in rent for years, very unhelpful and not very understanding even in these hard times. Thanks again for the advice. I'll passed it on and hope for the best
  2. Hello all, My sister is really distressed over a visit from the bailiffs and just wanted some advice and get abit more clued up on her rights. She rents a salon and is the leaseholder. At the moment, business is abit slow and she owes 3 months rent. She phoned the property management on monday to arrangement some kind of installments to clear the debt. She was told someone would call her back. The following wednesday the bailiffs walked into the salon, he demanded £400 + vat for the visit, the rent owed and rent upfront for the next 3 months She refused and he went into the tills and helped himself to £100 then began written down every piece of equipment she had telling her a van was coming to clear everything. She called the property management and they basically said pay up. The bailiffs only left when she said she'll pay him the following week but at a cost of an extra £400 + vat!! There was no county court order or anything of that sort. Im not sure if her rights are different if its a commercial property so i'd be grateful if someone could share some advice because at this rate she's gonna close up and declare bankrupt. thanks for reading
  3. thanks for the info. I gotta go work now but il be back later
  4. anyone at all?? i really help need some advice pls:-|
  5. hi all. just a quick update on my case and some more advice if possible. I rang natwest customer service to enquire why no one responded to my claim and the advisor at customer relations told me my local bank must have forwarded it to the wrong department (lendings dp.). She told me that they had no record of my claim, but has record of my inital letter asking the the refunds. I already got judgement by default and next step is issue a warrant which cost another £55. is this what a should be doing?? will they just keep on ignoring me?? anyone been in the same situation who can shed some light. thanks
  6. Hi all:) I need some advice on what to do next about my bank reclaim. I filed a claim against natwest last month for £395 (charges+interest) and the 14 day period has passed now and still they havent acknowledged my claim. I requested a judgement by default and now im just waiting for validation from the courts before it is issued. What normally happens now? do i just wait and hope everything turns out ok or do i chase them up?? i scared they will just ignore the letters. I'd be grateful for any advice thanks
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