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Candygirl 06

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Everything posted by Candygirl 06

  1. Halifax have taken £50.00 out of my account TODAY, what do I do ?
  2. If I already have statements outlining charges,do I still need to send S.A.R ?
  3. In that case, how do I make a request for the info under the Data Protection Act ? Is there a template letter ? Can the same be done with solicitors as per the D.P.A, as they also have information ?
  4. I require documents relating to tenancy at previous address dating back to 1997, which the couincil say are in the archives, how do I request this information under the F.O.I act ?
  5. Further to my original post, I have now been to the C.A.B and they advised to send a recorded delivery letter to the director of the storage company, stating: Dear Sir, At the start of our contract you took my bank details in order to set up a S/O for my monthly payments. You appear to have failed to do this as I have had no deductions from my bank account. Please rectify this situation as quickly as possible. My contract with you states that I am allowed access to my belongings at anytime. By denying this access you are breaking our contract. I have been to the Citizens Advice Bureau about this and they will assist me to take further action if you do not co-operate. I have read in the paper that your company is in financial difficulties, if this is true, are my belongings safe with you Yours faithfully Any comments regarding the contents of this letter, before I send it would be appreciated
  6. In what section do I post a thread about solicitors ?
  7. I am just wondering whether the company has gone into liquidation since the furniture side of the business has shut down. This is due to "increase in competition" according to the director, though they have been struggling for the last 3 years
  8. Late Feb I enquired about storing furniture with a local removals firm. The storeman quoted a figure of £86.91. This was for 2 containers per month, 1 month to be paid in advance, inclusive of V.A.T. However, the director required an immediate payment of £60.00, which I paid and obtained a receipt for. At the same time,I was given a copy letter confirming my bank details, which he had requested,and the amount to be debited each month. As far as I was aware,the payments were to be made via S/O, which was the agreement, but this sounds more like a D/D He is now refusing me access to my property on the basis that there are arrears on the account. He is now requesting 50% of the outstanding balance, before he will allow access. What are my rights on this ? What if he has set up a DD instead of a S/O, and arrears have accumulated as a result, does this mean he has the right to deny me access ? How best do I resolve this ? The thing is, the letter confirming he has my bank details, he is denying knowledge of, and the copy I was provided with is in the container! HELP! Also he is now requesting payment of £26.91, outstanding from Feb ?? Any help appreciated
  9. I have a current account at the Halifax where I went O/D by 90p. My overdraft limit was £150.00. The overdrawn balance is now in the region of £500 due to all the charges being levied on the account. Since there have been no funds going into the account, where do I stand on this ?
  10. Thanks for the address, now which letter do I need to send ?
  11. does anyone have an address for Blair, Oliver & Scott, as they have started harrassing me AGAIN with phone calls. I had an account at Halifax with an O/D limit of £150 and because the account went over the overdraft by 90p the overdrawn balance is now £600. They stopped for a while when they agreed to refund the charges (which they haven't done!) and now they are chasing me for the balance Which letter do I need to send ?
  12. Is there a letter I can use to send a complaint to the local council, if so where can I fiind it ? It is in respect of tenancy issues that have gone unresolved and I am being victimised and threatened with eviction
  13. Well, here is the response I have received from the Halicrap Dear Missxxxxx Thankyou for you letter received on 13th December and for giving me the opportunity to deal with the issues you have raised. My understanding of your complaint is the number of calls you have received from our collections dept relating to your accountXXXX. Naturally I am sorry to note that you have found cause for complaint and at the outset, hope you will accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused. As your account is currently £XXXX overdrawn with an overdraft facility of £XXXX, it has been placed on an automated dialling system until a payment arrangement has been made with our collections dept. I would like to assure you that our outbound calling strategy is governed by Ofcom guidelines, approved by the Banking Standards Board and Office of Fair Trading. I have arranged to remove your telephone contact details from our system so that no further calls will be made. Please note that this can take up to 24 hours to take effect. (Just for the record, the letter was dated 20th December and I am STILL receiving the calls!) I have spoken to my colleagues in our collections dept and they have advised that you are unhappy with the charges that have been applied to your account. The charges have been applied as you have used your debit card to make purchases when there were insufficient funds in your account. It should be noted that the Halifax incurs additional costs for every transaction, when we pay an item against an unauthorised overdraft, or return an item unpaid. This is because we have to manually intervene in a process that is designed to be as automated as possible and to keep costs to our customers to a minimum. We believe that it is fair to pass these additional costs on to the accounts that generated them. To do anything other than this would mean that these costs would be absorbed in other areas of our operation to the detriment of all other customers. Our policy with regards to bank charges is broadly in keeping with other organizations within the banking industry. As a gesture of goodwill, I am prepared to refund the charges incurred from the 9th November, which totals £180.00. However your account will still be in arrears until the value of the transactions, £XXXX, and debit interest £5.81, are repaid. Should you wish to accept this offer, please sign and return the enclosed acceptance form in the pre paid envelope provided. I trust that this letter clarifies our position on this matter, however should you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Should any of your concerns remain unresolved please let me know what you'd like me to do to put matters right. We are keen to resolve your concerns, if we are unable to do so we'll provide you with details of how you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service for help. If I don't hear from you in the next eight weeks I will assume I have answered your concerns to your satisfaction. Yours sincerely Lee Gardner So now what ? Do I decline the offer ? I was about to send my prelim letter request when I received this Having said that I am not sure what other charges(if any) have been incurred as a result of failed DD etc, would it be better if I sent off S.A.R instead ?
  14. not only that but they are calling the landline as well, so it is nothing to do with the mobile phone company and, as of today, I have had 43 calls to the landline and 54 calls to the mobile
  15. yes, fair enough, but I do not have a contract with my mobile phone company, I have pay-as-you go, and anyway the Halifax have already informed me that it is the number of a collections agency there is a similar number 08708 501 298,and this is the number of the bank collections agency, and they have already confirmed they have made the calls, what I need to know now is how they have got hold of my mobile phone number and what to do about it
  16. the calls I have been receiving were supposedly from the Halifax. The first ever call they made, the person at the other end said this is halifaxonline. I made a note of the number: 08708 503 492. However the Halifax are maintaining that all their numbers begin with 0845 and that this 08708 number is the number of a collections agency. What I want to know is, how has a third party got hold of my personal details i:e my mobile phone number, I do not recollect ever having given it to the Halifax, and if so, isn't that a breach of contract ? How do I go about finding out?
  17. I received this after sending them the harassment by telephone response letter and a record of all calls they have made Dear Missxxxxx Thankyou for your letter on 13th Dec 2006. My understanding of your complaint is that you have concerns regarding the telephone calls you have been receiving from the Halifax. We're keen to deal with your concerns as quickly as possible. A Customer Relations Manager will investigate the points you have raised and you will receive a reply shortly, but certainly no later than 4 weeks. You will find enclosed a copy of our leaflet, which tells you how we will handle your complaint. Your concerns will be dealt with as quickly as possible, but to help us deal more efficiently with your enquiry, please quote xxxxxxxxxx when writing or telephoning the number at the top of this letter. Yours sincerely. I am, however still receiving the calls, now totalling 92, however, they are denying they have made that many calls. Is this just a fob off letter, and what is the next step if the calls continue ?
  18. Which address do I send harassment by telephone- response letter to ?
  19. ahhhh but what if you haven't actually paid them? I was stung with charges, but there was no funds going into the account for them to take back!
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