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tote alley stressed

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Everything posted by tote alley stressed

  1. noodledoodle - can you pm me too please? Don't know what pm is but need some advice.
  2. Hi, sent a cca to catalogue on 9th Feb and have had no reply. A few days before this I had quite a horrid conversation with them - they were quite threatening. What happens now? Only proof I have is receipt for postal order,
  3. Hi, confuse by all the different people who keep sending me letters from different departments? I now need to send one and the name that keeps constant is Phil Crocker. MBNA have said interest has now stopped after 6 months - yeah right. somehow I'm not convinced and they are threatening DCA. Have drafted a letter but need a name where I will get a courteous respone even though I am complaining about their 'team'
  4. Hi, just been told by catalogue that Moorcroft may be dealing with my account in the near future. I've already contacted CCCs last October and they helped me pro rata all debts. Catalogue wouldn't accept this and am wanting me to go on an interest building plan with them. i have never missed the pro rata payments. what happens with DCA? Hoe your dad is ok
  5. Hi, despite being on a pro rata payment 'agreement' with creditors through CCCS, my catalogue has said that the 10.00 month payment is not sufficient and they will be selling the debt on. possibly to Moorcroft and I have heard horror stories about them. They have already moved it to their internal DCA and when I spoke to them the other day they suggested i go on a paymnet plan with them - with interest. thats not going to work as I need to pay off what i owe not accrue more debt. Advice please
  6. Hi, thanks for all the responses previously xx Another question that really bugs me is we were using the card in summer and suddenly MBNA dropped the limit without telling us and therefore we are now in arrears with this as well as the other charges. They question me repeatedly about the overspend and when I explain that we were still within the agreed limit they laugh. Because of the over spend? they will not "acknowledge" pro rata payments or financial statements as suggested by CCCs unti 3 clear months of no spending ??? and then they have worked the pro rata out to be £30 a month more. So what happens to the other creditors - I don't think so. I just wish I could raise the money to stop them harrassing every one of the family - even the pets as they told me to increase funding by getting rid of them :mad:
  7. I'm at my wits end with MBNA and I feel I'm in a no way out situation. Contacted CCCs end of September and they worked out pro rata payments for all my creditors - the majority have accepted - not MBNA nor do they intend to. They set the goals and you pay the price. I've spoken to hundreds of people. Debt management dpt asked me what options had I left in dealing with my debt, I replied did she want me to kill myself? she replied smugly "is that an option". I've been humiliated, patronised, remonstrated for spending money, laughed at, advised to cut my heating bills in half, place my pets out with family, ask my family for money - I've never felt so low. and then theres GVI - they can't ask for who they want, the calls are frequent through the dat x7. My husband is called at work and the matter is discussed with whoever answers the phone. MBNA gave me their word ???????? my number would be recalled and yesterday after several calls I wasd told by a charming young man that once I cleared my arrears and got back on track the phone calls would stop. Isn't that blackmail and oh by the way you need to be paying an extra £30 a month ( they are already getting 60) before we consider stopping charges. All the while he was laughing at my distress. Sorry this is so long but my kids are at school and I've got 5 minutes. Please please give me some advice and help me restore some self respect
  8. Hi, so grateful I found the support I so need. Things are bad and just having the chance to let off steam and someone to advise me is great:)
  9. Hi, just to say thanks for being there - for the little people who often feel alone.
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