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Everything posted by whoareya

  1. Excellent news! Those mothers are mine!!!!!!!!
  2. I used to have a contract mobile phone, I had it cancelled as soon as I could as I ran up huge bills and ended missing payments etc.... I was thinking, are these charges unlawful in the same light as the bank charges????? Any thoughts please
  3. Invictus Thanks for your 2 cents, pretty much what I thought. In answer to your questions I take it you did double check your list of charges? Yes, all seemed fine, however I just not 100% convinced because of what has been said Didn't you have the list and the copy statements with you at the Directions Hearing? No like an idiot. Nobody advised me to take anything only myself, which is a shame, not blaming anyone of course. Didn't SC&M specifiy which charges they couldn't identify? No, the solicitor was a bit clueless about most things, like my name, Judges name, the day, date and probably his own name. I am not going to be able to attend, I am loathed to get the hearing moved because this will never get resolved at this rate, however I will send the letter to say I've done all my bits I can. Does anyone know the likely outcome at the hearing?
  4. They missed the deadline on mine, so I asked for the defence to be struck out. I received a letter a week later stating my request had been rejected, day after I received more documentation from the court. I think everyone is saying, our fingers are crossed for you but don't hold your breath
  5. Hi hope someone can help me. I am taking Lloyds to court and went to the prelimanary hearing along with SCM's solicitors. The solicitors said that they could not identify all of the charges I had claimed and wanted more evidence. The judge decided it would be a good idea to reconvene for another prelimanary hearing - stating it would be better as it would not likely come to the second hearing because if I gave them my workings out he would expect Lloyds to pay up instantly. I sent SCM back my statements that Lloyds supplied me and sent a copy to the courts and have heard nothing since, even after a couple of phone calls. The second hearing is in 2 weeks, I have not heard from SCM and don't expect to, my issue is that I am on holiday then and will not be able to attend. I know I could fill in a form and get the changed but this has been going on for too long and the revised date will be months and months away. Do you think I should write a letter to the courts, in summary saying SCM has the documentation and did not communicate with me, I tried everything I could to resolve the issue and I hope to see them in court. Or words to that effect. Or I was thinking of getting a solicitor in at this point, just to cover me at the hearing Or should i just let the hearing go on without me. My only worry is if SCM identifies an error in my list of charges they may try to get my case thrown out and without me being there it may happen What do you guys think? Any help will be appreciated
  6. Hi Hope someone can help me. I am taking Lloyds to court and went to the prelimanary hearing along with SCM's solicitors. The solicitors said that they could not identify all of the charges I had claimed and wanted more evidence. The judge decided it would be a good idea to reconvene for another prelimanary hearing - stating it would be better as it would not likely come to the second hearing because if I gave them my workings out he would expect Lloyds to pay up instantly. I sent SCM back my statements that Lloyds supplied me and sent a copy to the courts and have heard nothing since, even after a couple of phone calls. The second hearing is in 2 weeks, I have not heard from SCM and don't expect to, my issue is that I am on holiday then and will not be able to attend. I know I could fill in a form and get the changed but this has been going on for too long and the revised date will be months and months away. Do you think I should write a letter to the courts, in summary saying SCM has the documentation and did not communicate with me, I tried everything I could to resolve the issue and I hope to see them in court. Or words to that effect. Or I was thinking of getting a solicitor in at this point, just to cover me at the hearing Or should i just let the hearing go on without me. My only worry is if SCM identifies an error in my list of charges they may try to get my case thrown out and without me being there it may happen What do you guys think? Any help will be appreciated
  7. Update: Went to the hearing. The judge ripped into the solicitor, wasting everyones time - why haven't you paid out etc Basically they are disputing some of the charges - so I need to provide further information, so I will sending my statements to them which I find bizarre and pointless really as I got my statements from Lloyds. nevermind So I'm now faxing over my statements to SCM and I await to hear from them
  8. Just to update my thread. My hearing is very soon My other claim through Barclays completed yesterday, money in the bank. Very pleased with that result. Looking for this to go through.
  9. It was credited PM, very late PM also approximately 5pm Online it looks the following: Credit AGREED SETTLEMENT ONE CHURCHILL PLAC
  10. Wow that was quick. Money in the bank Contribution coming CAG's way..... I think I now need to change my thread to a success story Never thought that would happen
  11. Haven't a clue, the guy initially thought the hearing was 21st April. But he phoned up out of the blue, said he wanted to settle there and then.
  12. Just got off the phone to a nice young man at Barclays. Made me a settlement which I have accepted. He is sending the docs my way to sign. He said that my account will be credited by tomorrow afternoon. !!!Nice one!!!
  13. whoareya


    My date with Lloyds is end of April, date with Barclays May time.... The prelim is literally 10 minutes, more of an inconv. if anything
  14. whoareya


    Just out of interest did you do anything after hearing about your prelim prelim date?
  15. whoareya


    Paula I am very pleased for you and I am very envious also My claim started before yours and the hearing date is in at the end of April and is therefore earlier than yours. Pffft. Goes to show, no rhyme or reason with this lot. Hopefully my cheque is in the post. Very pleased for you though, must be fantastic for you and your family
  16. Hi gang, I've had nothing to update in a while. Just found this out though Hearing Date 21 May 2007 in the Norwich Court 12.40pm I cheekily asked them to bunch it up with my other hearing but with Lloyds, they declined the offer. Tsk they can't even multi task
  17. whoareya


    Check out my threads. You dont really need to do anything just yet. When did you return your AQ? I'm expecting to hear for my other claim shortly
  18. Went over drawn at the weekend. Oops. Oh well needed a letter as evidence. Went to the bank today and asked for it back, the woman didn't even flinch or ask questions, it went back onto my account. She asked if that was all 'Well it's a start.......'
  19. Seems unfair you haven't had the opportunity to state further information in your claim, however I guess the courts have received so many of these they probably dont really need AQ's anymore. The reason why their defence is so big is that they didn't fill theirs out online. MCOL is good for ease of use however looking back at the whole process it would've been better to fill out the N1 form myself Check out my thread to see what I've put in response to my General form of judgement or order, although my form is slightly different to yours. I think you need someone further in the know about what you do next
  20. Hi there, welcome to the site. It's not every case the banks close the account or cut off your overdraft. It is suggested you open a parachute account. I don't think they are allowed to do that anyway, because it is retaliation, I've read about that on here somewhere. what I hate about banks, I've been there, is that when you become financially unstable they offer more money, more debt. It should be stopped. I could be out of line but I would suggest you do the following. Stop the consolidation loan NOW. £3k, will turn in a £5k-£6k + debt. Open up a second account, with no overdraft. Give the www.cccs.co.uk a call. They are free government funded service that offers support in debt. I had a £20k debt, that stemed from banks offering consolidation loans, me being incapable of not spending. I was paying hundreds in interest alone. The CCCS contacted each of my creditors and I now pay a sum to CCCS which is divyed up to my creditors - INTEREST FREE!!!! I now own £11k. I wish someone gave me that advice when I was only a few k in debt. phewww... Moan over. It won't affect your credit score, besides if you are defaulting it cant make it any worse.
  21. Hi there, good luck for your claim, you'll need no luck though, you'll be fine, everyone here will help you.
  22. 14 days including weekends and bank holidays. You are the boss in this, you make the rules. You could even inform them of the date in 14 days time in future correspondence. Have you started your own thread detailing your own story, probably best as we can then follow your history and answer questions easier.
  23. This is the norm as far as I can gather apart from forgetting the AQ. Read the advise given about filling in the AQ, this will answer your first question about this: "the particulars of claim do not provide details or particulars of the amount in question and / or the precise charges alleged to have been unlawful" Good luck and keep your thread up to date
  24. I can't say for sure but I would doubt SCM will attend either.... That is of course if it gets that far. PS. £500 I think is LOADSA money!!
  25. I gave authority to deduct money however I was told it would be free on this occasion. There is no single approach to this I see. I would agree to send a postal order, you can claim it back also I LOATHE receiving postal orders becuase you have to go to the post office, wait in the queue. It's a pain. Hopefully Lloyds feels that pain too! I would complain about removing £190 hopefully you'll get it back, go see your branch manager they may help. But if not add to your list.
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