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  1. Thank you for your reply.. I did'nt mention that they offered me a full refund, but that is not what I wanted. I wanted a TV set. I will take your advice and pay the money they ask, but am unsure about your advice on getting a full refund as I will be 'back to square one'!
  2. No its half the difference, but curry's have the set at £50 less than J Lewis
  3. Hi I bought a Plasma TV from John Lewis in April this year. I reported a screen fault in August. They took it away and returned it saying they had left it on a 'screen burn washer' and cannot do a repair. They have asked me to either accept it as it is, or pay them £250 for a replacement set, as the original set is not now available. What do you think? I consider this not to be screen burn but a fault.
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