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  1. Got my AQ completed, but I'm a bit confused by exactly what I should attach with it? Particularly the DO im a bit confused by what it all means.. Ive read different bits on here but I think its a cant see the wood for the trees thing. Can anyone give me an idiots guide? I know i need to send a copy to DG with list of charges with a copy also going to courts). I dont want to slip up at this stage and it take any longer than it needs to now.
  2. sorry forgive my ignorance DO=?
  3. Thanks again, do you have any idea roughly of the timescales I am looking at for this to all be drawn to a close... deadline for AQ return is 30th Jan 07
  4. Thanks michael however my claim is for less than 5000 and as I read the completion guide that txt is for such claims? Have I interpreted it wrongly? Or does this suffice in either cases above / below 5000?
  5. found an answer to my own question! what tends to happen from here now once i have sent off the AQ??
  6. Got a letter from mcol, northampton court saying a defence has been filed. Received allocation questionnaire. Can anyone give me some advice or are there any threads which provide advice on its completion?
  7. The letter is from colin langdale. I will reply and post today address directly to him.
  8. Weell this morning I received an expected offer in the region of 80%.... dated 28th december giving me 10 working days to respond!! that means i have until 12th to respond (by my rough reckoning given xmas bank hols etc). Chances are if they have a backlog from over that period and by the time letter gets there etc if I was to accept they may not have got it in time... Good job I'm going to reject it anyways! Is it necessary to respond? Or as in the letter from Colin Langdale they will take it I have declined their offer... Should I now just sit tight and wait for another letter?
  9. Can anybody help with which is the correct email address to send to deborah d'aubney?
  10. Is anybody able to help with the above??
  11. Lol HSBCrusher! Just had a better look at my acknowledgment of service letter from MCOL which states they are defending blah blah.... I have read in threads that to save time and pre-empt the "can we have charges breakdown letter"... it can be 1. posted, 2. faxed or 3. emailed, in anticipation, thus saving approx 2 weeks. I have read in here that (as is consistent with my claim) Deborah Daubney is intending to defend all claims. The thread containing all hsbc contact info states that emails are firstname.lastname@hsbc.co.uk however the part for her email states debbiedaubney@hsbc.com is this correct? or should it be debbie.daubney@hsbc.co.uk/com?? Just ensuring that I get it absoultely correct for Ms D'Aubney
  12. Received a letter from hsbc today! ...thanks for my letter dated 28th november!! Apparently he will contact me again by 31st January 2007....hmmm.... better pull his finger out seeing as mcol served 18th December 2006 and the 28 days (due to it being acknowledged) takes in to 14th January 2007... Mr Langdale must be working bank holidays this year... oh dear! Happy Christmas Mr Langdale... hmmm 11 billion profit this year... sadly their goose will still be fat
  13. Leon yeah that what my interpretation of it too. I guess thats possibly a good tactic against those who arent prepared/willing to be in for the long haul
  14. Leondowd, yes practically to the day! Im now hoping to have a great 30th in February! Up until now I havent heard any peep from hsbc, did they give any response to you before MCOL?
  15. quick update...... hsbc acknowledged claim (as expected... GRRRR!!!) Hardly in the festive spirit is it! Ah well! this now gives them until jan 14th '07
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