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  1. Hi, Yet ANOTHER (can you feel the tension?) debt has come to light this morning in the post that my husband cut and ran from in his previous life (I guess they found us now we've been on the electoral role for a while). It's from a debt collection agency on behalf of a Debenhams store card....£1329!! My husband thinks that this debt would have started about 6 yrs ago. Do they get erased form your records after this long? Anyway, we can't afford to pay it. They've got the cheek to splash 'FINAL DEMAND' on their letter but we've not even had a first demand! Please, any advice as to how to pursue would be very gratefully received.
  2. That's rediculous isn't it. It makes a mockery of the whole credit referencing system if the information held isn't correct. So if some divvy work experience kids presses the wrong key it's just bad luck. I'll keep my ear to the ground.....
  3. I'm dead against ID cards. My question is 'why', not 'why not' really. It wont stop terrorism (even the US isn't trying to foist such an invasion of privacy on it's people) or make a noticable effect on benefit fraud, the technology will be hijacked by the criminal fraternity anyway and the governments record on these kinds of things is pretty poor, so 'why'?. I recently accessed my credit record online to find out that the reason we have started to get telesales and unsolicited post etc. is because I've apparently said 'yes' on my electoral role records for my info to be shared which is complete nonsense. Someone from the council came to the door (showed a badge and papers) and updated our electoral role details and voila! They've ticked the box for me and allowed my details to be shared for whatever puproses it's deemed fit. Do they get any money for passing on the details? I wonder. I feel violated! Just why do the government need this information on us? If they know where we are, what we're doing, who we're fraternising with whenever they want to, then things like the action taken by members of the CAG for example might be halted. We're already deprived of the liberty of protesting outside of our Parliament (which should be a fundamental right!) all in the name of security (the Terrorism Act) If they bring in measures or unfair laws or acts related to our freedoms or rights in the name of 'security' or whatever, how can we protest and take action when they can follow us in intimate detail? It is effectively selling away your identity, or it would be - if it wasn't actually us that had to pay for the privalage of become a barcode rather than an individual.
  4. You had a bad experince I'm guessing?
  5. Hi, Don't know if this'll hep but I've just accessed my rating/report via Equifax online (about £16) and it tells you that of there any inaccuracies then they'll look into it, you just need to click and fill in what your problem is.
  6. I would add that if a visitor to the house has their belongings chewed to death by your dog then they should claim against their own policy. Their extension for cover for personal possessions away from the home should take care of it.
  7. Hi there, I usually reside on the Lloyds TSB forum along with my other half but I was hoping for a bit of advice on a bit of a long shot regarding HSBC. About 2 years ago (before we knew about the reclaiming business) my husband received a letter out of the blue from an agency who had been employed by HSBC to collect an outstanding £750 that they said he owed them. The story goes that before we met my husband lived in London for a few years with his ex-girlfriend and got into a bit of financial difficulties, split with her and then returned here to Bristol. He thought that he had tied up all the loose ends but it seems that he missed this one bank account. He had been using his overdraft facility in London on this account and when he moved back to Bristol the charges for exceeding this (because of their interest charges eventually pushing him over the agreeed limit) simply piled up and up, they had been adding charges for about 5 yrs! (they say he was officially in default in Feb '01 even though he wasn't at that address and wasn't served with the notice). Anyway, we had just had our first child and were already in a bit of money strife so we just had to agree to pay this by monthly installments, (we didn't know that we had any other recource) and we have been paying for these outrageous charges ever since. What has brought this to our attention recently is that my husband needs to apply for a direct learning computer programming course and we needed a credit check to get the money in the form of a deferred loan. We checked Equifax to see what chance he had and his rating was 'very poor!'. I know that there has been a few late payments here and there on his credit card account but the 'very poor' was directly linked to these charges dating back to 2001! So, we're really ****ed off that not only is my husband's credit rating pretty much nil, but this is all because of unfair charges applied to my husbands account anyway. Apparently it will take 6yrs from the date the full amount is paid back to HSBC before his rating will rise again. All because of their unfair charges. They are effectively keeping us on the bread line until it's cleared, and with us having two toddlers and living in rented it's a really depressing prospect. Anyway, I know this is long but do any of you think that we have any leg to stand on with regards to clearing this 'debt' or even restoring his credit rating?? Many thanks in advance, katy
  8. Thanks you two. I'll get him to send it forthwith. I've just spoken to him and he's going the take Lloyds TSB to the Financial Ombudsman as well as they told him that 'if it goes to court then they will take into account how he managed his finances and if it shows that he had run his account 'badly' then he won't win the case!' Fortunately all the calls he makes out from work (which is where he was called) are recorded and archived and his employers are allowing him to request the tape so that he can take it with him to any proceedings! Ha ha ha ha..... Katy
  9. My husband and I are cruising happily towards a court appearance so all's well with us but I do need a little help with regards my brother and LTSB as he has no Internet access to ask himself. His bank have credited his account with a £750 'goodwill gesture' but they are refusing to remove it saying 'if it went to court it would be subtracted from the court award'. Surely they can't do this, I would have thought that they need permission to both remove and add payments to your account! All help gratefully received! Katy:)
  10. Sorry for not replying sooner FB, I'll have to pour you a double (on the rocks?) tonight! Couldn't get on last night, long story but with the weekend coming I'll have a really good look 'round the site. We need to get Microsoft Excel installed before we can even work out the exact money to take Lloyds to court for so frustratingly it'll be into next week before I can fire off a letter. My husbands also doing the same and in pretty much the same situation as me but with Barclays, my only worry is that they'll shut down our accounts because I doubt any bank would want to take us after this! Anyhow, speak soon, Katy
  11. I don't want too sound to gushy but what a great site and what supportive people! I'm drinking in all of your sound advice, thanks.
  12. Thanks Valf, I will have a good look through tonight, get an idea of timescales as well. I really do feel such animosity towards my bank, they are such swines!
  13. Thanks Freebird. I've got a 1 year old and a two year old here with me...they've just woken up from their nap so I'll be really busy until they go to bed tonight. I will have a look, definitely. I just have to keep reminding myself that no-one has ever lost the fight....
  14. Hello everyone, In August I wrote the relevant letter to Lloyds saying that I thought that the charges were unfair/illegal and demanding them back. On the 2nd September I received a letter fobbing me off with 'I'm sorry, it was in our agreement....' etc. I then wrote again saying that I don't accept that and that I requited my charges in full otherwise I would take court action. They have written to me today saying that they 'are sorry' (like hell they are!!) but this letter is the bank's final word on the subject, 'no', and that I should take it to the Financial Ombudsman if I wanted to take it further. Is this standard for LTSB? Should I just plough ahead with the small claims court? I keep getting nervous, what if it all backfires on me?! I couldn't afford to lose this. My rational side keeps saying that it'll be fine but I just need some advice and words of encouragement! Thanks so much for your time, if this has all been said before I apologise. I have limited time on the computer and haven't been able to search through other people posts.. Katy:)
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