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  1. yeah i called them to 'sort it out' when i got the arrears letter and they assured me i had nothing to worry about as it was a 'stock' letter. That still didnt stop them putting the flag on my credit score. I rang them this afternoon and they were their usual blood out of a stone self. Apparently it works on a six week rotation so should be off in the next few weeks but still guess it will show up in history.
  2. Hi All, Not sure if any of you are effected but ive just been rejected for a bank transfer because Hitachi flagged my account as being in arrears which effected my credit score. This is despite the account being closed. May be worth you all checking.
  3. Not sure if any of you guys saw this but there was a big thing about training providers on the bbc breakfast news this morning though looking into this, they didnt mention advent by name but they were definately one of the companies involved in the case studies mentioned, the experts were also quite clear the finance providers are liable though. Was on at 9:40 this morning, bbc 1
  4. Hi All, No updates to report for me. There was a big thing about training providers on the bbc breakfast news this morning though looking into this, they didnt mention advent by name but they were definately one of the companies involved in the case studies mentioned, the experts were also quite clear the finance providers are liable though. Was on at 9:40 this morning, bbc 1
  5. Yeah I got the same, it cant be stock letters either as they make reference to our dispute. All ammunition for the FoS:)
  6. Not sure, to be fair to them they have given people individual settlements and have judged each case individually as shown by the different offers. They have however based all settlements on the same, flawed, calculations. To be honest they have no idea what the courses were leading on to, what was involved, or what was meant to be supplied by Advent. They are a finance company and not an IT provider so they have judged it on the only basis they know how. I personally signed up for a Database specialist course, was lead to believe that the qualifications leading up to this point were all working towards that goal. After the collapse of Advent Iam left with qualifications that did not help me achieve my current role in IT nor have they helped me progress into a Database Specialist Role, so on that basis, they have not provided the course objective. You wouldnt sell someone a tv but only give them a remote control and say 'well we provided part of it, heres a 20% refund'
  7. That was the bit which wasnt hopeful. The Guy said if they cannot make an agreement with Hitachi on what is fair it could take 3-9 months to give an official ruling depending on complexity of the case. He did advise that its normally closer to 3 than 9 though.
  8. Let them put it in Willy, it confirms in the letter this is not an agreement. To cover your back email Jeanette or send them a letter saying you note they have refunded you XXX which you have paid since January but you do not consider this an agreement, if you want to add some sarcasm tell them you accept their down payment on the money they owe you
  9. I got the same letter. They arent forcing the full amount on to you. They are giving back anything you have paid since January 27th and 'offering' to give you the rest up to the amount the originally thought was 'fair'. Amusing to say the least. I called the FOS last night to confirm they had recieved my complaint, recieved on 13th April and is waiting to be allocated.
  10. Well I got my final offer today and it was the same as the first. Again they try to pressure in to accepting by giving you 10 days. I will now await the FOS decision as Hitachi are useless, you cant discuss anything with them as all you get are monkeys on the phones and management 'not at the desk'. Oh well
  11. I dont blame you for taking it Mazzer, I started shortly after you (March 2008 ) and ive done a few more qualifications so Im hoping I get offered a similar amount and would also accept it. Bet thats a weight off your mind !!
  12. Hi Mazzer, Didnt accept the offer I made a counter offer with same terms just larger amount to pay back to me.
  13. I cancelled my DD and ive just got a letter from the Head of Operations saying that although he is aware of the dispute it is important I keep my account up to date. Ive written a letter back stating that boths sides are in agreement there is nothing more for me to pay and the only dispute is how much they owe me. Ive advised perhaps I should be chasing them for installments instead and that if they do take action against my account I will be raising a seperate complaint to the ombudsmen for mispractice. I sent it Saturday and am awaiting response.
  14. An update on my own position. I recieved the letter with the offer on around the 23rd March, it was dated 18th March and gave me 10 days to accept (although they had miscalculated this as 26th March ...). I contacted them on 24th March with a counter proposal and was informed via email that they would have an answer for me by 25th March - this never materialised. After I chased up I was promised, in an email, a letter was going out on 31st March and I would be sent an email with the letter attached on the same day - this never materialised. I called them last night to query what was going on and was told that there was no record of any letter being sent to me on my account and they could not chase up as Jeanette Freeman had left for the day, I was promised a phone call today and , suprise, suprise, this has not happened. Im thinking I could get them on shoddy Customer Services as well as mis-selling the course !!
  15. Hi Bluedo, Im guessing the main difference is Hitachi have nothing to gain as it is interest free and that most of us have probably progressed further/paid more and been on the course longer than the BPF guys - making it not viable to go with another provider. Hitachi seem to be willing to write off around 50% for most people (around 2000) whereas BPF will lost several times that. There are also a LOT less people on Hitachi than BPF as evidenced by the size of both threads.
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