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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. Stop Press Max Cliiford feels sent an email, this is not his forte so must represent bankers
  5. The case will be heard before a circuit judge and then presumably appealed in the Court of Appeal. I emailed Max Clifford on Wednesday, we live in hope. I intend to seek publicity next week and am considering which media to use, press or television.Would like to have slogan short enough for T Shirt and also to be used as a email address. Happy for site to CAG moderators to contact me it is the last chance saloon and must be done properly. Even if I am only the face of a national campaign I will be happy just to close this argument for good. Will keep my eye out for the best logo but need to decide quickly. Is Martin Lewis all talk or will he join in, who knows.
  6. Thanks for not shooting me down, there are a lot of comments on here but it needs someone to stand up, i will be selling T Shirts and Car Stickers initially to raise what someone has put at £50k and someone else £250k. All surplus money will go to childrens ward at two hospitals. I used Section 5 UTTCR and Section 140 CCA Act. I have to put together a top legal team and fund it because the Nasty Bank have decided quite rightly this is the alternative test case. anyone attempting to lift a stay or issuing a fresh claim is wasting their time because the banks will threaten huge costs and the Nasty Bank have told ne they will throw more money at my case because of the ramifications. I now need to either find a publicist or some media contacts. If I don't contact the national press or television they will soon seek me out so I am up for being the face of the alternative line to the OFT but if do not have the right team or funding I and ultimately everyone else will end up like England when we faced Germany and this will be dead for all of us. My Particulars of Claim therefore is templated everywhere but only the Govan Law Centre has had a go and that is not English Law which is where it must be tested. I await the decision of the Southend Circuit Judge to give me my date in open court, I am happy for anyone to turn up and support me. This case can be won and we can restore the status quo so long as my team is good enough and I have paid them. For my sinns apart from anything else I have stated I am also an Accredited Mediator affiliated to ADR Chambers in London and they can assist me in fining the right team but I must find the right price and be funded somewhere so anyone want to find me a good slogan which will fit on a T Shirt and as many offers to purchase or any other backing on offer thanks and I will try and keep the site informed however it is not my site and I cannot steal the sites thunder especially as they do a good job so posts will be toned down and whilst not trying to ignore anyone responses will be limited.
  7. This is not my site its the moderator, my one and only comment is to someone who wants everyone to put in a kitty and have someone stand up, i am standing up and the story ends there. If the moderator wants to go with this he will contact me if he does not he wont. It is presumably me in the echo it will get publicity as it rolls on. I have a QC who has worded a press realease and represented me in court and will do so further down the line. its simple someone stands up and is shot down or walks tall, end of. This is it the argument that so many including Martin Lewis is now being aired in England and Scotland with at the end of a day a result, what that result is we will all know at some stage and then the chat and hype ends once and for all finito. Sone wont like it some will but matter closed real soon. If I win I get £4k and my few remaining cases, others were paid out prduces income spread between advisers, if I lose end of me, if I am prepared to do this you may not wish to support me but dont knock me for bringing an argument raging since the supreme court with lots of hot air and no gusto. Just wish me luck, i probably need it.
  8. Please tell me if you do not want me to post on here. In 2006 I was assisting clients and sent a message which did not really go anywhere, in 2007 I set up and regulated a CMC but did not ask for money up front. As a few remaining cases are stayed I have tried to lift them but the dreaded threat of financial costs to the client emerged. I am not afraid of publicity or standing up and being counted so in March using the new arguments I issued a claim against the Nasty Bank as an individual and if I fall it is me that gets stung with monsterous legal bills. I intend to seek funding and go public and if there are any surplus funds or I win and get costs I have already arranged donations to two Childrens Wards Neptune in Southend and Rays of Sunshine in Kings College. I have a grandson born at 24 weeks and one pound six ounces who survived but has never left these two wards and I agree that 60 million people in the country throwing in a quid would do nicely for the charities and fund my case. It has been deemed by Cobblers to be a test case and their "key" witness whoever that is wants to avoid 20 days in September because his wife is having a baby, lets hope it doesn't need my charities. I will publicly seek financial help because if I win you all get paid and if I lose you do too. My case is not ill fated such as the OFT and i will be asking for all claims by banks against individuals for debts made up partially or wholly by bank charges to be stayed pending a high court test case. The trial which is where we are will be held in Southend County Court circa September/October with the loser going straight to the Court of Appeal then Supreme Court and European Court. If I have the money and public backing I will not walk away, be coerced, frightened or paid off. While cases have been stayed I have assisted clients with Defences for repossessions and County Court Claims in Essex on an hourly rate with glowing success. All clients come not from advertising but articles written about me in the local press and word of mouth. I have a small staff of 5 including me. Please forgive me if the powers that be do not want this post I can talk offline. My mobile is still operable, my landline has changed. Bank charge reclaims are dead unless someone makes one huge last ditch effort, it aint gonna be anyone else so **** or bust it is me. Perhaps a moderator wants to discuss this before I do my press release edited by my barrister. I have not used this site to feather my nest only to see updates during the stay to see if anyone knew any more than me when further announcements were being made on lifting of stays.
  9. Please consider signing the above petition located on the number 10 downing street website. The threshold for bankruptcy was raised to £200 in 1976 and £750 in 1986 and has not been raised since. Most tenancy agreements state that the agreement ends upon bankruptcy. Some sensitive jobs and many homes are lost on bankruptcy. The purpose of this petition is to stop the abuse of the system by councils who will bankrupt an individual if he or she falls behind with payments and has their instalment agreement withdrawn and cannot pay the whole balance remaining in one lump sum. It will help others out who are pursued for sums between £750 and £5000. If there is a legitimate claim against a creditor for mis selling, unfair charges or associated arguments the answer to many questions on this site is no you should not go bankrupt nor should you take out an IVA. If you want to reclaim money that a bank owe you and there is no debt you should pay £10 for statements under the relevant legislations, however if you are pursued for a debt that includes charges then you should not pay £10 because you require the information for your benefit not theirs. The onus on a claimant or creditor is to prove their case, a creditor that does not provide all statements showing how you went from zero upon openiong to where you are today has not substatiated his claim.
  10. Loans.co.uk Ltd have issied redundancy notices to their staff and if redirecting you they may be buying time. They are being served Part 20 notices under directions of a District Judge to be added to a claim.
  11. Bought car April 03 financed by GMAC, got into arrears and had a summons for repo, appeared in court and Judge made posession order suspended on basis debt was repaid at the rate of £200 per month. Sent cheque on Nat West bank account, it bounced, did not konw, Nat West were the only bank that levied charges with a policy not to send out confirmation letters. GMAC failed to contact me or represent cheque. At a much later date got SAR documants which at the time said "04/04 reviewed chase customer either for replacement funds or issue out for recovery" "05/04 £200 cheque bounced we are chasing a replacement payment" the vehicle was repossesed on 6/04/06 with no contact or prior warning. Next entries were "09/05 reviewed seems vehicle was reposssessed on 6/4 good result". I could ask if I had a claim against Nat West but my real issue is this, the purchase price included interest over 5 years, if they rebated interest and rebated the amount recieved for the vehicle and advised me of the shortfall then I would have contacted them and arranged some sort of repayment, they insist that the full interest is payable. I was not advised what the proceeds of the sale was, I did check my credit file last year and GMAC is shown as settled so i assumed they did rebalte the interest and sold the vehilce and the shortfall if any was not significant and was written off. This week I recieved a letter from DLC acting on behalf of Hillsden claimingthey bought a debt on 1 July 2008 from GMAC for £3948.45. There has been no contact from GMAC since the day the vehicle was repossessed apart from the response to the SAR request on 11 October 2006. Can they charge interest to March 08, could they repossess without contacting me and as Nat West had a policy to bounce items and not inform account holders by post and there is an OFT case to decide if this was a penalty charge by the bank, [obviously there was a bank charge] are they partially responsible for the debt and loss of the vehicle. I was of the opinion they took the car back due to arrears, sold it and were not out of pocket so I was going to put it down to experience and as time went by forgot all about it and was happy to let it go, what now.
  12. Thanks for the feedback, I just think that the landlord could have accepted that rent would be paid by benefit and there would be a delay in getting backdated payments while the benefit claim was processed. The other issues of safety he should have known about and will have to redress the situation before he relets.
  13. The council state that glass panels in the internal doors are unsafe and wiring is old in the meter and fuse box area and to the kitchen and bathroom and not up to standard and that until work is done they will not allow the landlord to relet, the landlord is going to be ordered to make good these issues while I am still in occupation. Was or is the letting agent or the landlord culpable at the point of letting and was or am I in any danger if the property is not up to the standard required on health and safety grounds. The property was rented with a panoramic sea view the width of the living room and this is reflected in the rent, can I be compensated if the view is totally blocked by scaffolding for 50 days because repairs to the roof are undertaken by a scaffolder who has a financial interest in one of the properties in the block and he does the repair in his spare time to save on costs when his only real qualification is as a scaffolder and not a roofer. Rent is only in arrears while a benefit claim is processed and once benefit is recieved rent arrears would be cleared and future rent covered. Can the landlord apply for a court order when he knows that by any hearing date rent arrears will have been cleared. Should an electrical certificate be in place and if there is one how often should it be renewed. The property clearly should not have been let under health and safety rules and the council are taking that up, I have an issue with the rent reflecting a view I lost for a period of time and I have been honest with the landlord about financial difficulties and the benefit application. Has the landlord breached the tenancy agreement at the outset on health and safety issues. If so what remedial action can be taken. I intend to stay if possible. Sorry if this was or is unclear, hopefully this is more understandable.
  14. I moved into a flat on 2 March 2007, the flat was offered by a letting agent. I did not have any tgood references but had savings so i paid 6 months up front and one months deposit to the agent and obtained a receipt. This opened the door to a tenancy without references. The landlord dismissed the agent after the agreement was signed to avoid commission on rent up front. After 6 months the landlord was besidehimself trying to get me to sign another 6 months agreement which then became a rolling agreement. I need to give one moths notice and he needs to give two months. Rent was paid at a maximus 3 days early or two days late untill March when financial difficulties ensued. I have since applied for benefits. There are 6 flats on 3 floors and i am on the first floor so at the middle level, at the turn of the year we had leaks and advised that repairs would be done soon. I pay above the odds because it is a seafront location with full estuary views. In March scaffolding was erected totally blocking the view, the scaffolding compnay is run by the owner of one of the flats and the scaffolder did the repair work in his spare time. The scaffolding was removed after 50 days. I complained to my landlord when he returned from his 6 week break to his holiday home on the continent and he derided my complaint, he then advised me that he would not accept benefit claimants. Rent die on 2 May was not paid and he asked me at the end of May to leave at the end of the week and he would set the deposit against the rent, i contacted the council who said his letter was not a NTQ, They contacted him and he then issued another one which was also deemed not to be a valid NTQ. The first asked me to leave on 2 July, the second on 2 August and then he employed a company called Landlord Action who will apply on 10 July for a repossession order yet have asked me to leave on 2 Sep. The council visited my flat and found some problems. There should be three doors between the hall/lounge, hall/kitchen & kitchen/lounge, one is missing the other two have full length panes of glass considered to be unsafe, the electic wiring is old and there is no cross bonding in the kitchen and bathroom, there is no eveidence of earthing and the fuses are not clearly labelled, i dont know what all this means other than the council have stated they will not allow the landlord to relet until they are satisfied the work has been completed to there satisfaction, no one has been to do a gas or electric annual check so theremay not be certificates if required. I have made a claim in writing for compensation for the scaffolding blocking my view and advised the landlord of the councils inspection. Where do I stand, was the property let lawfully and is the landlord in breach of the tenancy agreement in respect of safety issues, is the agent in any way liable, who holds my deposit and can i claim compensation. In respect of the rent it has not been paid on 2 may, 2 june & 2 july and benefit claim will be finalised shortly.
  15. There are 2 cases, they have yet to apply to set aside the £170, judgment stands but they did acknowledge the claim in time from the county court but sent the acknowledgement to the High Court Queens Bench Division. The second case refers to the wife which is a seperate case and the defence was served on the 28th day. An allocation questionnaire has now been recieved.
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