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Everything posted by The_Badger

  1. Hi I started this process back in May but beyond the request for info under the DPA It got put on the back burner for a while. However Barclays bank sent me everything for the last 7 years for free! Barclaycard (its the same company remember) said: "Please note statements that are prior to May 2004 are not held on a computer system or a structured relevant filing system and therefore, they do not fall under the Data Protection Act 1998. They can be obtained from our Customer Services Dept at a cost of £3 per statement." Now I was a bit sceptical about this so I rang Lindsay Hilton, Barclaycard's Data Protection Manager and she said that the records are kept on microfiche. She claims that they are stored by Date order with 4 accounts per film and that therefore by providing me with the information she would be also providing me with 3 other people accounts. I then decided to ring the Information Commisioners helpline. They said that they had recieved several complaints regarding this point and where investigating wether Microfiche records constituted a "Structured Relevant Filing System." They said their deliberations where nearly done and that they should have an answer within about a week. So look out on the Information Commisioner's Office website (ICO – Information Commissioner's Office) for an announcement (and if I spot it first I'll post the result here. So if your in the process of going after Barclaycard just wait a week before you send off that SAR letter as it might mean you get what you want rather than a fobbing off letter! Good luck Andy.
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