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  1. i am about to send my first letter asking for a summary of bank charges for the last 6 years to my bank (halifax). however, my account with them is a student current account. i am not a student anymore though. i have an arranged overdraft of £2000 interest free, but if they find out i am not a student will they not charge me or sue me for the interest on this overdraft? i am not sure if their normal current account overdrafts are interest free. also, if they only offer me a partial settlement as a goodwill gesture, can i request that they write off my overdraft instead? i would be afraid of them defeding in court, knowing my luck with banks (hence all the charges - £100 in the last month alone!!!) they will defend in court! any advice is appreciated littlewriter
  2. hi, i am just about to send my first letter to the bank asking them for a summary of my bank charges over the last 6 years. i bank with halifax. however, my account with them is a student current account and i am no longer a student but still have the same account. will this make a difference? also i have a £2000 arranged overdraft, if halifax close my account (hopefully after they refund me charges) will they demand i pay my overdraft off in full immediately? (this might not be a big difficulty for me btw, just wondering). also, if they make me an offer which is not the full amount as a goodwill gesture, can i ask that they write off my overdraft instead? i am guestimating that i have more than £2000 in charges over the past 6 years. thanks very much for any advice anyone can offer littlewriter
  3. my other half has a hernia. the gp told him it would be at least 1 year before he could get an operation due to the waiting lists. however, the hernia is very painful for him and his job is a very physical one, when he comes home from work every day he can barely walk upright. he went back to the gp and asked if he could get his operation sooner, but the gp said as his hernia wasn't strangulated (cutting off his blood supply) they wouldn't do anything. the gp told him to get a new job or quit. we can't afford for him to quit his job and who in their right mind would employ someone with a medical condition like this which means he can't carry out most tasks. he is not qualified for anything else. is there anything we can do to bump him up the waiting list? or does he just have to grin and bear it? thanks littlewriter
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