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Everything posted by mlphw

  1. Just realised why - read another thread! Thanks though.
  2. Hi there thanks for the quick response. Do you happen to know why it is preferential to use the N1 rather than MCOL?
  3. Hi all I wondered if you could help me with a quick question. About 18 months back I managed to get a full refund plus interest from Barclays of about £2.5k and so know the process quite well from that but haven't really kept up to date with everything and with the test case stay I think things may have changed. I recently received 3 x £30 charges and so sent of my Preliminary Letter and LBA. They wrote back saying all cases are on hold and I will hear from them in due course. Now do I still file an MCOL anyway or do I wait to hear what they say? Many thanks, MLPHW
  4. Hi there, I wondered if anyone could help/advise or maybe if anyone else has had a similar problem. Back in 2002 I was a student and had a bank account with Halifax with a £750.00 overdraft. As a result of going just £5 over my overdraft I received a few bank charges totalling about £150 which I have since successfully reclaimed. However, as a result of these charges I ended up having to pay back the overdraft and charges money to Halifax in monthly installments and the account was closed. Now, 5 years later I notice that they have put a settled default notice on my account dated June 2002 for £842. However I regularly request copies of my credit file and this default has only appeared since I reclaimed my bank charges - it's as if they are retaliating in some way!! I also know this definately has only appeared over the past couple of months as I have successfully had two mortgage applications and other credit over the past few years and never had a problem yet now no one will touch me! So I wrote to Halifax using a template from here requesting that they sent me a copy of the default notice as I never received one and didn't know anything about it until now. They wrote back and said they didn't have a copy and weren't legally obliged to send me one but did send a blank template of what it would have looked like. They also sent a copy of my original account opening application form which I didn't ask for! So they say the default stands. But I think surely they can't just whack a 5 year old default on my credit file and say they can't give me any info on it. Any ideas/advice much appreciated. Is there some regulator I can report them to for what seems like a retaliation just because I reclaimed bank charges? Thanks
  5. 3 are driving me insane! I sent the two letters as per girl35's posts above but unfortunately I got a drifferent outcome. Someone from India phoned and said they had received my letter and sorry I was unhappy but the charges still stand. I begged to be able to speak to someone in the UK but they say it is not possible. Does anyone know how I can contact someone? I am getting to the point where I am just gonna end up paying it to get them off my back.
  6. Hiya, That is where I sent mine and I received my statements today (well half were missing but it's a start!). However they claimed never to have received my first letter so make sure you send it recorded as it took 3 months for me to finally get my statements and that was only cause I emailed them proof that the letter was received in their bulding from the Royal Mail website!
  7. That is brilliant - I'm gonna get a couple of letters off today! Thanks for the advice. I did get a call from their customer services people in India or somewhere yesterday saying he would email me copies of the supposed bill. I gave him two email addresses just to make sure I got it and he said it was sent as we spoke but I haven't received it in either email inbox. I've checked junk settings etc but it's not there. They really are majorly incompetent!
  8. I would love to challenge it but unfortunately the idiots on the end of the phone line aren't very helpful and don't seem to be able to answer any of my questions! It seems like they have a list of questions and answers and can't deviate from that. The lady today said if I don't pay the balance in full today it is being referred to a debt collecters and I will get a default. I said surely you can't do that as the account is in dispute. I said I won't pay until I get an itimisation of the charges. She said she'd send me a bill but it will take a few days and by the time it gets to me my account would already have been defaulted and passed over. Now obviously I don't want to pay them today without knowing what it's for but I also don't want to get a default notice for just £80. Any ideas? Or does anyone have a UK contact I can speak to? I have emailed the customer services but no response as yet. Damn 3 - Two years on and they're still getting at me! Thought I'd left them and their crap service behind long ago
  9. Hiya, I have this exact same problem too! I received a letter last week stating that my account was now closed and I owed a final balance of £80. However, I transferred from 3 Mobile to Vodafone in June 2005! How can they take 2 years to invoice me?! I'm sure I paid my final bill as I even got my mobile number ported across to Vodafone and surely they wouldn't have done that if I hadn't paid my final bill. But I threw away all my old mobile bills recently so I can't check back to look for definite and I know they were terrible at billing so I don't actually trust that I owe that amount. And why the hell haven't they contacted me before now???
  10. Hi noomill congratulations! I too have written to SLC and they have replied saying they won't refund any fees. So I want to submit a MCOL claim but as their address is in Scotland it won't let me - Which address did you use? Many thanks and congrats!
  11. Sorry to be annoying as I know I have asked this elsewhere but am desperate for an answer as I want to get my MCOL submitted against SLC. With the main address being in Scotland does anyone know what I can do ? Is it ok to use the Bristol one ? Thanks
  12. Hi guys, I used to have a student loan which I have now paid off but during the time I had it I received about £150.00 in late payment charges / letter charges etc. So I have done my preliminary and LBA letters and they have said they aren't paying me back a penny. So I want to file a claim with MCOL but it won't let me use their address in Scotland. Does this mean I can't claim from them ? Thanks, Michelle.
  13. LOL - And I was getting all excited there for a second !
  14. Ha ha ha - exactly ! Speedy reply - thank you ! I am gonna submit my claim tomorrow now. Good luck with yours.
  15. Ha ha ! Not so far it seems - I spoke to her today and she couldn't get me off the phone quick enough ! I don't think I even got the word "good bye" out before the phone was clicked down ! Guess she is very busy !
  16. Hi Noomill, I am about to file with MCOL too but am not sure of the correct address for them - which one did you use ? Thanks.
  17. Hi guys, Court date is 2 weeks on Thursday - about to send the court pack off by special delivery tomorrow morning (left it to the last minute i know!) and have just emailed Kate Ashton at Barclays who is dealing with my claim. I was hoping she would settle today so that I don't have to waste 300 odd sheets of paper printing off the court packs but no reply yet. Anyone else dealt with her ? Getting quite excited now.......the end is near !
  18. Hi Guys, I've had some successful claims with Barclays, Halifax and Capital One and I am now helping a friend out with her Lloyds account. Sent off the DPA and received statements, sent Prelim asking for £1,500 and received standard "we are looking into your complaint reply", sent LBA and then got a reply saying they are not prepared to repay any of the charges ! Is this a normal tactic for Lloyds as haven't experienced this before ! I was at least expecting an offer however paltry it may have been ! Thanks.
  19. Hiya they are threatening to do this to me too unless I pay my overdraft back instantly.....my court date is 4 weeks away so I guess this is one of their scare tactics. I told them fine go ahead and shut the account as I don't want to bank with you scamsters any more anyway - I moved my account as soon as I started this whole process. And as soon as I get my money back it will clear the OD anyway and I will finally be rid of Barclays !
  20. Hi guys, Does anyone know which address to file with Student Loans Company on MCOL ? I finally got a response from them saying they wont pay any of my fines back so I think it's time for MCOL ! It's only about £200 but I want it back ! I thought for such a low amount they would have just paid it.
  21. Hi Gary, Yes it is the same account from which I am disputing the bank charges. The guy I spoke to on the phone was so rude aswell ! He went and spoke to his manager to check what I was saying about them not being able to do anything whilst the account is in dispute and came back and said that they are allowed. He said the bank charges dispute is nothing to do with my overdraft. I was trying to explain that my whole account is in dispute since I am claiming for these charges and he said it was unrelated and would I just stop talking and listen to what he is saying ! Anyway I will get a letter of to them first thing Monday. I guess they are just trying to use scare tactics with the court date being fairly soon. Thanks for your advice - much appreciated.
  22. Hi guys, I am 6 weeks away from my court date and today had a phone call regarding my Barclays account. I no longer use the account because of everything that is going on. The account is overdrawn and was within it's limit at the time I stopped paying my salary in. I am intending to use the money I claim back through charges to clear the OD and close the account. However due to interest being added on during the time I stopped using the account and now and also that stupid Additions monthly fee I am now about £80 over the OD. I was intending to leave it as it will be covered by the money I am claiming back but I had a call today saying they are going to terminate my account and pass me to a debt collectors. Is this allowed ? I said to the guy I didn't think he could as the account was in dispute but he said otherwise. Any advice would be appreciated.
  23. Hiya, Is this address the one to use for SLC rather than Honours Loans. Mine is the pre 1998 one with SLC but the address I had for them was Glasgow - maybe that is why I didn't get a response ! Shall I try a recorded one to this Bristol address as one last attempt before MCOL ? Thanks
  24. Hi I've got my court date throught for May 3rd - unfortunately they didn't follow my draft order for directions that I used (from the new allocation questionnaire template). Apart from preparing my court bundle is there anything I can do now or do I just sit back and wait ? It is very tempting to contact Barclays but obviously I don't want to appear desperate to them. Actually had a call from their collections department today saying I need to pay back my OD. I said I will - with the money I get back from you from my claim and not before. She said she knows nothing about that and there is no note on my account of any dispute or court claim. I said it's funny that you are calling from Barclays saying Barclays know nothing of my court claim yet Barclays managed to submit a defence etc etc - they must be pyschic. Guess I just need to wait till the end of April !
  25. Thanks Gogetit - I will give that number a go and see what they say !
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