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Everything posted by electron99

  1. With hindsight, if the car park was empty and you parked well away from the entrance, it would have been better to park between the white lines. Having said that, just ignore.
  2. My experience of Which legal services (in a none parking area) is not very good to say the least. The lawyers they employ have to have a litle bit of knowledge on everything, ie. jack of all trades, master of none. Read the countless posts on this and other forums, and you will see that the correct course of action is to ignore. Where a PPC has gone to court, e.g Excel, they have lost because the judge has deemed the charge of £120+ a penalty, which in law they cannot enforce. As to Which saying a debt collecting agency can put a negative report on your credit file - words fail me. The creditor would have to go to court,win, and you not to pay within 30 days, for an adverse entry to be put on your file. Personally I would challenge Which on this, and ask for your money back. The advice I had from Which legal services on a motor accident was so bad, had I not got a second opinion, I could have been into serious losses. I asked for my money back, they refused, so I cancelled my Which subscription. P.S If they actually used the word 'fine', I would challenge them on this as well.
  3. Two years ago smoking was banned in pubs,clubs and many public places. I would argue that a playground is one such place. Try and take a discrete video of the offenders and send copies to the appropriate prosecuting authorities and local papers.
  4. Agree with Buzby. Your solicitor should be able to confirm to the Estate Agent that you are a genuine buyer with the cash. If the E.A still insists tell them you will be contacting the buyer and explaining why you are walking away from their property.
  5. Restricting the amount of time you allow your customers in your store is bad retail practice. The longer a person stays in store, the more likely they are to spend more than intended. This is why supermarkets have attractive displays, scientifically placed, designed to slow a shoper down and entice them to purchase. If the customer knows they can only park for two/three hours this will always be at the back of their mind. Near where I live several stores introduced a two hour limit with a PPC to enforce it. What is interesting is that in two cases this limit has been reduced to 90 minutes, presumably because the PPC was not making enough money. Even more interesting is that in one case, Focus DIY store, the car park and the shop is now nearly always empty as customers have voted with their feet and gone to a nearby B and Q with no time limits.
  6. You now have two options, assuming this is a PPC ticket. Totally ignore anything and evrything they send you; or if you feel the need to contact them. write to the debt collectors saying the debt is in dispute and should be returned to the originator.If the debt collectors (often part of the PPC organisation), continue to chase you, they are commiting an offence. Best option is to totally ignore, recycling any correspondence they send you. Could even send it back to them in an unstamped envelope with NO covering letter.That should annoy them.
  7. Go for it coach driver. Why should you, as an innocent motorist have to prove your innocence by sending documents they already have access to. This is now part of the 'Big Brother' state we live in.
  8. I am trying to track down a long lost relative. As a start I need to check the abridged electoral register for the area they were last known to live. I have looked at sites such as 192.com, but they all charge a great deal for what would amount to one or two searches. Any ideas as to how to do this at low cost, or even free.
  9. If this were true, TV programmes like Rogue Trader would be in deep deep trouble.
  10. Even the best run companies have critics, and the one thing you don't do is try and censor these. This leads to people wondering if there is something to hide. You have gone to great pains to point out that your company should not be mentioned on a consumer forum. Like it or not it has happened, and instead of using it to your advantage you continue to alienate potential customers, of which I, as a business owner, could have been one.
  11. So what you asking for is censorship.I wonder if you would be taking this stance if the comments here had been complimentary. You seem to forget that business users are also consumers, and each cannot operate in isolation of the other. I myself operate two businesses, and find the comments on the forum very helpful; even those about your company.
  12. Oh dear - how very patronising. From the forum linked in the above post Now where have I seen that complaint before.
  13. They may claim that although you had a valid ticket, you did not display it correctly and they have photos of your windscreen to show this. It has been known for them to angle their shots of the car to deliberately exclude a valid ticket. In cases like this, for extra insurance, it is always worth taking a photo of your windscreen showing their ticket and a valid P and D one (assuming they have not put theirs over it which has been known). However angry you are, the best course of action is to completely ignore them, and keep us all posted with the increasingly intimindating letters they send before finally giving up. Private Parking control is a multi million pound business, and will not be easily controlled. The best way to fight them is to not pay, pass the message on to everyone including your local paper.Their business depends on gullible people paying.Stop this flow of cash and they will collapse.Already there are stories of PPC's pulling out of pub car parks because there is not enough money in it for them.
  14. Don't bother sending them any previous P and D tickets. You have to remember that they are in business to make money, and their only source of income is from people like yourself. All they are entitled to is the payment for the exra hour you overstayed. Claiming huge amounts from you would be considered by a court as a penalty, which in a civil matter which this is, they would not be allowed to do - which is why they don't do court. From now on ignore. If you get concerned post here the increasingly threatening letters you will get from them,their debt collectors and solicitors. All of them will be hot air, which can be safely ignored.
  15. This is quite simple. The buyer pays Paypal with a cheque.The cheque bounces, so PayPal should be chasing the originator of the bounced cheque and no one else.
  16. The O.E.M version of this software is widely available for around £9.
  17. It is possible that he purchased the item from the O.P with the intention of selling it on. Hence the concern about scuff marks and having an invoice. That is his problem, so safe to ignore him.
  18. The simple answer is ignore him, From what you have said you have done nothing wrong. As a precaution make sure you move his payment out of PayPal.
  19. Never ever lie. Lies have a habit of coming back and biting you. If you continue to ignore them, eventually they will give up. Please trust all the advice you have been getting.
  20. This is interesting. Does this mean that if you enter the car park, find it is full and exit some minutes later they will issue you with an invoice.
  21. Please name the company. If they are only accepting Credit cards it can only because if they decide to issue you with a penalty invoice, they can dip into your card account and take whatever they please knowing it would be a major hassle to reverse the payment.
  22. Reminds me of a rug we purchased in John lewis recently. Wasn't sure if it would fit, but salesman said no problem, if it doesn't, bring it back and change it for one that does.
  23. At this stage it is best to wait and see what happens. If you do receive a court summons, you may, depending on financial circumstances, be elligible for legal aid. You should, while it is fresh in your mind list extenuating circumstances that can be used to explain why you stole. This could include the pressure you were under because of your wife's TB, lack of work etc. A solicitor would help in drawing up your defence; although of course you should plead guilty. Generally magistrates are very fair, and will be looking for the WHY and not the how of your offence in order to reduce the severity of your fine/sentence.
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