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Everything posted by michael1703

  1. Hi all, I started a small business from a unit in April 2010, I believed it to be rate exempt,but it transpires that it only had full relief from April 2011. I only found this out when a bailiff called to enforce a £990 debt. Apparently, i was liable for £450 of business rates plus the same again in bailiff fees. I have never received a bill and had no knowledge they had taken me to court in July 2011, this was the first I'd heard of it. The problem I had 3 years agois I wasn't getting my mail as a numbering error meant two units had the same number and my mail wasn't passed on. My thoughts are that I should ony pay whats owed and not the bailiff fee, Ive got a copy of the planning application which shows the correct numbering of the units and photographed the exterior of the two units which shows that the other unit displays my unit number,so I'm in the process of appealing What should I do about the court order? can it be removed easily? thanks
  2. Tell them to go whistle, firstly its not your fault that they didnt have recovery cover, what AA men say and what is actually wrong with the car are very different things. I'm a mechanic and have dealt with lots of recovery guys and their mechanical knowledge is pretty pathetic I cant see how a starter problem/ignition problem would be unfixable. If the starter worked fine up until then, its unlikely to be the starter (£87) Ignition wise,its likely a wiring fault if at all there is a fault.
  3. Sounds like valve stem oil seals, it was common on vauxhall vectras too They can be replaced without removing the head or valves with a special tool New valve stem oil seals fitted should be £200-£250 Fitting another engine could be more trouble unless you know its from a low mileage,well maintained,regularly serviced car
  4. Does only one manufacturer make this part? If you could find that two other manufacturers make it you could compare the three and check the thickness and seams etc Quinton Hazell is the best name for cv boots, Firstline also make them
  5. Depending how big the surcharge is the garage might not bother. If they have to box up the item and get it to a post office or a courier etc then it might not be financially viable to do so Also, you only get the surcharge if the item you sent back is suitable for reconditioning, if the item replaced wasnt reconditionable then thats another reason
  6. Hi all, I run a small business and have Bt business Featurline compact account. I have had this account for two years and now I got a letter that has said that since I didnt use the phone enough in that two years that I am liable to make up for it, I have a bill for nearly £300 which I cant pay. When I started this I didnt know this was the case, I dont think I signed any agreement either. Is there a way of finding out if I misunderstood this or they didnt tell me this when I took the phone line up?
  7. I've been having trouble since day one. Signed up for bt business phone inc broadband, broadband never worked, took me months to get broadband money back and thought I was back on the right track then got phone bill at christmas which I had trouble paying. BT then sent me bill for £450 saying this was because I had ended contract, I explained I hd not ended contract and was paying late, they said if I paid £130 today on the card for what I owed (calls and line rental) they would re-activate my account as long as I paid reconnection fee, I agreed to this and thought that was the end of that. I then got a bill from a debt collector for £300 odd and rang BT to be told this was for cancelling the contract, they have given me a new contract number and I cant get through to anyone to sort this out Any ideas what to do? If I could have my original contract re activated for the money I paid that would be great, but do I have to cancel new acount and what if I did want to cancel now that theyve messed me about, do you think I would be able to cancel and not pay £450 ?
  8. Did the guy fitting the gasket check that the head and block were ok ? A skim on the head is cheap, it might be all it needs to sort it
  9. my charges come to £1580, which is about what ive owed on the cards for years it will be good to pay them off as i havent used the cards in 4 years and only got into debt with them as i was off work as i was in plaster for 8 weeks i've wrote my letter using the template and i'm writing up a list of charges
  10. brilliant, final question do i address it to northampton or churchill place?
  11. as there are two accounts, but the statements came through from one sars, are there two seperate claims or can i do it as one as mastercard is barclaycard ?
  12. so ive gone through my statements, i'll categorize the charges to each account (matercard+barclaycard) but my question is, what can i claim for and how i go about wording it there are late payment charges,over credit limit charges,exceeded limit charges,returned DD fee charges
  13. some progress i finally got around to sending my letter! i sent it on friday 13th march recorded delivery just checking my internet banking and i saw they had cashed my £10 cheque, so my statements should be here anytime soon
  14. hi all, i am intending to reclaim my (extortional) barclaycard and mastercard charges, i thought i could send one letter with a payment of £10 to get statements for both accounts but since searching through here, theres lots of talk of microfiches which have individual prices is that currently how its done or can the £10 cheque still work? i know they can go back 6 years, but i have ten years worth, is there anything that can be done about older charges? theres lots of addresses listed for barclaycard, is pavillion drive or churchill place the best to send to? sorry for the idiot questions, but this forum has so much info and my eyes cant manage pc monitors for too long and the 90 minutes ive spent are giving me a headache!
  15. on 6th july 07 my vehicle was driven into whilst parked, i caught the guy before he drove off, took his name/reg etc and reported it to the police. my insurance company were notified, i got a quote for the work and all was going smoothly it then transpired that the other person wasnt insured, ive been chasing my insurer up and noting the time and date of correspondance its almost a year, ive not been paid out and ive not had any letters 29/02/08 phone call, was advised of the situation 10/03/08 told it had been passed to their solicitor 02/04/08 advised they had written to the guy and if he had not replied within 4 weeks of letter, they'd issue proceedings i rang friday afternoon and left a message saying i wasnt happy with lack of progress their hours are 9-5 and i cant call when at work, so ive not been able to hassle them, but then i shouldnt have to should they have made any mention of the uninsured losses pot ?
  16. i havent reclaimed from barclaycard... yet i got £1700 back from barclays last summer on my current account, i had a lloyds cash account so once my barclays account was in the black, i left £10 in it and havent used it since ive only just started using it again as lloyds charges are now worse than barclays, its also coincidental that now ive got money in there i cant afford to pay my barclaycard bills as i was laid off on feb 29th and havent found work yet i will reclaim my barclaycard charges WHEN ive got £10 spare to get my statements, at the minute that £10 is a weeks food, but work seems to be picking up after a long term lull just lately, so may happen soon! the last time they took my months salary, they made me incur bank charges which i claimed for last year, do i claim for the money they took and the bank charges they incurred?
  17. hi guys, i remember a period in late 2005 where barclaycard swiped my monthly wages from my current account TWICE! ive been having trouble paying them since being made redundant at the end of february this year and have paid them £20 on my mastercard/barclaycard as often as i could my last bank statement shows they took £20 out of my account, are they allowed to do this ?
  18. hi guys, received a letter to say that barclays were offering me a sum in goodwill gesture etc and that should i accept the payment would be between 14-21 days i signed the letter and sent it off and i'm pretty sure the 21days are up there has still been no money credited to my account, what should i do ?
  19. i've paid the £105 ccj, so thats now satisfied and just need to get an arrangement with barclays so two down one to go i will use the info provided by blitz to get them 'set aside' thanks for the info
  20. i just failed a credit check on a tenancy application due to 3 ccj's, 1 default and missed repayments on cards ive just joined Myallcredit.com and viewed my records one ccj brought against me in 2003, shows as satisfied as of dec'06 ,another ccj is a parking fine or similar from nov '04 for £105 and the worst bit is a ccj from march '07 for £3701 for missing payments on my loan, i have a default on one of my current accounts for being in arrears for too long and am up to 4 payments late on mastercard and barclaycard so, ... the questions: if a ccj is satisfied, can i get it removed or have to wait a set ammount of time for it to be clear? i want to clear the £105 ccj, but dont know who i have to pay, but have a reference of northants and a case number, so i presume i can ring northants next week, quote the number and find out who i owe? if thats the case, can it be removed too? the plan with my recent ccj is to either make a payment and sell lots of possesions to clear it or take out a loan to pay it off (not in my name of course) and see if there is a way of getting this ccj removed as for late payments on the two cards, i presume if i paid 4+ instalments worth on each i could get a better credit score ? there were no + points on the check, i didnt show my other current account which is always in credit and never has a missed payment on it
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