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Everything posted by wooks

  1. My complaint is about who is repsonsible for a security breach of my credit card account. I am blaming a 3rd party company to whom I applied for a card for using critical information on that application to hack the credit card account in question (rogue employee). Adjudicator ruled against me - I complained that she had applied a beyond reasonable doubt standard of proof instead of balance of probabilites. My complaint went up the Case Management chain and was fobbed off on each occasion so I put in a very strongly worded complaint to the Independent Assessor. File gets passed on to the Ombudsman who writes to me and says he is aware of the complaint to the Assessor. Then he issues a decision refusing my complaint saying that he has seen the fraudulent transaction it relates to and the Business are not responsible. I asked for a copy of the transaction he had seen - since I had not supplied it. The Ombudsman wrote to me stating he had made a mistake in saying he had seen the transaction but had based his decision on how fraudulent transactions are carried out and that there had been a fraudulent transaction in my case. The evidence before him was that my account had been hacked not that my card had been used fraudulently. I have written confirmation of this from my credit card company who also confirmed that they have not shared details of that transaction with anyone. He has basically fabricated the evidence he based his decision on. Aside from a renewed complaint to the Assessor any other observations?
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