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Everything posted by spicester

  1. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support their. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. hey not been online much recently but I am so glad you won I know you needed it. Anyway hope things got better for you x
  3. Just a quick one, I need to do a chargeback for goods not delivered - I used my Maestro card through paypal. Now I already know Maestro has no chargeback scheme like Visa does, but they do allow chargebacks for e commerce transactions when they are made from a website or company that is based overseas - the site in question had a co.uk domain - but was registered to a USA address and hosted abroad also. The site is now down and the owners have flown into the wind and Paypal are doing sweet FA about it - this has affected hundreds of people. Cannot believe I got scammed so easily - we are talking £200 here!! Contacted Natwest today - they claim that their own terms and conditions for the use of the maestro card supercedes Mastercards own guidelines for the card issuers - which I have a copy of and the chargeback appears on page 495!! They promise to look into it and get back to me tomorrow, but I already know they are just stalling cos I was not going to take no for an answer over the phone. TBH I don't think they are aware that because it was an e-commerce transaction to a foreign seller that they are actually liable to pay me back. I have already contacted BBC Watchdog about this as has many other people, and if I get no joy from Natwest tomz I plan to lodge a complaint with the FSA - who said in a recent press release that they deem maestro chargebacks to be good practice in relation to genuine problems. Just wondered if anyone else had any experience with Natwest in relation to chargebacks on Maestro cards?? Cheers
  4. Really need help now my claim is going to be struck out in the next week if I don't contact the court as it was a 12 month limit. What do I do?
  5. Right well been a while since I logged into my thread. Need some advice again guys on what to do. When the judge stayed my case probably like everyone else he set a one year time limit on it. Now that stage one of the test case has been dealt with but of course not yet finalised, what should I do. The judge said if he does not hear from either party by mid next month he will strike the claim out so what do I need to do to either 1. Conclude it successfully or 2. Keep the stay in place indefinately. Cheers guys n gals!!
  6. bloody hell u are in a bad situation arent you? I feel lucky :o in comparison cos even though I a annoyed it wont really affect us. And it was ur judge that stayed my case lol. I have 7 days to appeal if i wish if anyone has successfully lifted a stay so far using the templates can someone let me know cos then it might be worth it!!!!
  7. Claim Stayed IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The claim is stayed pending the outcome (including any appeal(s) in the test case brought by he Offic of Fair Trading in the High Court. 2. If no party files at the court office by 4.00pm 20th August 2008 a written request for directions and/or trial date the claim shall be struck out on that day. 3. The hearing listed for 10th October 2007 is hereby vacated. Stayed for upto a bloody year!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr So now what? lol any point in appealing or not?
  8. just talked to the clerk at the court all cases in Scarborough are now being automatically stayed pending the test case outcome. I asked why when other courts are carrying on and she said that was the decision of our District Judge and we would here from him in due course. Not good news....
  9. just talked to the clerk at the court all cases in Scarborough are now being automatically stayed pending the test case outcome. I asked why when other courts are carrying on and she said that was the decision of our District Judge and we would here from him in due course. Not good news....
  10. Maybe it would help maybe it would not - the total truth of it is that I am not at all bothered at how long it takes me to get my money back - I am in a good situation where I do not desperately need the money and when I do get it, it is going to used for some fun stuff with my family - such as a holiday etc. At the end of the day my claim is in the system, and will get dealt with in time - if it gets stayed I will appeal the stay. Maybe it might be proactive to get my foot in the door so to speak by sending a letter objecting to the stay before he decides but with how funny my judge has been with my claim so far ie the extra ordinary request for me to provide info that only the banks have I think in my personal situation it is best for me to lay off and not to second guess his intentions with the stay request. I personally do not think (maybe more a case of hope lol) that he has any intention to stay it - I think that based on his directions - my subsequent reply and the part 18 request I have submitted that he will be more inclined to grant the part 18 request than Abbeys request to stay cos I think he is getting really p****d off with these bank charge claims!!! But time will tell.......
  11. Won't lose my job as I am good at it and never had any complaints - but only if the whole lot is sold as a going concern. The hotel I work at - Brooklands - is also for sale individually from what I understand from various sources. If it is and it is not another coach firm that takes it over then I would lose my job - it wont be a problem anyway cos I had six other job offers before choosing this one - its just I like the job, its tour driving yet still being at home with my family on a night, I enjoy the buzz of giving people a great holiday and having them come back saying gr8 to c u!!! Crap pay like lol but hey money aint everything. Thanx for the link I can only find the basic info on that site and that is how I knew it was possibly our firm. It is not a definate - and the top bosses all say it is NOT for sale - but they never care about the little people do they we will always be the last to know. We all have young families and even if it is for sale and we might lose our jobs that don't even matter the main reason I wanna know is just to know, to put the rumours to bed and be able to plan for the future. We would not, any of us walk out on the job even if it was gonna end like. It would just give us the chance to have plenty of time to look for suitable jobs.
  12. Lol Can't do that cos you have to send in full address details to get access and sign a confidentiality agreement lol
  13. lol dont be sorry lula - just the way I did it thats all, obviously everyone does not have to things in exactly the same way!! lol I only did it that way based on advice gained from the very helpful guys and gals on here and I was able to do it fairly quickly so I did not get a charge to change my N1. And it will automatically get transferred to your local court once a defence is put in as you can go no further through MCOL after that. Then you will know where you stand....
  14. well u go for it girl and all the very best of luck from spice xx:D
  15. Hey guys I am a coach driver by trade and I wont name the company but basically the managers and the big boss are all cowboys lol. Lots of rumours floating around that the company is up for sale - and a lot of very worried staff - the rumour is the hotel I work at is getting sold and turned into a care home lol - or the whole company is for sale as one job lot. Its realyl doing my head in cos me and my mate love our jobs as drivers with this company but we don't know if we are gonna be out of work soon. Anyone have any insider info on the industry? or even better anyone fancy pretending they want to buy the company and gettign the info for me from the estate agents lol - I cant do it cos the boss will know I have been snooping lol. Well thats my rant and rave about work - if anyone is up for some digging its a hotel and coaching operation up for £4.5 million at an Estate Agent called Knight Frank - and it sounds suspiciously similar to the firm i work for.......
  16. follow the normal timetable - they cannot prevent you from lodging your claim but as rob says above your likely to be stayed as soon as crabbey enter a defence.
  17. keep me updated though cos looks like all us scarborough peeps are gonna go through this together!!!
  18. acknowledge the goodwill payment but you need to refuse to accept it as final settlement - only as part settlement. reduce your claim by the ammount they deposited into your account, and send an ammended copy both to the bank and to the court. You can apply to have the stay lifted at a cost of £35 without a hearing and maybe pay a further £65 if the judge orders a hearing to decide - but to be honest even though it is not the best news your claim is so early on I can't see them lifting the stay. We all need the money - my advice is follow developments on here, see if any stays do get lifted then mayeb proceed. I started my claim at the beginning of the year and mine may get stayed too, not a lot we can do if the judges are determiend to stay them all. Just keep your chin up, follow developments and unlitimately only you can decide whether to challenge the stay or not.
  19. all the advice you need is on these forums to be honest. and it costs nothing, but very helpful suggestion anyway. Even if blanket stays do become the norm I don't think in the end it will be anything to worry about.
  20. I think the way things are going you had better prepare yourself for the stay anyway, I know I am.
  21. I dont know thats the position I am also in. Waiting to see if my case will get stayed or not. At exactly the same stage as you mate so its just a waiting game - all I would say is prepare your bundle but dont print it thats what i have done. And no all welcome on my thread mate!!!
  22. not the same one as me then mines Judge Rooze. It seems to me that our court will be going for whatever givwes them the easier life cos they have one hell of a back log. You need to fill in an N244 ithink and the appeal for the stay can be found in the templates section which has been updated to reflect the current circumstances. Here
  23. have replied on my post as well to you but sorry to hear it.
  24. sorry to hear that darlin - you need any help let me know. I have not heard anything yet as to whether mine has been stayed - but I am guessing that it will be coming soon. What was the judges name on the order out of curiousity?
  25. yeah not really worth spending the money if you don't need to lol. No my AQ was dispensed with by MCOL before it was transferred to Scarborough. I think in a way thats why it took so long to start to deal with my claim - if I had filed the N1 direct I would have probably won by now - but live & learn eh?
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