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  1. No travel arrangements were not made in a hurry although I lost track of having so many travel insurances, Amex Travel insurance I specifically bought with all family detail so if any thing goes wrong I am protected.As i was dealing with a family emergency already so i did not want another one cropping up and me having to pay as health care in Pak is totally private. But I got surprise of my life that having 4 insurances and none would pay due to one excuse or other.
  2. I must admit I havent read them and believed what has been told on phone.
  3. Amex travel insurance said I m not covered for missed flight. Priority Pass has say because they did not recieve my form so my insurance was not activated and no certificate was sent out. I hope it helps to understand.
  4. This may sound like a story of unfortunate circumstances, But Here I go. Back in June my wife n kids went to visit my parents in Pakistan, I bought their ticket direct from Emirates and paid with Amex Gold Charge Card, I also bought Amex Prestige Travel Insurance, then I left UK on 2nd August and stayed in Pak for 1 week and 1 week in Dubai. On our departure from Pak we missed our flight to Dubai due to political unrest in country. I had to buy ticket from another airline to get to Dubai later that day and paid with my visa card Amex is no use in Pak. We got to Dubai and enjoyed our stay and on the way back at Dubai airport got told by Emirates that our seats were cancelled and if we want to get on that flight we need to pay. So I paid with my Amex and got home. Once here I tried to claim on Amex card and got told that I can’t claim on Amex card. So my next port of call was my travel insurance which even didn’t entertain my claim, I then realised that I have travel insurance with Priority Pass so I started a claim with them only to be told that my insurance has not been activated because they did not receive my insurance form back, Which I am sure I did send back as that was the reason I took that membership apart from lounge accesses off course. It then transpired to me that I also have a travel insurance offered by my Nationwide account so off I went to claim with Nationwide. I am now been told by Nationwide that I can’t claim for my wife n kids as they have stayed over 31 days and only I can claim if I provide the further proof. Which I am about to do. MY question is what I can do to get my claim despite having 4 insurances. CAN any one plz help?Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I have my personal ccount being closed reason "Due to the conduct of the account". Nothing else. All i done was to get my wage paid into my account.Now I dont know what to do.I did not had very good credit history and spent my last year trying to build up my basic account with them and got this account end of Nov and now this.Any Advice plz.
  6. I m a business customer,and they have brought up an unpaid bill for the mobile from Feb 2009,and asking me to pay that.
  7. Hello Everybody, I am new to this forum and having a great deal of trouble from BT and want compensation for the time i am spending to get this corrected. But first of all my whole story, I run a small newsagent in Glasgow,and have BT phoneline with broadband and mobile contract.In the begining of 2009 bt offered me a new handset as they were about to cease phone service which i was sold prviously,with the hand set they provided a new simcard,and my HUGE MISTAKE i never bothered to use new sim card with new hand set,4 months down the line i noticed that i am paying for 2 mobile rather then 1,so in June 2009contacted BT to sort this out and after lenghty phone calls to them for 6 weeks,i was told inJuly 2006.that i am being refunded,which did hapended,and also told 2nd mobile being disconected which never hapened,so in Feb2010,i realised that i am still getting charged for 2nd mobile so phone calls to BT once again started,and even now in March it has not been sorted and my request for compensation has been refused. So what can i do to resolve this as everytime i speak to someone i am assured that ge/she is dealing with that right now but never happens and next time i speak to someone differnt and they cant find anything on there system. WHAT CAN I DO?
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