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  1. hi all,i got this letter on saturday,i thought it was a bit weird? because i thought i would not hear back from the bank after my LBA, till i took them to court...what do you think? Lloyds TSB Bank Pic Andover Service Recovery Centre Charlton Place Andover Hampshire SP10 1RE Telephone : 01264834307 Facsimile : 01264834091 Mr V Stewart Edinburgh Midlothian 21 March 2007 Our Ref: CSRC - Andover / 78295 Lloyds TSB Dear Mr Stewart Complaint Reference: 78295 I am just writing to let you know that we have received your complaint - and to say how sorry I am to learn that you feel you have cause to complain. Please get in touch if we've misunderstood your concerns or if you have some more information you want us to have. If we don't hear back from you in the next couple of days, we will carry on with our investigation using the information you've already provided. We expect our enquiries to be completed within the next four weeks but we will try to get our response to you sooner if we can. If there's a delay, we will let you know why and we'll give you an idea of when you can expect to receive a full response to your complaint. I hope we can sort things out for you. In the meantime attached to this letter is a document called 'Voicing your concerns'. This tells you all you need to know about resolving your complaint with us. Yours sincerely Kerry Parfitt Customer Services Recovery Enclosure :- 'Voicing your concerns' PS.i got the letter 14/04/07 and its dated 21/03/07
  2. can some one tell me how to scan a letter to post in hear,thanks its driving me NUTS!
  3. no probs GaryH,all help welcome m8.
  4. hi all,I went up to the court today to ask about a small/summery claim,the guy tolled me that if i make a small claim and i lose it will cost me £75 and if i make a summery claim (cause its over £750)and i lose the cost is unlimited,so say i lost the cost of there lawyer,paper work,etc etc:eek:
  5. hi all,do you think i should use our complaints procedure and how to complain for my claim,i dont fancy going down to england,cause ive read if they defend the claim i will have to go down to a english court. ps.if i try a summery case,and i lose how much under a summery will i have to pay the bank in court costs.thanks
  6. thanks barty,see if i use the London reg office will i have to send my claim to a court in london,http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/HMCSCourtFinder/Search.do when the bank looks at my address they will see its in Edinburgh,Scotland,iam thinking they will defend the case,knowing its to far to travel...what do you think ?. thanks. ps.the link will not show the address: The Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL England
  7. thanks robertxc,ive downloaded the N1 form,the address they sent after my LBA is Lloyds TSB Bank Pic Andover Service Recovery Centre Charlton Place Andover Hampshire SP101RE think it will be ok to use that one.thanks ps. will it have to be a court in hampshire?and when it goes to court pls tell me i wont have to go down there.
  8. thanks barty,will have a look at it later go to go to work. thanks
  9. thanks barty,when they ask for court bundle,is that all the letters and bank statments ive sent, plus bank letters ive recived ? thanks
  10. hi all, is this just a standard letter after i sent my LBA ? my 14 days are up on thursday 29th Lloyds TSB Lloyds TSB Bank Pic Andover Service Recovery Centre Charlton Place Andover Hampshire SP101RE Telephone : 01264834307 Facsimile : 01264834091 Mr V Stewart Edinburgh Midlothian 21 March 2007 Our Ret: CSRC - Andover / 78295 Dear Mr Stewart Complaint Reference: 78295 I am just writing to let you know that we have received your complaint - and to say how sorry I am to learn that you feel you have cause to complain. Please get in touch if we've misunderstood your concerns or if you have some more information you want us to have. If we don't hear back from you in the next couple of days, we will carry on with our investigation using the information you've already provided. We expect our enquiries to be completed within the next four weeks but we will try to get our response to you sooner if we can. If there's a delay, we will let you know why and we'll give you an idea of when you can expect to receive a full response to your complaint. I hope we can sort things out for you. In the meantime attached to this letter is a document called 'Voicing your concerns'. This tells you all you need to know about resolving your complaint with us. Yours sincerely Kerry Parfitt Customer Services Recovery Enclosure :- 'Voicing your concerns' --------------- second part of letter ------------------------------- Lloyds TSB Voicing your concerns Telling us that there's a problem Thank you for contacting us. We genuinely want to hear from you if you have a complaint or suggestion. It helps us understand what you're concerned about and how you feel we could put it right. Our promise Now that you have contacted us, we will: Do our best to send you a full response within eight weeks of you first raising your concerns with us. Update you on our progress after 4 and 8 weeks if no decision has been reached at that point Explain the options open to you if you remain dissatisfied or if we haven't responded fully within eight weeks. What to do if you're still unhappy If we have sent you a response and you remain unhappy, please let us know as soon as possible. If you have additional relevant information we will be happy to review your complaint further. The Financial Ombudsman Service If you don't feel we have resolved your complaint satisfactorily, you have the right to ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to review it. But they will only do so after you have tried to resolve it directly with us first. The Financial Ombudsman Service is the independent service for resolving disputes between UK financial firms and their customers. They can help you with most personal financial issues and there's no charge for using their service. You can find out more by visiting their website at Financial Ombudsman Service Our promise When we write to you with our final response, we will also explain your right to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, if you wish. Our letter will give you all their contact details. We will also give you information about your complaint to help you put your case to the Ombudsman, if that's what you decide.
  11. thanks curlychic , I was looking at the court claim bit,About small claims,Iam claiming £970 with out intrest,is there a bit about i think its called a summery claim for charges ? thanks
  12. hi all,well thats my LBA letter sent of today,Ive got 14days to work out what i need for my court case,I take it its just my letters ive sent to the bank plus a copy of my bank statements will have to read up on this.thanks all ps. all help welcome! thanks.
  13. i got a ticket 12/12/06 at 14:28 i was in a taxi rank single yellow line was in the bank 2-3 min bank rec dated 12/12/06 thats 5 min it has *issue date 12/12/06* was seen at location ********* on 12/12/06 code 01 parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours,ive appealed it "its a old central parking systems ticket not ncp*(scotland) hi all,ive just had a letter back,date of issue of this notice 21/02/2007,ive only got 28 days to pay,its now £60 i thought it was suspended during a appeal and i only had £30 to pay? thanks
  14. thanks for your response,ta
  15. thanks barty;) ps.i was reading your threads barty,whats this moneyclaim site? will i need a lawyer?
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