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  1. Me and the partner are trying to claim back charges from HSBC. We have already sent letters re our 3 accounts with them(2 personal and 1 joint). We only put our letters into the local branch and all we have had so far are 2 letters telling us that they are investigating and they will get back to us. Are they just trying to delay us with this tactic?? Have we made an error by putting the letters into the local branch?? One more thing - we also have a mortgage with HSBC and i've heard of accounts being closed by HSBC but what of mortgages?? Getting a bit worried about this one. Cheers in advance
  2. Just looking for a bit of info if possible. Me and the missus got a car about 18 months ago on HP. 36 payments at x a month with an option to either buy the car at a pre arranged price or give it back with no charge. The missus is going back to college and the money is becoming a bit tight so we have looked into this VT thing. However when I've looked on the finance documentation it gives a figure at which point we can give it back but when I've worked it out it equals to about a month before the payments finish. Is this right? The figures are as follows: 1 x pymnt of 292.44 35 x pymnt at 142.44 followed by an optional 3645.60 to buy My termination figure is given at 4948.72. Bearing in mind I don't have any intention of paying the figure at the end to buy the car is that figure to terminate correct?? I have been told that once we were a certain way through the deal we could hand it back. I'm a bit confused with this to say the least so I would be ever so grateful if someone on here could shed a little light on the subject. This is going to be my first and last HP deal!!!!
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