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Everything posted by moneyhelp

  1. Hi Paul Thanks for your reply. I have had nothing from Calders, I had to google to see who the hell they were! I will start with a letter to them asking them for the Credit Agreement first. Any ideas on what I should put in this first letter as I have no idea how to deal with these people. I am quite miffed as I have been paying every month what I agreed to, it makes me wonder where my £1 a month is going?! Should I ask for a current balance too? I would like to see if the money I have been paying is actual going to my account. Thanks for your help
  2. Hey Bud,

    Nice to see you again, hope all is well with you and yours X

  3. Hi Jade, ain't got a clue what all this friend thing is all about LOL

  4. Hi Kenny - thanks for being my friend LOL

  5. After getting my charges back last year I thought that was the end to B'card. The last I knew my debt had been sold to Mercers. The past few weeks I have been getting demanding letters from Calder Financial - I had no idea who these people were until I just googled them. I have an arrangement with B'Card to pay £1.00 a month and have been doing so for the past couple of years. What can I do about these threatening letters that tell me to call within 24 hours else "they will seize my personal belongings" if I do not pay the outstanding balance? Any help is much appreciated.
  6. So do I fill this in and send my LBA?
  7. Letter from NatWest today.. We acknowledge receipt of your complaint about bank charges... Basically says they have asked FSA to suspend the normal timetable for dealing with bank charges. They also want me to fill in a "Customer Financial Statement Form" together with an explanation of the circumstances leading to my inability to meet my commitments ( I told them I consider myself in a position of financial hardship, ie. on benefits) Then it goes on to say they will review my banking facilities. Which sounds like a threat. The statement is 4 pages long and want to know the ins and outs of a ducks a$$ - should I fill this in or am I wasting my time? Anyone know?
  8. Thanks guys. Letter sent today recorded delivery
  9. Just popping my head in the door Mac - you're doing just great!
  10. Well, well well, look who's back at it Seriously though, good luck with this one SSL
  11. Whicked - thanks Tilly - have been looking for that for aaaages - nothing simple here is it
  12. Thanks everyone Well today I have printed out my prelim and charges sheet, they will be off in the post tomorrow, if I can find an address to send to Only been with this bank a year and they have taken £245 out of my benefits Halifax has always been my bank, I now have bailiffs after me for £70 for them! feckers!
  13. I have forgotten what to do tho' :o
  14. Time to bump this and get it started - I have all my statements so will get my prelim and spreadsheets done.
  15. Hi Maxine, Just popping in to wish you good luck with Lloyds, I am starting again with Natwest in the next couple of days * sigh* - whats the news with the test case, do you know?
  16. Tilly, I have a question for you - what does Right to appropriation mean and how does it work?
  17. How does this stop them taking charges, do you know?
  18. This is also happening to me - they have taken £114 this week so far, they took my DD's early on a Sunday knowing full well I get paid on a Monday - how I feel about this bank is undiscribable, I thought Halifax were bad! I am gonna screw them for every penny they take from me!
  19. This happened to me - they know when I get paid, the Natwest took the D/D's out on a Sunday, my money goes in on a Monday - now I am on a slippery slope getting charges weekly! Go get 'em
  20. Go get every penny back from them - I won my Halifax credit card a couple of months back - once they receive your N1 they will brick it and pay up! Take a look at my Halifax credit card thread for more info. Good luck!
  21. Thanks girls I never thought I would wind up back here to be honest as I had learnt a big lesson with banks. But this time is no fault of my own, I can now see how things can get well out of hand and I am furious Another charge of £38.00 was taken on 17th December, my total is now £114 I may even have more to come as I now have no money in the bank to cover bills let alone feed my self I am going to wait until the new year, add up my charges and put my claim in. Keep you posted.
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