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Everything posted by nickyhutch

  1. Panic over. They paid in full this lunchtime! Oh joy! Even the 8p! Thank you so much to all those who've advised and celmed me down over the past few weeks, you've been more than wonderful. 2 more Halifax accounts, Egg, Barclaycard, Co-op Bank and GECapital to come. Bring it on.
  2. So I'm sending it with the 8p difference, am I? Thanks folks.
  3. Trying not to worry and hoping your head's better
  4. But my claims amount's wrong! Aren't they going to chuck it out?
  5. Ok, done that, but it's 8p out! I'm assuming I misread or mistyped it. Do I need to do anything, advise the couts, amend my claim, and if so, how? I'm sorry, I'm panicking now.
  6. You genius. Why didn't I think of that. I changed the formula in the spreadsheet but not sure that's right, so I'll have a go at yours, I KNOW that'll be right. THnaks so much.
  7. Have I messed up? When I've sent the statement, I've printed it off at the date I've sent it, not the date I made the claim, so the column working out days since offence and interest has updated itself as the formula in the spreadsheet is "NOW...etc". If I print the spreadsheet again to send off, it'll be as at today, so different to the figures I put on my MCOL.
  8. Sorry, to be a pinic, but I've just seen this, from michael, on another thread: "After filing at MCOL send 2 copies of your schedule of charges, clearly marked with your claim no. + a brief covering letter asking for them to be filed with your claim to: The Court Manager, Money Claim Online Northampton County Court 21-27 St. Katharine's Street Northampton NN1 2LH Dear Sir/Madam (Your Name) –v- (Bank) Claim No: ******** Date Issued: xx/xx/xx Please find enclosed a schedule of penalty charges taken from me by the defendant, along with interest claimed at the annual rate of 8% pursuant to section 69 of the County Court Act. The interest in addition to the amount in charges equates to the total amount of my claim, namely £(AMOUNT). I respectfully request that the enclosed schedule should be attached to the particulars of my claim. Yours sincerely, Wait until you receive the Notice of Acknowledgement from the court and then send a copy to the bank’s solicitors, since they are the ones who will now be dealing with your claim Dear Sir, (Your Name) -v- (Bank) Claim No: ******** Date Issued: xx/xx/xx Please find enclosed a copy of my schedule of charges relating to the above claim. Yours sincerely," I didn't do this! Should I have done?! And can I do it now at this late stage? HELP!!
  9. I sent my Data Protection Act letter to the Halifax with the instruction "please accept this letter as my authority to deduct the £10 fee from the above account". I got a leter yesterday telling me that they charge £5 for this service, and needed my authority to go ahead either in writing or on their telephone banking service. Final paragrapgh says we're taking no further action until we receive such authority. I rang them straight away and gave it, told them I was annoyed that i HAD given authority but they ignored it. The very nice lady said I'd given authority for £10 and not £5. Oh come on!!! I wouldn't mind, but my other account is at the MCOL stage and they didn't charge me at all, same for my OH's account. Do I stick to my 40 days? Thanks in advance.
  10. Thankyou thailand, for replying. Getting all twitchy now!
  11. Thanks Bluecolud. I've received "Notice that Acknowledgement of Service has been filed" (as I said above) but now wondering - do I need to do anything at this stage, or just wait? Thanks in advance
  12. They offered me £3165; I'm claiming £3791 and it's now been filed on MCOL, so hoping for interest and costs too, making it around £4400.
  13. Good morning, folks. Just a quick question. Yesterday in the post I receivedan acknowledgement of service from the court, and a letter from the Halifax noting that I'd refused their offer and advsing me that I could consult the Financial Ombudsman. Is this about normal, and what's likely to happen next?
  14. Thankyou Michael, belatedly. Another stupid question. I've submitted my MCOL, and it's deemed served on the 7th. Does this mean now that they HAVE to pay the interest part of my claim?
  15. Thankyou both so much for your prompt replies. So if my charges are £3791, I put £0.83 at c)?
  16. Hello there I'm getting ready to file my MCOL now. Just a couple of questions though - here's the money part that I'm putting in: "Claimant claims: a) return of the amounts debited of £XXXX; b) interest per S.69 County Courts Act 1984 of 8% - £XXX continuing at *% until judgement or settlement at a daily rate of £0.XX." Now, I know the first a) XXXX figure (obviously!), but is the b) figure the interest figure at the foot of my spreadsheet, and what is the c) figure? Help and advice much appreciated, as ever.
  17. I know, you just can't see any pattern in what they do. I had to pay for mine, my other half didn't, they wrote to him straight away, they ignored me for a while, some people get 40 odd envelopes full of statements, I just got one big one....... My other half got a letter (photocopied) from a special data access request team, so maybe they're getting a bit more organised. We can but hope You just stick to your dates, though, and you'll win through in the end.
  18. Thankyou both! Yes, it took me a bit by surprise to be honest :o - they said it amounted to the two highest years' charges, so maybe that's how they work out these offers. Letter done and will be on way as soon as. OH said, "Oh isn't that enough?" I said, "No, it &*^%$ isn't"!!
  19. Good morning people Well, the LBA went recorded delivery this morning, then the post came, and I have an offer from the Halifax of £3165. Am I right now to sent the Rejection of Settlement letter, and NOT sign the acceptance form? Think I'm right, just need some reassurance I'm getting this right!
  20. I promise to keep you up to date. The next question is what do I do with the money? Blow it all, pay off some debt, keep it for a rainy day? Ho hum, life's hard when you 've finally got some money!
  21. Got a reply today - they're looking into it and will reply within 4 weeks. They better hurry up cos I send in my LBA on the 8th!
  22. Thankyou Thailand - you and this site are so helpful - it's good to know there are people here to support me and just for me to check I'm doing the right thing. The LBA is typed and I've a reminder to print and post it on the 8th. Thank you again. Er, yes, the leaflet was... very interesting reading...interesting but irrelevant!
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