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Everything posted by deekayenwhy

  1. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. I put in a claim for my Natwest Business account, now the problem am facing is my account was in a sole traders name, we had have a Ltd company but that disssolved about july 07 and we were still trading until dec 07 as sole traders. My account was running as sole trader, now Cobbetts who are acting solicitors on behalf of Natwest are contacting me to withdraw my case as they have found out from Companies house that my ltd company had dissolved and they said i cant proceed with the claim as its against the law? But my account is sole trader not ltd so do i still have to withdraw it? Please let me know asap. Thanks
  5. I put in a claim for my Natwest Business account, now the problem am facing is my account was in a sole traders name, we had have a Ltd company but that disssolved about july 07 and we were still trading until dec 07 as sole traders. My account was running as sole trader, now Cobbetts who are acting solicitors on behalf of Natwest are contacting me to withdraw my case as they have found out from Companies house that my ltd company had dissolved and they said i cant proceed with the claim as its against the law? But my account is sole trader not ltd so do i still have to withdraw it? Please let me know asap. Thanks
  6. Hi, We moved into our property october 2006, since then our gas and electric is this npower and we were told we are on dicounted rate for having both with them and if we pay by DD. Now we started paying £50 DD every month to each £50 to gas and £50 for electric, they then contacted us and said we need to pay more so we £70 gas and £60 electric ever since. Recently we have had letters from npower gas saying that we owe them £400 on top of what we've been paying, and they will be reffering us to debt collection. Now we dont undertand as there is only two of us and we both work during the day so haeting is only on in evenings and weekends and we pay them monthly anyway. Yesterday saw Watchdog and how people complained about npower overcharging them Can anyone advise us how we work it out if we are being overcharged as this just seems too much something is wrong somewhere. Please let me know. Thank you
  7. Hi, I have submitted a court claim against halifax since August 2007. Since then they have forwarded me to several debt collectors and had harrasing phone calls and letters of them. They have also been putting on extra bank charges since last year so the debt is atleast £600 more due to the extra charges since the court case. Now what do i do, they have defaulted me and froze my account and i cant even open a new bank account with any other bank due to the default. What happens to those access charges that they have applied? Please help me.....how do i get this default removed? I've read previous threads and on it ive seen this letter: Halifax Card Services Customer Services PitreavieBusinessPark Dunfermline KY99 4BS Date: 18th January 2008 Dear Sir or Madam Account number – xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx After recently receiving letter dated 11th Jan 2008 ref xx/xxxxxxx from Balir Oliver and Scott limited (Debt Collectors) they inform me and I note that your company has placed a "Default" notice against my name. Further to this I have no recollection of ever receiving such a notice, and I therefore require you to substantiate this data at your earliest convenience. 1. You must supply me with a true copy of the alleged agreement you refer to. This is my right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (s.77 (1) for fixed sum credit). Your obligation also extends to providing a statement of account. I enclose a £1 postal order in payment of the statutory fee. 2. You must supply me with a signed true and certified copy of the original default notice 3. Any deed of assignment if the debt was sold on I would request that this data is provided to me within the next 28 days, if you are unable to provide this data then I must insist that it is removed from my files as unsubstantiated. Yours faithfully, is this what i should send them? what about the extra charges they have put on? Please advise me. Thank you
  8. Hi, I have submitted a court claim against Natwest which is for just above £5000. I have just received a N150 Allocation Questionaire from the court, what is this for does this mean it will be going to court and natwes wont be settling it outside court? Am panicking as i dont know what this means as its seems all complicated now, ive filed other claims too with other banks ive not received allocation questionaires for them so why now? In your templates you have a draft directions template, can i just copy and paste that as my draft directions or do i have to change anything? Can someone help/advise me as i really dont know what to do.
  9. Hi, I wrote all my letters to halifax, no response. I then filed a case in court and had gone away for a few weeks on holiday. On my return i find a letter from halifax which was sent whilst i was on holiday stating they are refunding me £3166 (claim was for £3766back into the account and this was they final offer, and to sign the attached form and post it back to them. But due to me being on holiday i hadnt sent it back obviously and next think i know am getting debt collectors letters for the £3766! What do i do? can they send my account to debt collectors even though am disputing it and i have a court claim with them? Please let me know. Thank you
  10. Hi, I am now in process of filing my N1 form against Lloyds TSB, Lloyds total amount came upto £9050, its going to cost me £250 to file the claim in court. Do i file it the same way as a normal bank? or are business banks different? I really worried its alot of money, has anyone had any experience with Lloyds Bank in the past? Please let me know, as i finally at the last stage just abit worried......
  11. Hi, 04/06/07 My very first NatWest business account, is now closed were known as Direct Business Baking ihas any1 heard of them? Aynway worked out the charges and came upto £1050.00 so wrote to them requesting the refund of charges back. 29/06/07 Havent heard anything from them, so i wrote my second letter, letter before action the business one. 09/07/07 Still havent received anything as yet. What do i do? what are my chances of winning? has anyone won with NatWest business? would really like some advice from anyone who has please!!!!!
  12. Thank you, am about to file my case the amount totals to £1080 with the 8% its £1309.15. How much will it cost me to go court?
  13. Hi, i am starting a claim against Lloyds Business Bank. Sent my first letter to which i got the follwoing rely: Thank you for getting in touch with us. I am sorry you are unhappy about your account charges. Like any business, we do make a charge for some of our extra services. When customers dont have have enough in their accounts to cober a payment this always means extra work-and it has to happen very quickly. We have to agree to make the payment by increasing an overdraft or tell customers we cant agree it. We feel its fair to charge for this service. If you know a payment is going to take you over your agreed limit, you're welcome to see if ther's anything we can do. You might be interested to know that the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) published new guidelines on credit card default charges in April 2006. We, along with other banks have been talking through those guidelines with the OFT since then as they are about "default" charges that people pay when they break the agreement with us. Those guidelines do not apply to your service charges-they are not default charges as you havent broken your agreement with us. The OFT has recently announced that it recognises taht applying the general principles it set out in 2006 to current accounts is not straightforward and that a more detailed examination is needed. We should also point out that the Unfair Contracts Terms Act 1977 and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations which the OFT mentions dont apply to you as you're a business custoner and these acts and regulations only apply to consumers. I do hope you can see that we make our charging system as fair as possible-and why i cant agree to refund or cancel your charges. In case you're worried about what information we share with credit agencies, i would like to reassure you that we only share what is known as white data, which is information about paymnets to your credit card, loan or mortgage accounts. We dont share details of bank charges. I hope this fully answers your points raised with us. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. If we cannot come to an agreement, I will provide your details to the Financial Ombudsman Service so they can consider your complaint independantly. Yours Sincerely Sarah Brookes What do i do now? She mentioned unfair contracts Terms Act 1977 and the consumer contracts regulations dont apply, but i sent the template from the business account template letters? I have sent a letter before action out.....already was that the right thing to do? Please let me know. Thank you
  14. Hi, I guess to people it may seem this link has been going on ages but what happened was i started the claim last year and didnt proceed with it due to personal problems at home, now i have restarted my claim and am willing to go all the way to court, just need some advice on how much it will cost me? Can anyone answer me?
  15. I have sent the lba letter 29/06/07, so next step is to put in court claim. But the amount am claiming in round £8000 thats not including the 8% interest how do i file in small claims court for this? how much will it cost me? Please let me know. Has anyone won a case with lloyds tsb business bank? whats the likely hood of it going to court or do they settle before court?
  16. Hi, My parents have a small business which they purchased in 2003, they previous owners were with british gas and so we carried on with them knowing little it was a 3 year contract. Anyway before we purchased the shop it used to be a one building so had two meters for electricty, but just before we took over the previous owners converted all the living space into seperate flats so each flat had they own pay as go meters. The shop still had two meters british gas started to send large electricity bills for 2 meters which they made a total value of £3000, i disputed this with them as one of the meters wasnt even being used, and i had it removed. They said it was a my reponsibility to pay even though they came out to remove it and they knew it wasnt in use. After sending letters and letters getting no correspondence i thought the matter was resolved. I moved out and so i didnt keep a eye on what bills they were sending my parents, just found out my parents have been paying instalments for the previous balance and yet our bill was £700 a MONTH. Being a small business paying of back log meant the monthly bills were increasing more as time went. I took the matter to resolve so looking at the latest bill for June, it was £690.00 i rang them up and said for a small shop it was really high, she has it was estimated and she has the meter redaing for June but the hadnt adjusted it, so when i asked her to adjust it the amount fell to £375.00, which is nearly half, i asked her that i wanted all the full breakdown of all the invoices paid and payments made in writing or statement format as they balance carried over on my account was round £4000.00 which is alot. She said she couldnt do that due to they system being down and asked her when can she, she replied she cant, she will give me them on the phone, i wasnt going to waste time on the phone to her as i'd already been in que for 25 minutes. So i said no, i want it all in writing everything since the account was opened, she said "actually let me see if credit control can do it, they can" put me on hold for 15 minutes came back and said cant get through due to lines are busy and someone will call me back in 15 minutes, she said we should make payment, and i replied not until this value i am disputing i get a full breakdown off. I then asked her when the contract expires as from what recalled it should have expired or near to expiring, she said 11/08 and said it was renewed in Nov 2006, when questioned how it was renewed she stated they sent us a letter 120 days prior to expiry and since they didnt hear anything they renewed it automatically for another 2 years.........can they do that? she said i need to speak to renewals on another number. So rang that number and the lady said they can do that......it was stated in the original contract, but i have signed anything to renew it. Can they still do that? We hadnt received any reminder which she couldnt find proof of delivery for either, said i coulnt get out of the contract until Nov 2008 now, but she can wave the standing charge from no on if we are unhappy with the charges doest make much of difference only £70 per month. I said sound ok but will have to discuss with my parents she said fine verbal contract accepted and in the post will get contract and have 7 days to cancel if not happy. Now the other lady never called back. What can i do as i want to know the following 1) If all the bills are estimated and theyve made a huge amount can they not go by the actual meter reading throughout the whole period and re calculate it as the fact of just that one month was £375 to what they estimate £690 is alot so that will reduce the amount owned by nearly half.....is that correct can i argue that point? 2) Can they automatically renew the contract without a signed contact copy? 3) Plus they put on £50 admin charges with each bill as its not DD, is that not disputable? Anyone who can help me please let me know.
  17. Hi, I was wondering if anyone can advise me i brought a new house few months later washing machine leaked and sank into the vinyl flooring in the kitchen so its raised it, also the same time the bath upstairs started leaking water downstairs everytime someone used it so we stopped using the main bathroom and used the second one instead, due to expenses we thought we'd claim in through our insurance. We're with a company called payment shield but its regulated by halifax, so i rang them up and told them what had happened. They said they only deal with one off water leakages so she declined the bathroom one as she said that may be plumbing but put in a claim for the washing machine leakage. They arranged for someone to come down and take some photos of the floor, then sent another person down to assess the cost of damage, was told he was from halifax. He discussed both claims but said they were only going to look into the leakage due to fault with washing machine. He agreed to what the damage was and said that we need to fax a copy of receipt of the washing machine and the worksheet for the person who came out to fix the washing machine to state problem was now sorted, once they recieved that he said vouchers will be sent out, everything was confirmed. So i faxed them the receipt and the worksheet and didnt hear anything. After 3 weeks of chasing they told me someone from another company was going to come and assess the damage as what they do is compare the estimates. So another person came took pictures agreed to what we told him and went away. Once again didnt hear from them 2 weeks later i rang them and tehy said the claim has been declined from halifax on the basis that it was a one off water escape and due to that we had stopped using the washing machine. Which is a pile of bull S***t as i told them its the bath we had stopped using and that claim was declined the day i rang. So i questioned them why when they rep from halifax came sid it was all ok and vouchers will be on they way. They said they'd look into the matter, and i said i wanted to appeal against they decision, the lady said she will call me back and let me know. Now its been 2 weeks ive been chasing them and no one will get back to me, i am totally frustrated and dont know what to do......can anyone advise me please?
  18. Hi, 04/06/07 My very first NatWest business account, is now closed were known as Direct Business Baking ihas any1 heard of them? Aynway worked out the charges and came upto £1050.00 so wrote to them requesting the refund of charges back. 29/06/07 Havent heard anything from them, so i wrote my second letter, letter before action the business one. 09/07/07 Still havent received anything as yet. What do i do? what are my chances of winning? has anyone won with NatWest business? would really like some advice from anyone who has please!!!!!
  19. 01/06/07 I telephoned the bank and made a £10 payment to them and requested all my bank statements since i opened the account. 05/07/07 Still havent heard anything so i went into my local branch and they said "natwest business donot regund charges" is that correct or are they saying that to fob me off? She said statements have been sent out should be with me soon. what do i do now?
  20. 05/07/07 Received a letter from capital one: Dear xxxx I write in connection to the above court claim, which you have issued against Capital One Bank PLC. I have now the oppurtunity to investigate your claim of £279.40. It is denied that these fees are unlawful as they are detailed in your terms and conditions and in our welcome pack. Our fees are based on the costs we incur when a customer breaks their contract by missing a payment, paying late or going over their credit limit. The fees are only levied when a customer breaches their contract in this way and can be avoided if payments are maintained and the balance kept within credit limit. Capital One has acted in accordance with the terms and conditions of your credit agreement throughout this matter and it is clear you have no claim against Capital One. Whilst we do not accept liability for the claim, in an effort to resolve this matter without the need for a court hearing, I have refunded £279.40 to your account. These refunds are amde purely as a goodwill gesture and we will now defend this claim on the basis that we have refunded the correct amount. Once the claim is settlled, i must advise you that we may still add fees to your account if you do not keep up to date. We have nw reduced our fees to £12. We believe that these fees are fair and you will be automatically charged this for the following : 1) Missing a payment 2) Making a late payment 3) Allowing your balance to go over your credit limit 4) Your direct debit or cheque payment being returned unpaid. This is accordance with the terms and conditions of your account which you agreed to abide by when you signed your credit agreement with us. If you no longer agree to adhere to thses terms, I would respectfully request you consider closing your account when you have paid your balance. I hope I have explained things clearly for you and we can move on from here. I would finally request that you contact the court to confirm the settlement and discontinue your claim. This is very important as its your responsibility to inform the court that your claim is settled and avoid wasting any futher valuable court time. We have also written to the court to confirm that we have paid in full. Your Sincerely Graham Daley Executive Officer Thank you for all your help donation is on its way!!!!!!!!!
  21. ok i still havent had any reponse back from barclays since my last letter, so i am going to file a n1 form at the court. I just wanted to know if anyone knows the costs that i have occured such as sending 2 letters recorded delivery and final letter by special delivery, can i add these charges as extra costs in my n1 particulars, if so can how do i state this or do i claim for these at later stage at court? If anyone know please let me know. thank you
  22. Hi 14/06/07 filed n1 claim form at court against capital one. 21/06/07 had a letter from the court stating capital one filed a acknowledgement on the 21/06/07 and have intention of defending the case. They have 28 days from the date of service of claim form with particulars of claim, or of the particulars of claim to file a defence. What do i do now?
  23. Had no response back from HSBC as yet so send out 2nd letter, request before action on 30/06/07. Spoke to them on the phone they said they have received the letter but it can take upto 8 weeks for them to make an offer do i just carry on, as if i dont hear anything in the next 14 days do i just file a court claim?
  24. As stated above i sent halifax letter stating they have gone past they 40 days notice to comply to my data protection act request, i sent the letter recorded delivery on 3/06/07 (template from the templates folder). On that letter it states you have further 7 days to comply which they still havent as yet..............instead today 16/06/07 i get a letter from them stating: Dear XXXX Your request for Information about your concern I refer to your letter of 23rd April 2007 and am sorry for the delay in supplying you with the requested information. At present we are currently experiencing a high number of similar requests and it may take a little time to process your request, however we shall deal with your request as soon as possible. Details of how we make use of your personal information can be found at Halifax - Privacy. The registered data protection notification details can be found at ICO – Information Commissioner's Office. If you have any difficulties accessing either of these pieces of information please let me know and i will happy to forward you a printed copy of the document. yours sincerely Chen Qian Data Subject Access Request Team What do i do now?
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