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Everything posted by Cazziebo

  1. Took 8 days for me but maybe they closed for Christmas?
  2. Happy new year everyone! Well had a call today from GE Money to say they don't recognise the account numbers in the SAR I sent. It was the GE Money call centre who gave me the account numbers as I have not had a statement or any communications from them for years! Anyway - upshot is that he is sending my SAR letter off to another part of GE Money. Got a feeling this is going to be a really difficult one to keep tabs on. Surely GE Money is GE money and any internal issues they have with integration or communication should not be used to disadvantage customers? I'm presuming I can still hold them to the 40 days as per the SAR template? I'm just about to have my nationwide account closed (due to successful bank charges claim:D ) so don't know whether to pay off outstanding debt or just wait and see what happens.... Cazzie
  3. Congratulations Sarah! Isn't it fabulous seeing that money in there! Have a lovely lovely christmas Caz x
  4. tee hee - know what you mean! And still can't stop looking - never been in credit at this point in the month before!!
  5. have you checked your bank account? I didn't hear anything - the money just appeared!
  6. See big story below posted elsewhere.. Sent off SAR on Saturday - awaiting results with interest. ]I took out a loan with Living Design Double Glazing more than 10 years ago. I worked out this year that I'd paid £12k for a £4k loan, and had never received a statement. For some reason it was split into two loans. I moved house four years ago and wrote to everyone I had to - including the loan company which I think was First National Bank, but still never heard from them. I called them earlier this year to find out when loan would be paid, it came out then they still had me under old address, so gave the girl my new one, and I was told there were two payments and five payments left outstanding. this is when I found it out it was now GE money. One payment stopped around July, which I never questioned. In December I'm still paying the other one. So called again today to find two payments left on one loan, and arrears on the other. The girl told me that they had never been notified of change of address, which is why I hadn't been told of arrears. The girl suggested that the reason I'm still paying is to cover bank charges incurred from missed direct debits. she then went into a long winded story about how if I had given them new address details then they would be on my file blah blah blah. Today is the third time they've had my new address! [/color]
  7. don't be. Mine was acknowledged on the 12th and I had the full amount paid into my bank account this weekend (in four separate payments) just sit tight and wait. Now it's all over it was remarkably easy - but I did sweat a bit at the MCOL stage... Fingers crossed you'll get it in time for Christmas!
  8. Sarah I filed on the 7th and it was issued on the 8th. Marked acknowledged on the 12th. Heard nothing from Nationwide - only a letter from the court. checked my balance today to find almost 100% of my claim has been paid in three separate amounts!!! So very quick, and very easy. It will be the same for you - good luck! Caz x
  9. I am so glad I just read your post! I took out a loan with Living Design Double Glazing more than 10 years ago. I worked out this year that I'd paid £12k for a £4k loan, and had never received a statement. For some reason it was split into two loans. I moved house four years ago and wrote to everyone I had to - including the loan company which I think was First National Bank, but still never heard from them. I called them earlier this year to find out when loan would be paid, it came out then they still had me under old address, so gave the girl my new one, and I was told there were two payments and five payments left outstanding. this is when I found it out it was now GE money. One payment stopped around July, which I never questioned. In December I'm still paying the other one. So called again today to find two payments left on one loan, and arrears on the other. The girl told me that they had never been notified of change of address, which is why I hadn't been told of arrears. The girl suggested that the reason I'm still paying is to cover bank charges incurred from missed direct debits. she then went into a long winded story about how if I had given them new address details then they would be on my file blah blah blah. Today is the third time they've had my new address! I'm absolutely furious! Were they just going to keep taking my hard earned cash forever? Don't know whether to go with the whole process and ask for a SAR or just write a letter pleading for some of the cash back... No wonder financial services is such a huge industry - once I've sorted all this out no more loans or credits for me.
  10. MCOL submitted on 7th and issued on 8th Dec. Letter sent out to court attaching schedule of charges 11th Dec.
  11. Many thanks for that, Michael.
  12. Thanks Michael. I've now filed via MCOL but couldn't see a way to attach schedule of charges. Do I have to do anything with that?
  13. I worked in agencies for 10 years and this kind of behaviour just gives the decent ones a bad name when we did big contracts like this we would have a reserve list and pay people four hours if they were willing to turn up with the chance they might be sent home. therefore people knew this might happen. I'd complain to REC but I'm not sure how quick they are. Tell you who is quick and really put the frighteners on - the DTI. They have a special unit which monitors agencies, and they fully investigate any complaints. Now you might not get anything from it but the agency will get a full audit which is bound to throw something up they'll get fined for (not checking ID or something) Do that as well - and I'm really sorry this has happened. At this time of year too. Hope your gf finds something a lot better! CX
  14. Wedgewood I never got a response to my LBA letter either (more than 14 days) so now just gone ahead and filed MCOL today Good luck! Caz
  15. mine were probably about three and a half weeks - but I think there might have been a surge of requests over the last week or so with all the publicity....
  16. Got parachute account sorted with Co op bank so at least somewhere for my wages to go now! Sending off MCOL next week. I've since had another £150 of charges banged on to my account - shouldn't be any more. :o Do I include them on the MCOL even though amount will now differ from the letters I've sent previously? help gratefully received! Thanks Caz
  17. Sadly - don't think that's right. Like any tax overpayment, you have to pay it back no matter whose fault it is.
  18. Yes please! they are such an inefficient bunch! Every year I get several credits because I've been underpaid, then a letter saying I've been way overpaid!! Every year! I live to the max as it is, and it is really hard for me to then find the £200 or whatever to pay them back. and I've got a good job - it must be murder for people on lower incomes. And talking to them is no good - every response is "we'll send out a form"!
  19. Also, you don't have recourse to a tribunal until you have 12 months continuous employment...
  20. Neville is 100% right here. The issue isn't on whether someone is "sick" or not, it's about atendance. If an employee is unable to attend work then they are not fulfilling their contract. The Disability Discrimination Act recently came into play and that does protect people with certain conditions from disciplinary action. But outside of that, every company will have a standard (ie 3 absences in a rolling 12 month period or something like that) and disciplinary action may be taken if an employee exceeds that.
  21. my mortgage is with Northern Rock and they've been really good. (so lovely to say this when I'm only getting hassle from all the other financial institutions I deal with) I also missed a mortgage payment a few months ago and I wasn't hassled or charged - just a nice letter saying if I'm having difficulties call them and they'll be happy to help. Recommend them!
  22. PS = you can use moneyclaim in Scotland - you only need an address for mail in England,but you can be resident in Scotland
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