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  1. It's the government penalising the genuinely sick and disabled yet again. Most of us do want to work, but we are simply just not well enough, but I think they believe are all just "work-shy" which is not the case.
  2. I'm not aware of any group I'm in. I just received a letter which said I was deemed unfit for work. I am on esa and dla (middle rate).
  3. No they didnt. They just said I was deemed unfit for work. Can these people at the WFI's force me to go back to work under threat of losing my benefits? Like I said before, my psychotherapist feels that returning to work at this stage would have a serious adverse affect on my condition, but I told the adviser this last time and they refused to listen. thanks.
  4. Hi guys I attended a work focussed interview last month and I have another one on wednesday (6 sessions I believe.) I was told that I had to find voluntary work (part-time) within 6 months and full paid work within 9 months otherwise I would lose my benefits. But early this year, I had an atos medical and was deemed unfit for work. I am on esa and middle rate of dla. I was under the impression that the personal advisers are there to help me, and not to threaten me to find work before I'm well enough. I suffer from a mental health condition, and my therapist has said that finding work before I have completed my treatment would be extremely detrimental to my condition. He has even put this in a 16 page report which I'm taking to the job centre on wednesday. I'm left feeling very worried and confused. This situation is not helping me at all. Can anyone offer any advice? thanks
  5. I hope this is in the right section, and please excuse me if it isn't. My friend has a rented property via her council. Unfortunately, she got into arrears and was taken to court. She did not receive any letter before action or a defence form, and was told by her housing officer that an order had been made to outright possession of the property. She has since applied to have this order set aside, so she can pay off the arrears, and she is due in court on 26 August. In the meantime, she has now paid off all the arrears claimed by the council and is actually ahead in her payments. However, her housing officer is hassling her with phone calls, wanting to know why she hasn't vacated the property yet. An eviction order wasn't made, so I've advised her that the housing officer should not be doing this. I also feel that she should not be doing this when an application to set aside/vary the order has been made to the court. Also, since all monies have now been paid, surely the housing officer should be leaving her alone. Can somebody clarify this for me please? Kxx
  6. Exactly what we plan to do. I've told blokey he gotta find a way of making some money until he is well enough to go back to work, and he gotta work at getting himself better to go back to work this year! I dont want to have to support him forever. Also, going to get this bloody place on the market asap, get rid of the thing, rent somewhere then we are out of it! I feel a lot more positive about the future! Thank you all so much for your help, especially you Ell-enn. I don't know what we would have done without you! Kxxxx
  7. Exactly what we plan to do. I've told blokey he gotta find a way of making some money until he is well enough to go back to work, and he gotta work at getting himself better to go back to work this year! I dont want to have to support him forever. Also, going to get this bloody place on the market asap, get rid of the thing, rent somewhere then we are out of it! I feel a lot more positive about the future! Thank you all so much for your help, especially you Ell-enn. I don't know what we would have done without you! Kxxxx
  8. Boyfriend went to court. Suspended repossession. As long as we stick to payment arrangement we ok. Now we are going to sort our lives out, and the boy needs to get better and go back to work! Thank you all for your help. You have been amazing! Kxxx
  9. Boyfriend went to court. Suspended repossession. As long as we stick to payment arrangement we ok. Now we are going to sort our lives out, and the boy needs to get better and go back to work! Thank you all for your help. You have been amazing! Kxxx
  10. I hope you will get the answers you need. I know only too well what you are going through, as we have the exact same problem with G E Money and we worry we will be on the streets. If ell-enn does know about what councils can do, it would be really good to find out. Kxxx
  11. I agree I'm trying not to dwell on the situation and really, in some ways, this could possibly be the best thing to happen, because it gets my boyfriend out of that flat! It's too small, too expensive and the area is terrible! I have been so shocked at how many options are open to him. I have spent the past 24 hours talking to people in the know about his options re council housing and it looks like even now, with his mental illness he would be in priority need. So hes going to apply next week. Personally, I'm seeing this as a golden opportunity for him to start again. If we are both strong enough to weather this bit, then it will be good. My main fear was that he would be living on the streets, but we have been assured that would not happen. So, fingers crossed! Thank you all so much for your help. God knows how stressful and scary it is. I've gone from panick attacks, to crying, to tiredness to proactive, all in that circle in the last 36 hours. But on the whole I feel positive. Kxxx
  12. I agree I'm trying not to dwell on the situation and really, in some ways, this could possibly be the best thing to happen, because it gets my boyfriend out of that flat! It's too small, too expensive and the area is terrible! I have been so shocked at how many options are open to him. I have spent the past 24 hours talking to people in the know about his options re council housing and it looks like even now, with his mental illness he would be in priority need. So hes going to apply next week. Personally, I'm seeing this as a golden opportunity for him to start again. If we are both strong enough to weather this bit, then it will be good. My main fear was that he would be living on the streets, but we have been assured that would not happen. So, fingers crossed! Thank you all so much for your help. God knows how stressful and scary it is. I've gone from panick attacks, to crying, to tiredness to proactive, all in that circle in the last 36 hours. But on the whole I feel positive. Kxxx
  13. Well we have handed the defence form to the court so it's down to the waiting game now. I'm bearing up slightly. This whole thing has been so very stressful. I will be glad when we are out of this and into a new place starting a new life. Hopefully, that wont be very long coming. Kxxx
  14. Well we have handed the defence form to the court so it's down to the waiting game now. I'm bearing up slightly. This whole thing has been so very stressful. I will be glad when we are out of this and into a new place starting a new life. Hopefully, that wont be very long coming. Kxxx
  15. Thanks Ell-enn. We are covering all possibilities at the moment: Applying to council for housing just in case After monday, will be seeking valuations from 3 agents (if anyone knows about HIPs and how much they are likely to cost, and also if we have to pay upfront, that would be useful!) My friend is also looking at all the benefits we should be getting but don't know about. I'm feeling a little bit more positive this morning. As my best mate said, if even it doesn't go in our favour (which from what you have said, they should), we won't be on the streets. We will find somewhere! I'm now going to get the forms to the court, and forget all about it until monday. Thank you all so much for your help. If we were all local, I'd owe you all a pint or three! Kxx
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