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Everything posted by jackburton

  1. HI all our IP is doing our final IVA review but has asked for P60s since the IVA started until now, is this normal behaviour or should I be worried they are trying to find some more cash from somewhere? Many thanks JB
  2. thanks again for replying. I thought if they contacted you, it resets the clock? So is the best advise just to leave it or should I pursue the charges just to bring the amount down? Thanks
  3. It was May 2008, yes got the IVA copy but they weren't included for some reason.
  4. Thanks for replying,yes it is showing on there..
  5. Hi all, Robinson Way have been bugging us for a long time regarding a bank account debt they are trying to collect for £290, account last used in May 2008. We disputed this with them as we said we don't recall ever owning that amount as most accounts were closed off due to our IVA. We now have the statement and 90% of the owning amounts are DD bounce charges and then unauthorised overdraft charges because the bounced DD charge made the account overdrawn (or more overdrawn). Therefore we think we only owe them about £44 and the remained are just £60 charges a time (35 for bounce and 25 for the unauth overdraft). We did a charges reclaim from Nationwide back in 2007 and it was successful but it looks like things have changed since then. Can anyone please advise how we get those extortinate charges written off? Many thanks
  6. Hi all, I need to open a business bank account for my new limited company however, we are in an IVA. Any suggestions? The Bath Building Society seems to be recommended but they want 2500 deposit to start off with to open it. Many thanks, JB
  7. yes, unfortunately I was royally scr..wed over and ended up owing them an additional 500 in court costs, they were slimey and their boss turned up with the bailiff at court. THe council were completelty corrupt as they employeed a ex-bailiff from that company so it's clearly an inside job. No matter what evidence I gave to the council it was dismissed and I got nowhere with the LGA either.. In hindsight, I should have taken on a solicitor but then you've got to weigh up the cost of that that
  8. Went into Argos to check it out, apparently a common problem with purchases made on the 24th October. Similar thread here http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=921846 Refunds should be through in the next few days..
  9. Hi all, I went into Argos on Friday and made a purchase for £69.99. As it takes 3 working days for the transaction to appear on my online statement I noticed this morning that Argos has 2 transaction for £69.99. On phoning the Halifax they confirmed that the 2 transactions were made using the same authorisation code and have informed me I need to go into Argos to get them to refund one of them. Surely this is the banks fault as my receipt said I only authorise £69.99. How should I proceed, do as Halifax has asked or call the bank up again and demand they sort it out? Thanks...
  10. Yep, I'm complaining to the court about the Bailiff and we have a court date in February next year. I see from the outcomes of the case, the judge could award the charges refunded (and costs) to me if we win. I therefore didn't think I would have to go through the relevant Small Claims Court to get my charges back... Should I commence one of these as well? This seems to be regarding postal things?
  11. Hi.. Nope, but subsequently he's produced one for the benefit of the court with the words "refused to sign" at the bottom.
  12. Well, bad news.. Looks like the LGO are not going to do anything to the council, so now it's final showdown at the court room early next year. The bailiff firm have now supplied "what I believe to be" documentation completed after the event for the benefit of the LGO and court. This is a WPA with the words "REFUSED TO SIGN" and various other notes and documents which were never seen by me at the time. Finally, the "NOTICE of ATTENDENCE" document they left, they have said that this was only so "I had the bailiffs contact details"... Anyway, Court here I come but I'm getting quite dejected now by the constant knock backs, but I'll give it a go and we'll see if their lies convince the judge or not..
  13. Yes it was Form 4. The initial complaint and Bailiffs reply part do not cost anything but the response from the judge says that after reading the Bailiffs comments, should you wish to persue further, then you could be liable for their costs if you lose.
  14. Thanks for the reply. Thing is, this is getting serious now, and I can proceed further with the complaint, but the court document warns that I'd then be liable for their costs if I lose.. Nothing would upset me more than losing this and giving the bailiff even more money. Should I employ a solicitor to proceed further with this? Any advice appreciated.
  15. Yep, most definately can prove it's a lease car... They've already seen the documentation which I sent to the court with the complaint... I've even not bothered cashing the cheque yet, will be useful in court...
  16. It lists the car which was on the driveway. Again, this was a lease car but they are claiming that it is not and it was not proved at the time he visited.
  17. Nope didn't enter the house. But the WPO details a lease car (which is another area of dispute), so he would not have had to.. Also they have already admitted they did not have a WPO and have refunded me the £11 charge. They've just pulled this out for the court basically.. I thought an unsigned WPO was useless...
  18. Ok, I made a complaint against the Baillif in their registered court and now they have come back still defending everything and disputing all my facts again.. This time they have also included a copy of a Walking Possesion Order that is marked at the bottom, "refused to sign". Does this mean anything (e.g. to the court).?
  19. Thanks watcher, that's brought me up a bit, especially that the bailiffs pay £200 per year for membership.... (from their website)
  20. Just had a response from the ACEA.. Sent complaint to them last Tuesday (would have received Wednesday) Had response today, so posted Friday.. Basically just copying out responses the Baillifs said in their reply letter and saying in any case they couldn't investigate as the bailiffs would have destroyed all records after I'd paid because of the Data protection act. What a waste of a stamp for a totally un-thorough investigation. Looks like it's now Court and wait (even longer) for the LGO. Really thinking I'm not gonna get this money back, all avenues are coming up on the side of the Bailiff.
  21. I remember reading a BBC news story (I think) from a reporter that was in serious debt.. She said that although the banks convey this caring exterier of "call us up if you having trouble and we'll do everything we can to help.." in reality as soon as they hear you are having trouble they are more likely to use threatening tactics (e.g. debt collection company, nasty letters etc..) to squeeze as much money out of you until you disappear below the depths of bankrupcy. Again, lies and threats...
  22. Status update. Local Government Ombudsman have not replied for quite some time now... Gonna proceed with complaining to the Baillifs certification court and then issue a Court Claim for the incorrect charges next week after the Bailiff firm just denied all allogations in my SAR.
  23. OK, got a reply from the local councillors.. They have just recommended to go to the ACEA, which I've heard on here do not really provide any help.. Has anyone had any dealings with the ACEA and do they provide resolutions? Thanks.
  24. Hi all, Got a phone call yesterday from SWALEC Gas regarding my Gas Bill. Due to 2 factors. 1. Them calculating paying of arrears in 12 months based on a estimated metering reading (outstanding was £400, asked to pay £77 a month) 2. A number fo DD bouncing (my fault) They are now asking for £947. They wanted half of that immediately to stop any further action but I managed to reduce that to £150 next week. But they want £50 per week (or £200 a month) which is a load of money. Any suggestions on whether I can get this to a more manageable amount or do I just have to pay it as they suggest? Thanks
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