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  1. thanks for help guys i think i'll start the iva and see what happens!
  2. hi i 'm not sure where to go now i have about £42000 of unsecured personal debt i have a house with my partner we owe £142000 on that with it valued at £119000 i have a car recently valued at £1400 no other assets the house is a wreck with fallen ceilings and only one decorated room all the debt is in my name bar one joint acc i am paying 273 a month atm to a dmp. i'm in this because of a drastic cut in wages £520 per week to 380 and no overtime and an about 300 pounds a month in bank charges being added to my debt! should i go own the iva route or just declare myself bankrupt! ive tried to keep up with this but with NO help from my bank i'm against the wall they charge me more in BS fees than i can afford to pay and its them that caused the credit crunch and my loss of wages! sorry for the little rant the situation i'm in is getting to me a bit! what would you guys do start the IVA or go bankrupt????????????
  3. Hi, I payed for a friends car insurance for the year in full on my debt card. The following year we were on holiday & £655 was taken from my account. Not knowing where this money had gone & fearing my card had been cloned, i cancelled my card & asked my bank to investigate. Then realising it was A Quote, i cancelled my pending claim with my bank & went directly to A Quote. Firstly can they leagaly take money from my account when the policy holder is someone else? Is this not theft???? I eventuly received this money back after months of numerous frustrating calls, minus £26.25 aparently due to breach of terms & conditions!! How can i be in breach of their terms & coditions when his was not my policy?!?!?
  4. Using the excel spreadsheet from from the templates here what exactly can i claim back. Of the for totals generated at the top of the sheet is it just the charges + the 8% intrest on the charges? and can i claim back the intrest on penalties + the 8% interest on the penalties? thanks for your help!
  5. johnh76


    hi can anyone help? lloyds have paid £750 pounds into my account as without asking first as a settlement as this is nowhere near the total amount of my claim and i have started the moneyclaim online prosess what do i need to do??? do i take that off the claim total? and how do i inform the court?
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