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  1. Not filed claim yet, was about to when got the 750, had nearly 300 on top since then. Any help with the complicated intrest? was goint to just add 8%. Have read a lot of the forum regarding the interest but the spreadsheet just daunts me.
  2. Kind of lost my way for a bit.... want to take tsb all the way but not sure how to work out the complicated interest bit and they still charging me for my overdraft, am thinking about going back a stage to include new charges, Am stumped about how to work out the Interest now they have paid £750? How does the spreadsheet work that one out? Someone please help, I thought I was cleverer than I obviosly am.
  3. Ok well was skint so have used some of the £750 and i guess I carry on with N1 claim as normal but state that 750 has already been repaid?
  4. If i use any of the £750 will this effect my claim?
  5. Well, sent 2nd letter and the job centre have resolved the issue, they did not refund my bank charges but have given an acceptable goodwill offer. They did this just before xmas so was very timely. Thanks for your help. sincil.
  6. OK now im stumped! got standard reply after lba but they have added.........Generally we dont agree to adjust any of these charges, but i can tell you that on this occasion we are prepared to reduce the charges by repaying you £750. they have now added this sum to my account. My bank account however was 500 over its overdraft (due to thier charges) so i can only get to 250 of this sum (if i should??) I wasnt going to touch this account again and am going through payplan to pay it back according to my circumstances(skint) I am skint and would like to use this money but also want to take them all the way for the rest of what they owe. I am about at the court stage and how do I proceed now. think i have read too much and confused myself......
  7. just getting ready for money claim online, just one question, if and when I get my bank charges refunded can I request them by cheque or do they have to go into my bank account?
  8. Getting addicted to this site read so much my eyes hurt. Have just got subject access requests ready for mnba and nationwide credit cards, no idea how much in charges on these looking forward to getting my statements. (new threads started there) Have checked out court costs for mcol stage and I should be exempt, just need to fill out exemption form, as am on JSA.
  9. sincil

    Sincil vs MNBA

    Subject access request posted. Also Nationwide and letter before action with lloyds TSB
  10. S.A.R (subject access request) sent. Also sent to MNBA on Letter before action with lloyds TSB
  11. Fob off letter recieved 4th december LBA (letter before action...stage3) sent 8th December. OK so far I think......
  12. Just reading the other posts here, the job centre do have funds to recompense jobseekers who suffer financially from their maladministration. and I should think it is quicker than claiming back bank charges from the bank. I am going to persue both and hope to get the money back asap. I am not bothered who I get it from. And no I dont want to commit fraud. I may make an odd error here and there too though.
  13. Have not had a reply. Will send letter and banks statements again , this time registered.
  14. Have just filled in the template for my preliminary letter have used the simple one and intend to add the 8% at a later date, the total amount comes to £1,375 and the interest stands at 240 at the moment. so a total of at least £1,615. So not to be sniffed at. Should get fob off letter within 10 days. stage 2 complete..... now going to check out the LBA process.
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