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  1. Hi, I want to agree with ihatemybank. I am so confused, can any one in lay terms please break this all down for us all? · Can banks, credit cards just knock up any old rubbish now. · Can we still defend this. Thanks Chris5664
  2. Hi Thanks Heliosuk, I sent a letter off to the AA yesterday - I note that there is no address for the AA accreditation with Nationwide Autos, so I sent this off to AA customer services. I feel so vulnerable you entrust garages with your car and potentially your life. I feel that the only thing left that I can do is to inform you all Do Not Use Nationwide Autos
  3. Hi, The RAC did an official roadside report; he signed it with his ID on it etc. But yet again it’s for me to prove that Nationwide Autos were the last people to touch the car. I am 100% convinced that they know that they are as guilty as sin and are closing ranks. I have looked at all the social websites and this company has not got good feedback at all and the customer care is appalling. I will see what the Chief Executive says; perhaps he might even get the letter. I will update you. PLEASE DO NOT USE THEM
  4. Hi, Today I received a letter from the Regional General Manager; Funny I addressed this letter to the Chief Executive. This is the Regional General Manager who told me to take it to Trading Standards. Even the Regional General Manager can even get his story right, in his first sentence of his letter, he states my car was serviced in October 2009, this indeed was November 2009 perhaps along with the car been road tested -was this also another administrate error – I will add this also to all the collection of inaccuracies and omissions like wrong wheel nuts and not toque and the massing string of omissions? I note with great interest that in his letter that there is no mention of the auditor inspecting my wheels on this particular day; this I was unflinchingly informed of this by a Manager several times that a auditor inspected my wheels on this particular day as a random vehicle along with the manager and the technician. I have sent another letter to the Chief Executive marked private and confidential, perhaps he may look at this and invent another story perhaps like the Pope was passing with the Queen's Mother and both popped in and checked the wheel nuts as well I have asked for them to forward a copy of the singed declaration document of the auditor with his name and qualifications stating that he inspected my car, I have also asked for them to forward the mentioned Vehicle report form with both parties’ signatures - this is the document that the manager and technician declared that they have inspected my car and the clockings of this job. I am also requesting the calibration report certificate of the torque wrench that tightened my wheels. I have pointed out that I have taken advice from a number of qualified automotive technicians that the wheel nuts if only tightened ‘nipped up’ that the wheels could have come loose at any time; if not please can you disprove this. I am not holding my breath. Please do not use them
  5. Hi, Basically these people are now calling me a liar !!! and their attitude is we have your money now "go and Jog on". Trading Standards are looking into this with persuasion and this company has been reported to the HSE via a RIDDOR report. I feel that I am lucky enough to alert you of this I just want to prepare people that if you have an issue this company they could not give a toss, they have a published guarantee and have bold statements that you can wipe you’re bum on for as much use as it is. Our Guarantee We operate a 12-month or 12,000 mile guarantee on all parts and workmanship (whichever is the sooner). You also have the additional reassurance of our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Our staff are knowledgeable and approachable who will advise you honestly and genuinely care about customers, their cars and whether they’ll come back. We are the only chain of garages approved by The AA, we have more ATA trained mechanics than any other independent garage group Please be warned
  6. Hi, Thanks for all this and thanks for looking. I just really want to point out to everyone that I feel that I am lucky enough to be able to write this and to alert people of this situation, this garage could have killed me and my family. Basically this garage is closing ranks and now is suggesting that I am a liar. There is a pattern of lies and or omissions coming from this company What my aim is, · To make them aware that they have an issue with quality · I am wanting my money back and a gesture of goodwill · I wish for my car to be re serviced (not the same place) · Mainly to point out that they have a duty of care I have entrusted my car to them. If I took them to court what would I claim for? As no damage has occurred to my car. On the Nationwide Autos website they boldly state Our Guarantee We operate a 12-month or 12,000 mile guarantee on all parts and workmanship (whichever is the sooner). You also have the additional reassurance of our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Our staff are knowledgeable and approachable who will advise you honestly and genuinely care about customers, their cars and whether they’ll come back. We are the only chain of garages approved by The AA, we have more ATA trained mechanics than any other independent garage group I feel that I have proved that this is just words They state they are an AA approved service centre, but I cannot find an address for this. I have written to their Chief Executive, but we will see mmmmmm Can any one offer any advice? Regards
  7. Hi, The issue is that the Technician has made an error. The steel wheel nuts for the spare wheel were with the locking wheel nut remover and the hub protector key in a plastic box a kit provided by Renault. The technician must have had the box next to him and not looked when putting the alloy wheels back on, thus putting the steel wheel nuts on with the alloy wheel nuts. They are saying that the wheels were torque and was checked by 3 people and then road tested (the invoice says different to the road test its says - road test NO). Basically this error could have killed me and my family, due to the neglect of this technician. Nationwide have closed ranks and basically now calling me a liar. I am asking for advice on what to do next please. Regards
  8. I am after help and need some sound advice. I recently used Nationwide Autos for them to service my car. 3 weeks ago I was driving into work only to find that I had a heavy vibration coming from my front wheels and the steering became increasable vague, I immediately pulled over. I rang the RAC and they inspected the car, the RAC technician said have I had the car serviced recently. I explained yes, Nationwide Autos 4 weeks ago. The RAC technician showed me that on both front tyres all the wheels bolts were loose including the locking wheel nuts and had the wrong bolts fitted; in fact he loosened them by hand and took only two turns for two of the bolts to come away from the car. The RAC state that steel wheel bolts designed for my spare wheel were fitted to alloy wheels and none where not torque. The correct alloy wheel bolts were with the locking wheel nut remover. The RAC wrote a report to all this. I made a complaint to there Head Office informing them of all this and requesting my money back etc I received a letter saying that this will be investigated. A Manager rang me and said that this is all been taken quite seriously and stated that on this day when my car was been serviced, in fact three people actually checked my car over the technician the Manager and an auditor, after this it was then it was all road tested. I pointed out that it was not road tested and this is documented on the invoice and I find this all suspect. He said that did the RAC not say that this should have happened sooner than six weeks after the service, I said no. -- It has only been 4 weeks and not six weeks. I explained that I work for the emergency services as a driver and have spoken to a number of mechanics in our works workshops and all have said it depends on driving styles and could have happened sooner or even later if they had only nipped the wheel nuts up. But with the wrong wheel nuts - that was very wrong and very dangerous. I then received a telephone call from the regional Manager, who said it is imposable for this to happen after 1500 mile and we will not be looking into any this further he said that he is happy for me to go to Trading Standards. I rang Consumer direct and they where no help. I have now written to the Chief executive of this company for him to re look at this. What else can I do Please advise me, as I am gob smacked that I could have been killed and now they are basicaly calling me a liar. Regards
  9. Hi, Thanks for this. It just seems to be one blow after blow for us.
  10. Hi, Can anyone inform me and all readers of this thread, what was this December 09 test case about and will it have any consequence etc? Can anyone break it down into lay terms please? Thanks :-|
  11. Hi, It just appears that the Banks are Teflon coated. Bank Charges Tax payer bail out Bonuses And now CCAs Are they untouchable?
  12. Hi, I am sorry but I am concerned with the news. . Martin Lewis http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/loans/2009/12/high-court-ends-debt-avoidance-loophole?utm_source=mainsite&utm_medium=sidebar&utm_campaign=box This money http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/credit-and-loans/dealing-with-debt/article.html?in_article_id=496705&in_page_id=62&position=moretopstories Debt free uk http://www.debt-free.org.uk/blog/credit-card-customers-unable-to-avoid-debts-following-court-ruling-31-12-09 What impact will it have on such as I asking for sight of alleged CCAs. I have asked for CCAs from a number of credit cards. Egg. Barclaycard Halifax None have complied with any of my legal request; all are in default and now all over a year since I have paid. I have had a number of different debt collectors attempting to recover the alleged debts and threatening me with various things over the course of the year, some trying to fob me off with terms and conditions, cut and paste efforts etc. With this recent ruling -- in lay terms will this have any impact on such as myself, will this give credit card company’s more clout?
  13. Hi, I am sorry but I am concerned with the news. :-| With this recent ruling -- in lay terms will this have any impact on such as myself, will this give credit card company’s more clout? :idea::idea::idea:
  14. Hi, I wish to thank you all for your advice and in particular Slick. I will complain again to this cowboy outfit Power 2 Bully and will try to motivate Trading Standards to get there finger out and do there job – and as of the Police!!!! Slick is right - the whole point is the CCA, but I am sure you will all agree the practices of DCAs are unregulated and pathetic and need challenging. If the Halifax or any financial institute has the CCA why not produce it on request, they are trying to fob us off with an application form with no terms and conditions on it. Thanks so far Chris
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