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Everything posted by jackieB

  1. I have just ordered a grocery delivery from Tesco and I dont expect more than I ordered, isnt that the same thing?.
  2. Thanks, I'm not the only one thats happened to here, my neighbour had a delivery at 08.30 saturday morning while they were in bed and they too didnt ask for a top up. They said their tank was three quarters full already!. Good answer though about' its your fuel come and get it!'. The point is, to me, that I had told them before ,I didnt want automatic top up yet they did .Then expect me to pay for it!.
  3. No, I did not want any and told them I would have let them know when I did want some. There are many folks here who does not have a account with calor gas and their tanks stand empty. My account should have said no automatic top up as I asked them to. As a friend says, if I had a coal fire I would order as much coal as I want, when I want, should be the same. Its the fact they took it upon themselves to fill the tank without asking me first.
  4. Thanks for that, i will ring the secretary and find out what I need to do. As I dont want to sue anyone, just to see my medical notes, they may not be a fee.
  5. I am about to claim my excessive bank charges over the last two months, £70 from the RBS. Glad to see you have succeeded.
  6. Thanks, but my GP hasnt had much info back from the consultants at the hosp,. I want the notes from the hospital. Do I contact the secretaries or medical records dept,.?
  7. Thanks for welcome. I am in the act of recovering my bank charges now also going to start recouping my money from calor gas. I do not like being taken for a ride.!!
  8. Anyone any idea how I go about it. I understand that now, due to the freedom of information act I can do that. Unsure who or how to go about it?. Thanks.
  9. Our estate is quite rural hence calor gas tanks. An engineer turned up one day saying he had come to install the telemetry. I had no idea that 1.He was coming 2. what the hell was it?. He explained it connected to my phone line and when the tank capacity was down to 30% it would trigger calor gas company to come and fill it. I agreed saying I didnt know its was coming. He said I should have received a letter, I didnt. Well after a few weeks, I realised it was interferring with my computer and disconnected it myself, rang and told them I didnt want to have automatic top up. I would let them know when I wanted the tank filled up.They said ok. In january while I was out they came and filled the tank without me asking them!!. My next invoice from them then claimed for the gas and my bill shot up from the existing £300 to a whopping £700 !!. I cancelled my direct debit with them when I paid that bill. I know await another supply of calor gas this morning. I rang them the other day and said I didnt want a full tank as I may be moving within the nexr few monthes. The chap on the phone said they would not give me less than 70% of gas. I will hover over the delivery man this morning to check, as I dont trust them. Can I ask for the £400 back, which I didnt ask for?.
  10. Got here through Martins site. I'm starting to claw back bank charges from RBS about to send them my first letter.
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