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  1. Hello I recently spent £1600 getting racing camshafts fitted on my renault sport 2.0 172, but since the work was done ive had nothing but problems. To explain the story in great detail would take an age to read so im going to be as breif as possible. Ok, after the car has been returned three times ive found out that the company have tried to complete the job a different way than normal which has caused a few side affects. The side affects are that the car kangeroos up to 40mph, frequently cuts out and ive noticed its quicker off the mark than it is top end and the fuel consuption has nearly doubled! The particular cams used, according to the only uk supplier are too lairy for the car to be able to run on the standard ecu,even if its been reflashed.The only way the car would run properly is with a stand alone ecu. After getting no joy out of the company ive been told by an independant rolling road (dynometer)company who have 40years experience and a superb reputation all over the country that not only is the car now seriously underpowered but the cam timing is way out. After further checks from another tuning company its been discovered the cam timing has been altared to get the car to idle on the standard ecu and therefore the topend power of the car is very poor. I went back to the company with my results which they soon dismissed as false. They claimed the reason why my car is underpowered was because dirt in the air filter i was using had got into the engine causing the loss of power which they also decided without my consultation that they,d replace. They also claimed the reason for loss in top end performance was due to compression being low,which has since been checked and confirmed as perfectly ok. Im not an expert on how my car works so ive asked various tuning companies their advice up and down the country who have pretty much agreed with the results i was given. Last week i visited the company for the forth time to demonstarte the car cutting out which i prooved. On the way back the guy told me i was suggesting him and his son who run the company were a bunch of c*nts for not listening to them but listening to everyone else. I explained that i needed to seek other advice as they were of no help- to that he replied "F*ck off to the company who claim your car isnt right and get them to sort it out",then he got out of my car slaming the door. I followed him out the car and told him i wished to speak to his son who has been alot more helpful! He carried on swearing at me telling me i could,nt speak to him then when i asked why he was shouting at me he walked towards me aggresively saying "what are you going to do about"! That was where i backed off and got back into my car and drove off. Now the last thing i heard from the company was that they were willing to stand up in a court of law and say that the timing on my car is spot on but how can it be if the standard tool used to check the timing shows that its out? Please help. Where do i stand in getting my money back? I did ask them before the forth visit that id like to have my car returned to standard but was told they,d have to charge me for the work and a new set of standard cams Apparently the ones that they originally toke out of my car they claim had been disposed of as they were damaged! Correct me if im wrong but weather they were damaged or not they were STILL my property and they had no right wotsoever to throw them away?
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