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  1. Well!, Read this! 5 May 2007 Account Number: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Dear Mr D Thank you for your letter of 26 April , I am sorry that you again have concerns regarding the charges that have been applied to your account. As we outlined in our oletter of 23 April we explain all of our terms and conditions including our fees and charges at account opening and they form the basis of your agreement with us. We must therefore, disagree with the views expressed in your letter. If on reflection you would like to accept our offer of XXX.XX as outlined in our previous letter please complete the attached form and return it to us in the reply paid envelope enclosed. This figure represents a refund of the difference between our original £20 and the current £12 late payment charge and includes any associated interest charges. I would remind you that acceptance by you of this payment will be paid in full and final settlement of all claims you have relating to our charges. Any charges that properly accrue in the future will be applied to your account in line with our published terms and conditions.Would have great difficulty doing this as the account has been closed for a couple of years now! I would re-iterate that our letter of 5 May should be taken as the Bank's final response. This gives you the option, should you still remain dissatisfied, to refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If you decide to take this course of action you must do so no later than six months from the date of our final response. Yours sincerely, Sarah Appleford Team Manager Customer Care Team I had already told them in the rejection letter we would only accept it as part payment and seek the rest in court. I think now I will send the Letter Before Action and let them stew for a bit. I'm getting a bit daunted now, It's so long winded. I may also enclose the bit about claiming costs if they settle AFTER I have filed the court papers. Any comments Please
  2. Hi, Just jumped over from claiming bank charges. I am in the process of claiming back charges frrom Capital Credit Card. I received the statements requested. Only after i sent the prelim letter did I realise, the card was acquired in February 2000, in August of 2003 Cap 1 started charging me PPI. I am not aware of receiving any information regarding this. Do I need to write to cap one requesting a copy of this agreement as I certainly don't remember signing anything. This PPI was taken from August 2003 to 28 December 2005 when I cleared and closed the account? Any comments would be welcome:-)
  3. Hi Adam, Yeah! Thats the sort of thing I meant. Something to inform the banks of our intentions to claim back the costs. I'm not well up on these things but it seems right to me. Also knowing if we did include this it would give us time to keep track of time and effort right from the start and therefore have a more accurate figure. Thanks Julie:wink:
  4. Hi Adam I personally think this is a great idea. It may make the banks settle quicker without anyone havng to go through the daunting process of filing at court (not that I've actually got to that stage with any of my claims ........yet!) It would be nice if someone could draft a template to this effect because if everyone was using the same letter the banks might just get the message, Regards Julie:)
  5. Well, Thats my rejection letter completed! I have quite a few claims going on. all at different stages yesterday I had 6 recorded delivery letters, I always get a handful of labels from the nice lady at our local post office. She's quite pleased when she sees me as she knows everythings been filled in and she basically just has to stamp the receipt. Can't wait for NatWest to reply now.
  6. Thanks Hedgey, Just about to start my rejection letter, I wouldn't mind but the claim is not for much at all. Just been reading vons thread, hope this claim isn't going to be that complicated. Why do banks insist on making us pay out more just to settle anyway? Thank goodness for the wordprocessor, If I'd had to write out everything by hand I would probably have given up by now. I'll keep plodding on!
  7. Hi All, Just received a letter from NatWest, thanking me for my letter of the 12th April 2007. Blah blah............".We believe that our charges are fair, reasonable and transparent. We consider the amounts debited to your account have been applied strctly in accordance with your agreement and pubished tariff. However, having reviewed your case and as a gesture of good will and without admission of liability or error, we are prepared to offer the amount of £xxx.xx paid direct into your account (do they not realise this account has been closed for over 12 months!) This figure represents a refund of the difference between our original £18-£20 and current £12 late payment charge and includes any associated interest charges. Acceptance by you of this payment will be in full and final settlement of any claims you have relating to our charges. To accept this offer please complete the attached form and return it to us in the reply paid envelope enclosed". How does NO sound!!!!!!!!!!!! I am unsure wether to accept it as a partial payment or just a blank refusal. With the Bradford I just point blank refused and they paid up within a few days of the refusal? Any comments welcome:)
  8. Thanks Adam, I think I will do it that way, seems best.
  9. To cut a long story short, I eventually phoned the compaints department about not receiving microfisce print outs and hubby 12 months of statements. How funny my hubby gor three lots on the same day and my printouts came the day after. On my hubbys account I was a statement missing, I promptly got on the phone and requested this be sent as soon as possible, guess what........the lady then proceeded to tell me there would be a five pound charge for the statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I explained they had already cashed my cheque when I sent in the SAR and that I have received the statements but one was missing, she agreed then to send it free of charge. I had had words the other week with one of the staff saying we had to allow 40 working days and not 40 calendar days. I explained as far as I was concerned some of the charges were taken on a Saturday and some were even taken on a Sunday so therefore these had to be classed as working days!!!!!!!! Can someone just put me straight on something? I claim the charges listed on the statements. Do I also claim what they have charged as *interest charged whilst account overdrawn*????????? I was just going to go with the 8%, so if this is right would I also include thre interest while overdrawn in the 8%????????????? Any comments please:???:
  10. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:D We now have our cheques. Hubby £145.00 Me £183.92 (£175.00 + some money left in a closed account plus a little bit of interest) Please please could someone move this to *********WON*********** *********************** Thanks all and good luck with your claims
  11. Thanks Joa, I will do a bit of reading on my daughters behalf as she is actually beisde herself with worry, especially as she is convinced she will end up paying the rent for the whole year. She was even going to take the tenancy and travel every day to Nantwich, obviously this was not an option, she is Dyslexic and has support sessions when she has no lectures, she would spend all day running between Natwich and Chester. Thanks again
  12. How can this be if the contract has only been signed by my daughter and no-one else not me as the guarantor or the landlord?? The covering letter explained if the contract wasn't signed and sent back within 7 days they would take it that my daughter no longer required the room. The University are going to re-advertise it for my daughter free of charge it's only the viewing which are a problem. I could try another approach, the Uni in their letter say "if you consider that you have incurred costs in respect of commercially rented accommodation which result wholly from the withdrawl of the HND Animal Behaviour and Welfare (level 2) and it's replacement with the FdSc Animal Management (Behaviour and Welfare), please provide written details of the accommodation, what the claim is for, evidence to support this and the amount claimed, e.g. letter from landlord or Agent, and that it is not recoverable from any other person. I, as Dean of the School of Applied and Health Sciences will give individual consideration to your claim. Please note that consideration will only be given to costs resulting from the change of location of the programme due to its replacement by the FdSc and, in particular, will not be given to costs resulting from academic failure or withdrawl from the programme for any other reason. Please send details to......... Surely this means the Uni will consider paying these costs?
  13. Yes on the statements it says for example 1.385% this is only the monthly interest and on a previous post I asked how I could work out the APR from this as I read somewhere you don't jst times it by 12. I thought it easier just to go onto the website and found the rate was 16.9% can you belive though students are charged 18.9% what a rip off! Thanks anyway
  14. Help Please. Where do we stand? My daughter was on a two year HND course run by Chester University, all students were advise to secure accommodation in Chester (currently at Nantwich) for the second year of the course. In January this year she secured a room with a £175.00 deposit cheque (which has been cashed) and also a first months rent cheque to be cashed at the end of April (this has now been stopped - but read on) A copy of the agreement had been sent home for me to sign as guarantor, I did not do this straight away and my daughter was the only person who had signed this agreement, evren the landlord hadn't signed it. Just before easter the students were told that Chester had cancelled the HND in favour of a Foundation Degree and the second year HND would no longer run. They would have to transfer to the Foundation Degree, this course would be running from Nantwich and not Chester - what a predicament! This meant the students who had secured accommodation and paid deposits were going to lose out. The tenancy agreement explained that under no circumstances would the deposit be returned. I contacted the university and explained this, they said if we could get a letter from the letting agent saying they wouldn't return the deposit they would refund my daughter. I contacted the letting agent who explained yes thats fine but are the university also going to pay the extra £100.00 we charge for re-advertising the room? If they weren't I as guarantor would be liable. At this point I picked up the tenancy agreement and on the covering letter dated January said I they did not received the contract signed within 7 days they would take it that my daughter no longer wished to take the room and it would be re-let We still have the tenancy agreement with onlt my daughters signature on it. Why are they saying she still has to pay for readvertising when the property has not yet been taken off the internet? The university will advertise the room for my daughter at no cost but the letting agent says everytime someone wants to view it she will have to go to Chester and be present at the viewing otherwise they will charge for their services showing someone round. If the contract hasn't been completed where do we stand. Please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease someone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:? :? :?
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