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Everything posted by Laineybelle

  1. Thanks for that Tiglet, I will write another letter and give it a try. Regards Laineybelle
  2. Last year I successfully won my battle against Barclays and had all my claim returned. I changed banks to RBS and started afresh. It hasn't gone too badly but after just over a year i still can't quite get my head around the way they deal with their banking days as in when payments go in and out (at the end of the banking day not the start as Barclays did). Anyway, to the point. I have had one or two charges because of the way they carry out their payment system but would love some advice on one I feel very strongly about. Just before Christmas last year a DD went out which took us over our overdraft. I paid money in on the day but because I neglected to tell them that I had paid money in to cover the DD, they returned it and charged me £38.00. Unwillingly, I accepted the charge feeling I was to blame but the charge incurred was more than the original DD they returned so it took our account still over the overdraft by a couple £'s. The next morning wages went in to the account and then in January I found we had been charged a further £28 for going over the overdraft. I contacted my local branch and tried to explain the situation to them but they said I would have to write to head office. I did this and explained that they had basically charged me twice for the same thing and that I felt it was unreasonable (Barclays never did that!). I had not heard anything at all back from head office and when I asked in my local branch the other day they said that RBS were not dealing with any claims whilst the appeal was going through. I explained that mine was more of a problem with the 2 charges for the same thing but they said it did not matter anything to do with bank charges was not being looked at at the moment. I haven't even received a polite letter back explaining this. Can anyone out there tell me if they are right to charge me for returning a DD which then takes me a couple of £ over my overdraft overnight and then charge me another £28 for that? It was them that did it in the first place. It means I have been charged £66 for a £30 DD not going out. I would accept one charge but two? Any advice appreciated.
  3. Hi Bubble Butt, VERY Cool name, I like it. I wish I had thought of a more original name when I started!!! Anyway, you will see from my thread that I have recently (yesterday to be exact!) won my claim so hang on in there. YOU WILL GET YOUR MONEY. And every last penny may I add (a touch more too sometimes!!!) I even got the 82p extra out of them. I will follow your thread with interest now I have found it and just shout if you need any guidance. We are all here to help each other. I like your style by the way, with your local branch refunding you your 'odd' charge. Stick with it and you will soon be joining me in the 'successes' thread!! Laineybelle
  4. DOH!!!!!!!!!!!! Apologies, have tried again and been successful this time!!! Please disregard previous post. It just takes a bit of brain thats all. Probably pickled on the champagne I had last night!!! Thanks again to all. Survey done (I think), donation done (definately). Off on well deserved break next week. See you soon on pre 6 year battle!!! Regards again to all laineybelle
  5. Hi again, I have just tried to make a donation and can you believe I haven't got a clue what I am doing!!! Typical, I get past a big bad Barclays and then can't do a simple payment. Are there instructions anywhere??? I would like to do it today as I have hubbys card and we are away next week. I may never get his card again!!! I clicked on button but did not know what to put in detail and password. It would not accept the one I use for CAG. It is a Paypal one, is that right? Any help appreciated Laineybelle
  6. By the way, how did I become a 'Classic Account Customer'? I have only just noticed it! Laineybelle
  7. Thanks Gary, I was right it does look cool having 'WON' by your name. I am right in thinking that the survey we are asked to complete are just those 4 or 5 little questions? If so I think I have done that. I will make the donation when I can prise my hubby's bank card from him, hopefully it will help towards others like me getting back what is rightfully their's!!! Never heard of the successes section, but it sounds pretty good. Ready when you are Gary. Never thought I would actually get there. I have a friend I have encouraged to join the fight so hopefully she won't be far behind! You know who you are scrumpy girl!! GO GIRL!! All my best to everyone Laineybelle
  8. Thanks to all you guys!!! I got home to a bottle of champagne tonight. I get nearly the whole bottle as my hubby doesn't like it much. Another triumph me thinks!!! You are so right Rich, you do have to keep checking the account to make sure its still there. First time my hubby has been in the black for a while!!! I definately agree with you both Rich and Micky, it really does sometimes go to the absolute 11th hour and you almost lose hope but in the end they were screaming to settle and we kept our cool and still are. We have to get moving in the morning to let the Courts know though. I am pretty chuffed I got the last dig about the 82p too. I must have looked so petty..but hey!!!! them's the breaks. By the way, could someone please add a 'WON' to my thread please.........that will look sssoooo cool!!! All the best to all Laineybelle
  9. YEH!!!!! Finally, barclays have credited our account. I checked at 3.00pm and it wasn't there. Checked at 3.30pm and there it was!!!! My husband received a fax with the offer on this morning and they hadn't added the extra 82p for todays interest but had included the £6.00 p&p which they didn't have to pay so I made my husband scribble the amount out and put the new amount with the added extra 82p. can you believe it, I am soooo tight!!! Anyway they credited the amount with the 82p!!! Guess they knew not to mess about at that stage. Have rang the courts but can't fax through the papers cancelling the court hearing until the morning, so it will be very close as the hearing is at 10.00am. It is amazing to see the money there and it's all thanks to this site and everyone on it, I could never have done it on my own, I wouldn't have had a clue, so thank you to all. I will complete the survey asap and make my donation to the site. And to the rest of you keep the good fight going!!! It truly does work out in the end. If anything was going to go wrong it would have been us as money never comes to us easily. It has been a battle but WE HAVE WON!!! Thanks again and good luck to all out there continuing the fight. I may attempt another one, either pre 6 years with Barclays or maybe RBS for the small amount taken. I will have my holiday next week first to get over this and then see. Regards Laineybelle
  10. Hi Rich, Thanks for the interest mate. Not a dickie bird!!! My husband has called time and time again and we have had absolutely no response at all, so unless something has gone horribly wrong with my paperwork, it looks like we are off to Court tomorrow. I did e-mail the bank very late last night. I e-mailed to Krysta as it was her e-mail I had from on this site and copied in Paul Quinn (he is dealing with ours) as I wasn't sure of his e-mail address. STOP PRESS, STOP PRESS!!!! I have just had a call from my husband!!! Paul Quinn has apologised for not getting back to him sooner, he said he has been a bit busy!!!, he said he is going to fax our FULL settlement offer to my husbands works for my hubby to sign and fax back and the money will be in his account by tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about a close shave, my e-mail must have done the trick!!! Not counting my chickens yet, but my husband is under strict instruction from me about what to sign and not to sign and Paul Quinn reckons he is going to pay every last penny, even the £6.00 P&P I requested. I have told hubby to cross out the confidentiality bit and not to sign anything for the Courts. WE will let the Court know when the money is in the account. Watch this space guys!!!! I will let you know as soon as. Regards from a hopefully better off financial person Laineybelle
  11. Hi all, Thanks for feedback. My husband did talk to Krysta the first time he called (last Tuesday) and she said Tom (I think that was his name) was dealing with his claim and that he would have a letter out to him by the end of the week (last week)and that was the last communication we had with them. Every time since my husband has rang and got a/m and left messages which have received no response. Nothing today so far, so he is now preparing to get time off to attend court on Friday. We'll see. I'm sure they will be flapping more than me at this stage!?! I will let you know of any changes. Thanks again to all for support, thanks Rich. Hope you are enjoying your windfall!! Regards Laineybelle
  12. Hi Guys, Well I have to say, I am starting to worry a bit now. Court date is this Friday. We have had absolutely no contact from barclays whatsoever. No calls, no letters, no credit of account. My husband has called them several times and left messages since this time last week but still nothing, although they have acknowledged his call once, the first time. He has called the courts today and as far as they can tell nothing has been put on their system about receiving a bundle from barclays but they work 2 weeks behind so they can't be 100%!!! I expected something from them by now and had hoped we wouldn't need to show up on Friday. Surely they shouldn't be leaving it quite this late. Other threads I have followed have been paid before now and sometimes a lot earlier. Regards A slightly worried Laineybelle
  13. WELL DONE RICH MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really pleased for you, you really deserve it. Enjoy your money mate...along with the moment and good luck with your next 'project'. We are awaiting a letter from barclays as my hubby did ring on Tuesday, then again Wednesday and was told a letter would be with us by the end of this week. I might sus out whether he has any more charges on his account since the original claim and see if I can wangle them also. There should only be a couple so worth a try. Congratulations again. laineybelle
  14. Nice one!!! Well done. How on earth did you get them to settle so quickly though with your Court date still being quite a few weeks off? Regards Laineybelle
  15. Good going Rich, not far now. I am just trying to get my husband to ring now. I would love to do it as I have done the whole thing from the start but unfortunately one of the accounts is in his name so they probably won't give me the time of day. Little do they know that its me who has caused them yet another little problem. Half of me wants to see what they do as they will have problems getting hold of him and the other half wants to ring them and set the ball rolling. Ooohh this stage is sooo exciting!! Let us know your news as soon as. Laineybelle
  16. Hi JT2007, Try to relax about it. I have literally dropped my court bundle off today and my deadline was tomorrow and I was really worried about it too but I just copied all the stuff from the link and all the other things and sent it in. I took time just laying it all out so it looked professional but do not understand a word of it. As Dar3n says, we are not trained to understand all the legal jargon. Others put a lot more in than me and I may have missed stuff out but what I put in looked good and I don't think barclays will look any further past that my statements anyway. As for money you should get that just before the court date anyway as Barclays have to leave enough time for you to get the letter to the Court saying you have settled but I am going to and advise you to say you want your money first before you send any letters to the Court. So the holiday sounds good for mid May but you should have your money by Friday 27th April I reckon ( thats my Court date!!!). Good luck and stick with it. Barclays are the ones who should be panicking not you. Regards Laineybelle
  17. Well done Rich!!! That didn't take them long to get back to you did it!! Laineybelle
  18. Hi, Just thought I would update. I went to Barclays branch to ask them to send my court bundle in the internal. The lady who served me was more than happy to do it but would not sign anything as a receipt for me as she said she was not allowed so I said not to worry and I would take it to the Post Office. She said it really wasn't a problem as it would get there tomorrow but I declined her kind offer. Much happier to pay the £6.00 it cost me at the PO to have a Guaranteed Next Day Delivery By 1.00pm With Signature!!! I may just add the £6.00 on to the settlement figure anyway!!! I took the other bundle upstairs (above Barclays) to the local court and asked if Barclays had put theirs in yet (yeh right!!). She said that they were 2 weeks behind but nothing on the system as yet. I hope they aren't 2 weeks behind forever as my court date is in 2 weeks!!! Anyway, because of them being behind she date stamped my bundle to prove it was in in time and that was that. I feel like a big weight has now lifted off me as that was my final mammoth task to fulfill and the end is in sight. I just hope Barclays don't look much further in to the bundle than my statements as I don't want them to find some massive mistake that I have made being a novice at all this. It did look very professional though if I do say so myself but can't comment on whether the content is right. We are now going to sit and wait (relaxing) for a week or so to see if they try to contact us. My husband doesn't even know if they have his mobile number and we are both out at work all day. I am really excited about this now. Thanks everyone for support so far. Will keep you posted. Regards Laineybelle
  19. Hi Rich, Oooohhhh exciting stuff eh? Bet they are too busy to answer their phone trying to sort out who they have to pay next!!! I dropped our bundles off today for the deadline tomorrow and as expected, nothing from Barclays yet. It is a big weight off your shoulders though isn't it knowing that is really the final hurdle and now it is them that has to do the rest of the work. I am going to enjoy the next week now and not worry about contact to see if they come to us. We have our figures ready. If it gets to this time next week I may decide to try ringing as well. Anyway best of luck mate, you are on the home run now and enjoy it!!! The ball is well and truly in your court now and you are on your way to Game, Set & Match!!! Let us know as soon as something happens. Take care Laineybelle
  20. Hi all, I have completed a Witness Statement to include in my Court Bundle but am a bit confused as to whether I need to include the last bit at the bottom or not. I have a 'Notice Of Allocation To The Small Claims Track (Hearing)' and can't work out what exactly the bit below means. 'I would respectfully ask that the Court, in this case, notwithstanding allocation to the small claims track, order standard disclosure. a. The Defendant to file at the Court office and serve me with a list setting out how charges have been calculated. b. I understand that it is in the Courts discretion to do so. ' Any help appreciated. Regards Laineybelle
  21. Hi again Tanz, No I didn't use the draft order as I didn't have that much confidence on my knowledge. I am now filling out the witness statement I have found on a thread which I think I have been asked to include. If I didn't need to then i'm sure its not going to hurt anyway. I am about finished on it and have included that with all of the court bundle, all my correspondence and statements etc and the newsletter from March Consumer Action Group just showing all the latest updates on bank charges. I think I may still opt for Post Office as it needs to be there by Friday and Barclays internal may not work that fast, or do you consider once I hand it in to the local branch that that is me getting it in on time? Thanks for all your advice it is greatly appreciated at this level especially!! Laineybelle
  22. Hi Tanz, Thanks for reply. I was thinking of taking bundle in to bank but wasn't sure of how reliable it would be. It is based under the courts so would be a lot easier. Do you think it is a SAFE enough way? Also this bit about 'Statement Of Evidence' really confuses me, sorry. I received a 'Notice Of Allocation To The Small Claims Track (Hearing)' and it says the hearing of the claim will take place on 27th April. If I do need it is there an example set up anywhere do you know? Sorry but I think a lot of us get the jitters at this stage as we are so close and don't want to mess it up at this stage. I have everything else ready to go apart from this if it is needed. Thanks Laineybelle
  23. Hi All, Just returned after a break and am getting my Court Bundle together to hand in to Court today and post to barclays on overnight today so the Bundle reaches them by Friday which is my deadline. I have everything printed off the basic court bundle and all correspondence between me and Barclays plus my statements and schedule of charges. The only thing I can't find which I have read someone else added in is the 'house of commons select committee on treasury second report, transparency in charging' and a report by Kendal Freeman on liquidated damages 2005. Are these things I should include? I was also going to include the newsletter received by the action group highlighting all the most recent happenings in the news etc re. bank charges. Is there anything else I should be adding that I haven't, eg. anything from myself like a statement? Thanks in advance for any help and advice Laineybelle
  24. Hi Rich, Just got back from leave and have updated myself with your thread. How are things going? I have to have my bundle in by Friday this week for 27th April, so am taking to post office today and hand delivering to Court. Let us know when you get any more news. We are all behind you mate......literally for me!!! Laineybelle
  25. Hi All, Just thought I'd let you know we finally have our Court Date for Friday 27th April at 1.00pm here at out Local Court. It is the day I break up for a little holiday so we will hopefully have something to celebrate, like a big fat payment in our bank account!!! I now have the rather large job of getting the Court bundle ready...........here we go!!!!!! Regards Laineybelle
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