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Everything posted by pirell

  1. Thanks for your replies, the agent is flight centre and the airline is BA
  2. Hi... I booked a ticket through flight centre with an agent. This guy was hurrying me up for a week to offer me this special deal which apparently closed by 6pm on Friday. I eventually booked it on the day...and paid over the phone. Prior to that I received a terms and conditions note, then paid for the ticket. I received the itinerary confirming the flight and ticket two days ago. The agent then asked me if I was still looking for hotels and I said I was, asked if he could help with that as well... a day later he sent me an email saying: "I only ask because the airline informed me that the special price I gave you can only be offered if booked with a hotel , if you don't book a hotel I will have to refund your ticket as it will be invalid ". Now at no point did this agent mention anything about the price being linked to a hotel booking., and he knew I was seeking hotels but made no mention of it,, instead he was calling me all week to get this special offer. can he really cancel my ticket? I have received it, the money has left my account... Shouldn't he have been aware of the ticket conditions. .that's if he's not just trying to scare me into booking a hotel ( I don't need a hotel and its in NY so it will be very expensive.) If I booked a ticket and changed my mind I would never get a refund. What advice does anyone have for me to pursue this. .as I do not want my flight offer cancelled. Nothing in any paperwork or ticket conditions say it must be booked with a hotel. Thanks very much
  3. tthanks for the reply. I have been working there for 18 months so I just miss the 2 yr cut off for compulsory redundancy pay. am I still able to claim anything if the company is liquidated. I have heard of a govt scheme in these circumstances
  4. hi there ppl, as the topic title states, i havent received my wages since may, and no commission since march! as of the end of august i was also made redundant, based on the financial difficulties the company has been going through. I worked as a business developer selling courses for companies. the crux of the matter is not that the company fell into difficulty whereby the credit crunch affected our sales or anything, it was just down to mis management. The people who provide the funding to my former company are the learning skills council, so in essense..the govt. and they didnt go bankrupt or anything! it is just that due to the irregularities they observed, they have requested an exhaustive amount of audits and spreadsheets confirming all the learners we registered to undertake training. this is the main reason why they literraly froze any further payment to the company since March, which trickled down into a full stoppage of wages since May. Yet we worked as normal for the company under the premise that "the govt will always pay eventually". however, 5 months later this has become a major issue now. 90% of the staff have resigned and i was made redundant at the end of august. i was promised payment at the end of sept, and this hasnt happened, now were being told a NEW audit has been requested so it coudl take another month or two, you can imagine the financial strain i and my other colleagues have been under in these circumstances. to cut it short, some of the former staff want to take the management to tribunal for the wages owed. and He has in turn said that he has no money to pay, since he has received no money from the people who pay for the courses we sold. he has also said that as a result of the pending tribunal he will have no choice but to wind up the company and "technically and legally" owe nobody nothing! he says he will shut down the company and open up another one in another name and he wont owe us money since as a Ltd comapny his liability is just a pound. He claims to pay those who were patient enough to wait until all this issue with funding owed is resolved but he will not pay anyone who takes him to court. The fact that the company underwent so many audits is down to the mismanagement, even teetering on fraud, many things i know about. so my questions is even if he does close down the company, and trades under another name..is it possible to still claim this money owed and or at least push for a case of gross mismanagement barring him and his Mum and dad who are the other two directors from being directors in any new company he intedns to run. bcos they ignored so many warnings from staff as we all saw it coming but them. I will only want to wait one more month before considering legal action becuase the entire mgt have shown no real sympathy or courtesy. no one has been updated on the situation, its always us who have to call and find out what the payment situation is. so any advice on this would be much aprpeciated. thanks
  5. i havent gotten to that stage yet tbh. i am facing hardship at the moment and i want to know the steps to take to applying to the court or if there is anythign i need to do in between. my last course of action was to send the letter asking for my money back, with my shedule of charges and i got the standard reply about the OFT case from Abbey.
  6. hi, indeed, i am one of those people:rolleyes:. i sent my preliminary letter around august and got a reply in September regarding the new OFT ruling, and i assumed that big corporate money had won, and the case would go on for years and in the mean time we had lost. i am facing serious hardship as i was made redundant, and im still in search of work, i have been eating into my savings which is running low, and ive tightened my belt up to its last hole, and knowing that abbey owe me about #3,200, and i would like to pay for an IT course that would greatly improve my employment chances, as well as have some money to use is quite infuriating. so i decided to check back on here tonight, and i am pleased to know that i may still have a chance. i am doing a search through the threads as im sure the question of "whats the next step, if i am facing hardship, and received abbey's OFT stay defence until a ruling is made" has been asked many times. but if anyone can help out with links pointing to the threads i should read or with info on what i do now, i would much appreciate it. thanks
  7. hi all, thanks for this great website. from reading whats been gong on it seems to be working and the banks are getting what they deserved for their theft of our own money. i bank with abbey, they have been absolutely atroscious in chargin my account. they made me one of the "working poor" whereby all my slary did each month was reset my over draft, which would have had some charges £35 for each transaction, then it went down to £30. the final straw came when last yr i booked a holiday over the phone directly with air france who charged my card. i knew i had enough money there so there was no problem. 4 days later i received my e-ticket and flight confirmation. as part of my trip was visinting family and freinds i hadnt seen in a while i bought a lot of gifts and stuff i needed for my tropical holiday. a day before i travelled i went into an abbey branch to ask at the counter for my balance..which i was told, it appeared more than i had imagined but then i had paid in two cheques so assumed it was that. i then withdrew 90% of what was left so as to use that as my spending money, and i left 10% to cover bills and direct debits for that month. came back from holiday 4 weeks later and saw about 23 letters from abbey!!!!!! all telling me how my account was gong to be charged £30 for this and that transaction as there wasnt enough in my acccount. i coudlnt beleive it. now this is what they told me. they claim that Air france HAD NOT taken the money out of my account by the time i enquired in the bank about my balance and withdrew money. this is even though i had received my ticket and was a day b4 i left. abbey told me that for any transaction the seller has up to 6 months to request the money from my account!!! so all the shopping i did as well as the direct debits that came in, AND the money i had withdrawn was all deemed as "not enough funds" so i came home to meet about £460 in charges. i later quit my job and was chased by abbey to "bring my account up to date" they seized my cheque books and cards. and it took 5 months to get back into the black. i knew that this coulndt be right. they gave me a "goodwill gesture" and waived £60!!!!! i have since written my data request letter this morning and await their reply.
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